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(this is so short, riki_indeocean dont woop my ass please about short this is🥲)

'Hey cutie, i was just wondering if you wanna see how big my tree is? ofc the one i have in the house;)'

Taehyun looked at the message in disbelief 'wtf?' Taehyun thought as he looked around to see nobody but beomkai feeding each other apple slice.

'ew.' Taehyun thought as he stood up and left the picnic since he really didn't want to become a third wheel, his phone dinged once again and he looked at it to see that it was from the same sender.

Random mumber:
Hey why you ignore me cutie?

                                                         ofc i would ignore you, your being
creepy and weird.

Random Number:
Am i really?:(

Yes now leave me alone
before i block you weirdo.

Random Number:
Ouch dont you care
about your future

Yes now fuck off.

This number has blocked you, you now can't send a message to the participant.

'Ouch' Soobin thought as he looked at the screen, "Hmp whatever i will make that little squirrel mine no matter what" Soobin looked at the bench infront of the apartment where he could see Taehyun sitting.



Now wtf did i just make.


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