Chapter 1

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First chapter and it's long as hell. Btw Adrien wears the clothes that he was supposed to in the anime version of the show.




The second I woke up I was greeted by my auntie screaming my name. "[NAME]! WAKE UP IT'S THE FIRST DAY BACK!" She screamed. I sat up quickly feeling sweat covering my body as I gasped for air. I let a groan escape my mouth and my head swung back as I realized that I had a nightmare once again. I have nightmares like this pretty frequently so much so that I have to take pills for sleeping.


I groaned as I got up scratching the back of my head. I grabbed my phone from the charger and checked the time. 'It's way too early.' I complain mentally. Begrudgingly I got up from the comfort of my bed and went to the bathroom in my room to take a shower.

After I finished my shower and dried off I threw on some random clean clothes that looked like they'd match. Anyway once I was finished getting dressed I threw on some sneakers that were the same color as my shirt. After that, I spent like five minutes putting in all my piercings. Most of that time was just me deciding which ones I want to wear rather than putting them in. I've got nine in total three on both my ears a one on either side of my nose.

Once done I grabbed my bag and headed out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen. Upon getting to the kitchen I saw my auntie making a bowl of cereal who I'm assuming is for my cousin. "Good morning [name]." She greeted giving me a closed eye smile.

My aunties name is Naomi. She's a detective and a really good one at that. I aspire to be like her in the future either working as a detective as well or as a criminologist.

"Good morning [nickname]!" My little cousin also greeted me from the dining room where they sat waiting on their cereal. Their name is Oli. They're a six-year-old who's gender-fluid.

"Morning auntie, Oli," I say as I make a beeline for the fridge.

"Soooo" my auntie started as she gave Oli their cereal. "Are you excited to be going back today?" She asked me whilst smiling.

I smiled at my auntie. "Not in the slightest," I replied as I found the thing I was looking for. It was pudding. "It's just gonna be another year with the same 14 annoying people." I grabbed a spoon from the silverware drawer and then opened my pudding.

"But" she interjected "you get to see your friends again! I'm sure they miss you since you spent your whole break up in your room."

I rolled my eyes at her statement. "I was in my room all break because I was doing important stuff-"

"Playing video games and drawing all day isn't 'important stuff."

"-and I wouldn't consider any of them my friends... with the exception of one person." I finished ignoring my auntie who rudely interrupted me mid-sentence. "Anyway, I should be going now," I say as I throw anyway my now-empty pudding cup and put the spoon in the sink.

"Cya later auntie, Oli." I waved to the 6-year-old.

"Cya [nickname]!" Oli yelled waving back.

𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙞𝙚𝙜𝙚 (Adrien x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now