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Merlin greeted the newly crowned king with fake enthusiasm as he tore the thick curtains open, letting in sunlight as he yelled good morning in an overly cheery voice, satisfaction ran through his veins at the groan and muffled insults that wore thrown his way.

"Come on you lazy sack of rolls, you've got places to be, faces to see and not much daylight to do it in" merlin stated gripping the end of the thick winter blanket grinning as he pulled it towards him, allowing the cool morning air to nip at the king's half naked body.

"I hate you" was the response Merlin received, which was the same response he got every morning. Laughing merlin rattled off what Arthur's plans were for the day as he organised the king's clothes and breakfast.

When Arthur finally sat down for breakfast, he sighed glancing at his manservant who was making his bed before looking at the plate that was overflowing with food. "Merlin come, have breakfast with me" Arthur offered his close friend, rolling his eyes at the witty response in return. The two discussed topics ranging from upcoming royal visits and politics to the weather.

"Arthur!" Merlin called out as they parted ways, to do what needed to be done. "Thank you" merlin said genuinely flashing the king a smile before going on his way. Arthur smiled as he continued his way to training with the squires and his knights.


It didn't feel right. Arthur didn't know what it was but something was wrong, he glanced down the large wooden table at the faces of his fathers advisors that seemed to have now become his as well. They talked about the usual topics and problems that seemed to only be solved by the same dated solutions.

He felt as if his father was still ruling, just like before any suggestion that Arthur made was cut down, the only two people who seemed to agree with him was the man on his right, Sir Leon, a man who has been by his side for all he can remember, he grew up with the knight who was basically a older brother to him.

The other man was merlin, who mumbled in agreement when he refilled the prince's goblet at the table or when they were alone in the king's chambers, When Arthur would rant about how his ideas were better to which Merlin would agree and they would discuss it for hours into the night.

When training commenced with the knights the next morning, Arthur had an idea to make ruling his kingdom his way instead of continuing the way his fathers ruled. This idea actually came about from Merlin who suggested choosing his own advisors and to rule with people that he wants beside instead of the people who were left from Uther.

As the knights fell into easy conversation as they did their warming up exercises, Arthur managed to drop a few topics that he wanted the knights opinion on which they gave and had similar views on those topics which cemented his plans for the near future.

Arthur smiled at the large round table before him, a few maids wiping it down and setting it up for future meetings. As much as he valued the opinions of his fathers advisory committee he needed a change of opinions.

He knew what type of king he wanted to be and he knew the people who he wanted to be by his side making decisions, which were the same people who fought beside him. His knights.

The last meeting on his fathers table he broke the news to the group of older men who weren't impressed, telling him all of what could go wrong with this huge change, but Arthur didn't care, this was his kingdom and he will run it the way he damn well pleases.

Arthur confided in merlin if he was doing the right thing later that night, doubts and worries creeping into his mind. "Do you trust them?" Merlin asked, the list of people who will be joining Arthur was kept secret, the only man knowing was the king him self.

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