Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Ty saw the message on his phone when he finished his shift at 10pm saying he had Voicemail. He opened it up and started listening,  Amy was crying as she spoke and he felt really quilty about what he'd done but had Caleb got the story Soraya told him wrong , (it's always Caleb he thought) the way she told him that if he really loved her he wouldn't be treating her this way and wanting to think about marrying her, then she dropped the bomb telling him she was going to be the Adult and broke off their engagement.
Ty just sat on the bed realising what he'd done, he couldn't imagine not being with Amy , but why was he listening to Caleb again, he loved her, he shouldn't have listened to other people and that's when it hit him, he couldn't live without her. He wanted to marry her.
It was to late to phone so decided to call her first thing in the morning.
He did however phone Lou hoping she was awake.

In the Morning Lou checked in on Amy as she still wasn't up and complained about her head, then went in the Kitchen to get her two of her tablets.
"Is Amy still feeling bad Lou".
"Yeah she's still got this headache and she's feeling really down, I'll explain in a minute".
Lou took Amy her tablet's and checked her temperature which was normal, Amy asked Lou if she'd feed Remi and let him out.

"So what's going on on Lou".
"Well I had a call last night from Ty, he was going to try Amy but thought it to late so hoped I'd still be awake".
Lou then told Jack about Amy's Voicemail message to Ty and how she'd called off the Engagement.
"No wonder she's feeling down".
"Well that's the thing Grampa,  Ty does want to marry her, apparently Amy was talking to Soraya about 3 weeks ago about her and Ty and because things had changed she didn't want to hold him to the promise of getting married,  she didn't feel like she wanted him to think that he had to marry her as there life would be completely different so wasn't sure if she should give him the option to back out and eventually find someone else, then Soraya got talking to Caleb and expressed her concern that Amy was over thinking things".
"Why am I not surprised that Caleb would have something to do with this".
"Well Caleb spoke to Ty and gave him a completely different story saying it came from Soraya that Amy didn't want to marry him anymore and he should move on with his life".

"So that explains why Ty's been absent".
"Yeah, so I spoke to him and he's going to phone Soraya first then phone Amy, I've switched her phone back on for when he phones".
"Good, now what about these headaches Amy's getting, should we be worried".
"I'm not sure maybe you could phone the Neurologist and ask him, she hasn't eaten anything for two days because she's feeling sick with them, Remi won't leave her alone so maybe it's more than just a simple headache and she needs to go to the Hospital ".
While Jack was talking to the Neurologist Amy got a call from Ty.
They had a really good chat and he explained what happened,  by the end of the phone call Amy had her Engagement ring back on her finger and felt much better about her future with Ty, except for her head.
Lou went to see her and she could see that she was wearing her Ring again but noticed she'd started slurring her words.
"Grampa we need to get Amy to hospital she's slurring her words which isn't right".
Lou tried to get Amy up but she kept going down and Jack couldn't carry her, he was about to call an Ambulance when he saw Peter pull up.
"Peter , we need need your help, I was about to call an Ambulance for Amy because I can't carry her".
Peter quickly ran in and picked her up telling Lou to open his back door, Lou got in and Peter passed Amy over so she was laying down across the back seat with her head on Lou's lap. Jack followed in his Truck, Lou phoned ahead to say they were on there way.

When they pulled up outside the hospital entrance two nurses were waiting with a porter and trolley.
They helped to get Amy out and Peter picked her up putting her on the trolley, Amy had been sick twice on the journey and Lou threw the bag in the bin by the entrace then gave Amy a new one.
As they walked in they saw Mr Issacs the Neurologist waiting.
"Take a seat while I see what's going on.

To be continued

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