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"Hehe your really cute for 17 year old" Soobin said as he squished his soft red cheeks "Haha your turning into your hair color!" Soobin giggled at Taehyun's blushing as the red hair was completely frozen in place.

"H-hyung-" the red hair was cut off when the purple haired male said "Soobin call me Soobin".

"Soobin hyung i dont think you should do this in public" the red head as Soobin was already hugging the small male in his arms.

"Ohh why not? your really cozy you know" Soobin complimented the red head while he blushed like a the shade of his hair, without their knowledge someone was recording the whole thing.

And that was beomkai, Huening was trying his best to record the whole thing as Beomgyu was shaking his shoulders "Babe can you please- stop?" Huening kai begged the older one to stop.

"Oh right right, sorry" Beomgyu stopped and his phone dinged, he looked down to see a message from Yeonjun.

Hey where are you?

Shush! me and ningning
are recording hyun and
soob talking.

Ehh?? damn send me
the video later.

Yes yes now shut up.

Is there any day where
you all respect me?🥲



Poor yeonjun

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