Chapter 2

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The party was so ear-splittingly loud it made Camila flinch as she entered the house. All the football guys were sprawled about the different rooms, drinking celebratory beers. The beat of the music vibrated through the floor and with every step she could feel the bass tickle her heart. The cheerleaders all sipped fruity drinks, and now that they were out of their uniforms it was easier to tell them apart. Lauren was talking to a group of girls from the other school and some guys on the soccer team when she spotted Camila.

"Want me to get you a drink? Luis is throwing the party, so..." Lauren's voice trailed off after the mention of Luis.

"Uh, yeah, sure." Camila wasn't exactly sure what she was supposed to be drinking, but Lauren came back with a beer, just like the rest of the football players, which made Camila grin.

Lauren glanced at her feet. "Let's be friends, okay?"

"Okay," Camila agreed reluctantly. She hadn't had hardly enough time to mull over her feelings for Lauren, which left decision making difficult.

The night passed by with the usual party mischief. People kissed, people hooked up, and people got drunk. As for Camila, she really only took part in the drinking aspect. She found herself looking over at Lauren a lot, who seemed happy enough with Luis. She had said it herself in the letter. They were the golden couple; they were born to be together.

Just as the party was winding down and Camila was getting ready to leave with everyone else, Luis approached her. "I'm sorry to put this task on you, Camila, but could you make sure Lauren gets home alright? She's a little wasted." In order to prove his point a stumbling Lauren came bounding down the stairs, right into Luis' arms. "Okay, Laure. You're going home with Camila, okay?"

Camila smiled. "It's no problem. Anything for friend." Her heart had a pang of guilt when she said friend.

Thankfully, Camila only lived a couple of minutes away from Luis'. "Where do you live, Lauren?"

"I want to go to your house," Lauren stuttered.

Camila was only a little buzzed due to the small amount of alcohol she drank, so she easily found her way to her house. It was empty - her parents were away for the weekend. At Lauren's comment she rolled her eyes but guided the drunken girl to the front door. "You have to go to sleep, okay?"

She let Lauren crash in her bed, taking a moment to appreciate how innocent her face was when it was peaceful, her eyes lightly closed and her mouth just slightly open.

"Camila?" Lauren called out just as she was about to leave her to slumber. "I'm cold."

"I'll get you some blankets," Camila assured her, about to step outside again.

"not blankets," Lauren called from her spot on the bed. "There's something else that will make me less cold."

Camila knew where this was going to go, but asked anyway, "And what's that?"

"Body heat." Lauren's words were slurred and jumbled and so not romantic in any way that Camila burst out into laughter, walking over to the bed.

"I'm not having sex with you,"she told the cheerleader.

"No, no," Lauren waved her hands aimlessly in the air. "Not sex. Just friendly, platonic cuddles."

"You're the only person I've ever met who can use the word platonic correctly while drunk," was all Camila said as she carefully climbed under the sheets. Lauren immediately moved her body closer. Even though her breathe reeked of alcohol, her hair smelled of flowers and her coal black eyelashes sat perfectly on her skin.

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