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The next day
Lunas POV
I wake up to Chris bringing me in some breakfast
"Oh shit did I wake you up sorry." He says I smile "it's o-ok" I tell him "well I brought you some breakfast if you want it" I nod and smile "thank y-you" he lays it on my lap and sits in a chair next to me eating some breakfast too.

Once I'm finished the doctor comes in "good morning Luna is it ok if we can try walking to see how  much you're legs healed yet?" I nod. She puts her hands out and I hold them I get up and I walk really well. I'm pretty used to having to walk with my legs and body weak. I also noticed how Chris was smiling big when I started to walk good. He seemed proud. No one ever told me they were proud of me before.

"Wow great job!,if you want you would be able to leave today?" She tells me I nod smiling "y-yes thank you" "ok well you can bring you're clothes to the bathroom and get changed and then leave whenever" I nod then get changed.

These were the only clothes I had so I put them on

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These were the only clothes I had so I put them on. Matt comes and picks us up.Chris follows me to the car and opens the back door for me "t-thanks" I say stuttering which is normal for me.

"Hey Luna is it ok if you go to our house for a bit?" He asks me "yea t-that's ok" he nods. We then arrive at there house it was nice. I walk in to see there mom Mary Lou"hi sweetie how ya feeling" "b-better" I say slightly smiling and she gives me a small hug.she made me feel comfortable right away.

Then Matt and Chris then come in and there brother Nick comes down stairs "hi,wanna hangout in my room?" He asks me "sure" I say with a smile and then we go up. I slowly go up the stairs because the doctors told me to take it easy, Nick went the same speed as me so I didn't feel as slow.

"Also to warn you I am in fact gay just incase I seemed a little fruity" he says laughing "oh ok thanks for telling me" I smile and laughter too "so what do you like to do for fun?" He asks me "read,guitar,skateboard" I list "Omg you're so cool" he says as I laugh. Then we watched outer banks.

After two hours. "I think it's time for me to head back now" I say smiling. "Are you sure?" He asks and I nod "well see you around" he says with a smile and I leave.

Nicks POV
I went downstairs and yelled out "meeting" and Chris and Matt came to my room.whenever someone says meeting that means that us triplets go to my room and discuss something.

"What do you guys think of Luna?" I ask "she's really nice" Chris says "she seems very shy tho" Matt says and we agree "I wonder what happened to her and why she was so hurt" Chris says concerned "well if she ever wanted to tell us she would" and he nods.

"Oh shit!" I say loudly "what?" Chris asks "I forgot to give her my number" "you fucking dumbass" Chris says back "I wonder if we would see her again" Matt says.

1 month later.
Chris's POV
I was going to a bus stop to go to a car shop to get parts for the mini van because it was breaking down and I was by myself because Matt and Nick didn't wanna go. All I have been thinking of is Luna for the whole month,how is she,what happened to her and her pretty face.

I get there and I can't believe my eyes. It's's Luna. She was asleep at the bus stop lying down on the seat and I seen these guys whispering and looking at her.I need to get her out of here.

Her bruises have all healed. She looked nice this way. I lightly tap her cheek "hey Luna" I say softly to not scare her. She slowly opens her eyes "c-Chris?" She says sitting up then remembering we're she is. "Why are you sleeping out here it's dangerous." I say looking into her eyes but she looks away not saying anything.

Then I remember what Nick said. "Come on" I say tugging her arm to bring her on the bus "w-what?"
"Help me get car parts?" I ask "ok" she says with a smile then we sit next to each other on the bus.

She fiddles with the rings on her fingers and I notice. I then notice that her clothes are dirty and they were the same clothes she wore last time we saw her.Wait. I'm so stupid for just realizing that,she's homeless.

"Hey Luna?" I ask calmly she looks up at me and i take in her eyes. "You don't need to answer but Um are you homeless?" I ask and I notice her hands start to get shaky and I rub her hands trying to calm her.

"Hey it's ok you don't have to say." I say looking at her. "I-I am." She says then looks down to her feet. I could tell that she felt embarrassed but she shouldn't feel that way,that doesn't anything with our friendship.

"Hey it's ok! Wanna sleepover at our place tonight ?" "B-but your parents w-what if they get mad?" She says bouncing her leg back and forth "they won't trust me they would understand" she smiles "thank you" "of course"

We go to the store I get the car parts then I notice an ice cream shop next to us "wanna get ice cream?" Her eyes widened and she had a big smile "yea! I-I never tried I-it before" she said exited. Why haven't she tried it.

I smile as I watch her excitedly jumping up and down. So we go in "c-could you o-order for me?" She asks and I smile "yea of course what would you like" she asks for strawberry so I get strawberry and vanilla for us.

We get back on the bus and eat our ice cream she really liked it. She didn't talk a lot but I could tell she liked it.

We finally get back to my house Nick and Matt were on the couch and they look over to see Luna "Luna!" Nick says excitedly and hugs here and she smiles widely. "How did you- Nick was about to ask "I just seen here on the way to the store" I say coming up with an excuse not to tell her secret.

"She's gonna stay here tonight" I say smiling "YAYY" nick said exited and Matt smiling "let's all hangout in my room" Nick said l,so that's what we did. "Oh there's something you should probably know about us" Chris said Luna gets intrigued "w-what is it?" "We make YouTube videos" nick said "t-that's so c-cool!" She said smiling "h-how many s-subscribers do you have?" She asked

"A million something"Matt said she looked shocked "t-that's awesome!" She said and we smiled.

After hanging out for a bit Luna and me hangout in my room she lays down on my bed as I play some video games for a bit I look back to see her asleep. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She looked so peaceful.

I put some blankets over her and let her sleep I know she needed it from not sleeping in a bed for a while I'm guessing.I feel so bad for her. What happened to her?

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