Free Day/AU

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   Selected: AU

   (Illustration by aastralghost on Instagram)

   "It's so nice to meet you," Komaeda smiles politely, extending a hand, "My name is Komaeda Nagito, the Ultimate Lucky Student."

   The brunet smiles back, taking his hand and shaking it. "Hinata Hajime, Ultimate Vampire Hunter."

   Komaeda (a vampire, if you couldn't already assume) falters. "W-What did you just say your talent was? I must have misheard. . ."

   "Oh, yeah, I know, it's a strange talent. But the Hinatas have successfully hunted down and obliterated vampires for hundreds of generations. And apparently, I was so good at it that Hope's Peak wanted to study it!" He explains, "So don't worry! If someone on this island is a vampire, I'll definitely sniff them out and kill them!"

   Komaeda's smile is shakey. "I-I feel safer already. Thank you, Hinata-kun. But, um, what if you find one here and they're nice? Would you still automatically kill them?"

   The brunet chuckles. "Don't be silly, Komaeda-kun," His eyes narrow, "There's no such thing as a good vampire."


   "Don't despair, Hinata-kun," Komaeda murmurs, patting the distraught human's back, "Even if it is the only way off the island, surely no one will kill anyone else."

   The brunet groans, burying his head in his hands. "Nooo. . .You can't say that for certain."

   "Everyone here is really nice and strong and hopeful. There's nothing to worry about. And even if there were, I would keep you safe."

    Hinata slumps against him, and Komaeda sucks in a sharp breath, getting a good whiff of his scent. He delicately wraps an arm around his shoulders and pulls him even closer.


   The maniacal laughter coming out of Komaeda's convulsing body on the other side of the trial room is enough to shatter Hinata's heart ten times over.


   "Hello, Hinata-kun," Komaeda greets him from the dining hall floor as he enters, "Did you bring me food? Oh, how k-ah. . .there's a wooden stake on that tray, Hinata-kun."

   The Ultimate Vampire Hunter's eyes narrow. "Don't play dumb. You lied by omission to everyone on this island about your true identity."

   Komaeda sniffs, dropping his friendly smile immediately. "Frankly, I'm surprised it took you this long to figure it out," He responds airily, "So what's the plan, then? Stake me through the heart while I'm all tied up and defenceless, become the blackened and go home?"

   "Don't," Hinata scoffs, "We both know you have the strength to get out of those binds any time you feel like it."

   The vampire beams. "Anything to make our classmates feel safer and more comfortable, though!"

   The brunet stops right in front of him and kneels, setting the tray on the floor. He grabs Komaeda by the collar of his shirt and heaves him into a sitting-up position. He then picks up the stake and positions it just over Komaeda's heart.

   "Now, you will answer some questions, and if I don't let your responses, this is going in your chest

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   "Now, you will answer some questions, and if I don't let your responses, this is going in your chest." He threatens.

   Komaeda merely smiles back. "Anything for Hinata-kun."

   "Why haven't you attacked anyone? You're clearly hungry and haven't gotten any blood since arriving here. Why?"

   "Hinata-kun, I wouldn't dare attack anyone! I detest non-consensual blood drinking, and no one would willingly share, especially now. Being weakened or even hurt by my fangs is simply unhopeful."

   Hinata growls under his breath. "Why didn't you tell me what you were?"

   "Simple! You would have killed me before you had a chance to get to know me! Ah, not that I'm any good, considering I was going to stage my suicide to look like a murder to start the killing game."

   "So on that first day when you asked about good vampires. . ."

   Komaeda merely shrugs.

   Hinata huffs and pulls away. "Free yourself." He orders. 

   The creature's eyes widen, but he complies, breaking the chain that connects his handcuffs and jerking his legs so that the ropes around his legs break apart. Komaeda then brushes all of the broken restraints off of his body before staring expectantly at Hinata.

   The brunet huffs again and shoves his wrist in Komaeda's face. "Now drink."

   Komaeda's eyes widen comically. "Ah. . .What?"

   Hinata's eyes narrow. "You heard me. I'm not going to let anyone else on this island die, which means you can't be going feral and killing people."

   "So you're not going to kill me?"

   "Do you want me to change my mind? Hurry up and eat."

   Shaking hands, take Hinata's arm in his hands, lifting it to his mouth. Hinata makes a weird noise and looks away, embarrassed.

   Komaeda parts his lips and sinks his teeth into the human's wrist without any further hesitation, letting the delectable taste run over his tongue, filling all his senses.

   God, Hinata is delicious.

   He scoots closer to the vampire hunter, unintentionally bitting down a little harder, making Hinata hiss through his teeth.

   The human risks a glance back at the content-looking vampire, who's practically sparkling with delight.

   "Don't make it gross." He mumbles.

   With a blissful sigh, Komaeda pulls back, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. He then leans forward and swipes his tongue across the bite marks, making them rapidly stop bleeding and heal."Thank you so much, Hinata-kun," He breathes, "I really needed that. You are so kind and considerate and-"

   "Alright, alright, that's enough," The brunet sighs, "Now stand up."

   Komaeda springs to his feet.

   "Now help me up."

   He does, smiling at Hinata expectantly. "Now what?"

   "Now, you are going to go sincerely apologize and make amends to everyone else, promise never to do it again, and tell them you aren't human. And until we find a way off of this island, you will constantly be under my supervision." The brunet instructs.

   Komaeda blinks. "Is that all?"

   "For now."

   "Seems reasonable. Let's go then."


   Komaeda stands patiently by the window, waiting for Hinata to finish getting ready for bed.

   Hinata shoots him a look. "You know, you can get in bed and go to sleep any time."

   "No thanks!" Komaeda chirps back, "I don't need sleep anyway! I was just going to read this novel until morning, so enjoy your rest!"

   Hinata shrugs and sighs, climbing into bed. "Suit yourself. Remember if I find you left during the night, I'll kill you. Goodnight, Komaeda."

   "Goodnight, Hinata-kun."

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