The Past Undone

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Sirius quickly got to his friend and holds him tightly as Lupin's eyes take on a animal appearance, his teeth sharpen like daggers, his nails becoming black and long. "Remus you are a man! Keep your mind!" Sirius begs his friend desperately. All the children back away from him and they heard gleeful laughter. They looked and saw Wormtail give them a smug wave before he began transforming back into a rodent.

"Oh no you don't!" Mirabel took out her wand and yelled. "Stupefy!" Wormtail screams as he was sent flying several feet away and when he landed they could all see him stilling. With that taken care of they turned back to watch in horror as Lupin's body began contorting and hair fell. Sirius was pushed off as the transformation took hold.

"Mirabel! The cure you have the cure right?" Hermione asks her friend desperately shaking her. Mirabel nodded her head and quickly reached into her bag pulling out the container that held the cure she made. As she tries opening it though Lupin howls loud and for everyone in Hogwarts to hear. Instead of the kind protective teacher they had come to known, they know saw a monster. It's limbs were long with patches of black hair, it was so skinny you could see bones, it's claws razor sharp, it's muzzle was filled with teeth like knives. It howls to the moon before looking at them in a almost puppy dog like way. Taking a gulp Mirabel steps forward.

"Sir? I have a cure if you just," she began holding up the jar. Suddenly the werewolf breaks out of it's frozen state and growls at her moving forward to bite her. She screams and falls back onto the ground as her friends pulled her up as they all back away from the approaching monster.

Suddenly Snape came out of the passage in the tree and doesn't notice the monster behind him as he goes over to them with a scowl. "There you are Potter, wait until I," Werewolf Lupin growls and barks. When Snape turns he goes from scowling to protective as he puts himself in front of the four. He fumbles for his wand, but Werewolf Lupin swipes the air and the all scream in horror as they fall back trying to avoid being touched by the werewolf.

As the threat looms over them from the bushes a large black shadow jumps out and tackled Werewolf Lupin. They all saw it was a black dog and Mirabel joyfully exclaims. "Sirius!" Snape looks at her than back at the dog in shock. "That's Black?" He asks. "Yeah he's a animagus, keep up," Ron said with a eye roll.

The two dogs began fighting each other. Werewolf Lupin had the upper hand most of the fight as Sirius mostly played offence trying to just distract Werewolf Lupin from hurting the five defenceless people. Though at one point in the fight Werewolf Lupin picked Sirius up and threw him ahead and the dog lets out a whine of pain. "He's about to be killed!" Harry exclaims. "Good riddance," Snape said. Harry runs, but Hermione pulled him back. "Harry no! None of us could go toe to toe with a werewolf!" Hermione said. "But my cure I can," Mirabel looks around and suddenly realizes to her horror. "My cure! I had it right here it's gone!" She exclaims and all three of her friends look to the ground as well while Snape growls at her. "This is no time for your games Ms Madrigal," he snaps.

"But I did it! I had it right here and," Mirabel began when they all hear another loud whimper of pain in the distance.

Harry saw Sirius was in danger and against his better judgment he ran to help him. He had a brief stand off with Werewolf Lupin, but then someone started howling and the wolf went after them. He goes after the direction Sirius stumbled. From the corner of his eye though he saw a dress with a butterflies go the direction Lupin went. That was his last clear memory.


Harry awakens to a scream. He sat up in the bed and looks around seeing he was in the hospital wing. That scream, who was screaming? He feels hands on himself and he turns seeing Madam Pomfry. "That scream! Who screamed? You heard it right?" He asks her. It couldn't have been in his head could it? It did not sound anything like his mother this time, it sounded younger.

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