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Chapter 2RUKIS POV I was sitting in my house alone now that the concert was over. It has been a day since the concert and I was so bored. I grabbed my phone and group texted the gang. To Aoi, Uruha, Kai, and Reita: Hey its Ruki I'm bored as fuck so wanna come over? Reita replied first: Hmm I guess I can come over...will there be wine and beer? Uruha joined in: Winnnee!!! I laughed before replying: Yes there will be wine but Uruha dont fuck with Aoi in my house okay? Reita: Yaaayy! Uruha pouted: Fine. Aoi also joined: But Ruki Uruha gets horny when hes drunk. Me (Ruki): So do I but that doesnt mean I'd fuck in your house. Reita: Ooo a horny Ruki I wanna see. Kai blushed when he responded to our conversation: Um Reita keep it PG. Reita: Nooo. Me (Ruki): Yes Reita I agree with Kai. Reita: Okay fine. Kai: Well I cant come over...I have work. Me: Really? whos gonna protect me from Reitas raging hormones? Reita: Hey!! Kai: I'm sorry hon. Me: Okay whatever so yall are coming? Uruha: Yaass! Aoi: Sure. Reita: Duh! Me: Okay see yah then. I sighed and put my phone down "Damn it...I wonder whats gonna happen." An hour later and there was a knock at my door, I had all the food and wine out. When I anwsered the door Reita stood there with a smile "Hey hope I'm not too early." I smiled back "No your just on time, come in." I pulled the door open before closing it again and my little dog, Koron, ran out barking. I giggled and picked him up "Koron where were you hiding?" Reita chuckled and pet Korons head "I think he likes me." I nodded "I guess so." I put him back down and he clawed at Reitas pant legs. He smiled and picked him up "Hey Koron." He licked Reitas cheek and he chuckled. I giggled and went into the kitchen to make sure everything was ready "Rei chan do you want wine?" He walked into the kitchen with Koron still in his arms "Sure." I hummed and poured him a glass "Hey Rei chan wheres Aoi and Uruha?" He shrugged "I dont know but at least I'm here." I pouted and mumbled to myself "Thats the problem." He glared at me "Am I that uncomfortable to be around?" I looked away "Kinda." He sighed "Why?" I shrugged "I dont know." He bit his lip "Is it cause I love you?" I blushed and thought about it "I guess." He walked towards me and sighed as he slid a finger through my hair "Okay I promise not to touch you while were alone." I blushed and tried not to smile "Okay." His mouth quirked "Are you smiling?" I touched my lips and realized I was "No." He chuckled and ruffled my hair "Okay." He sighed and grabbed his wine glass as he went to the living room. I blushed again and chewed on the inside of my cheek "Stupid." Another knock at the door came around and I went to open it. It was the pizza man "Oh thanks." I took the Pizza and set it in the kitchen before I got the money. After I gave it to him he just stood there and I made an awkward sound "Um arnt you going to leave?" He looked around "Is there anyone in there with you?" I nodded "Yeah." He smirked "You should come with me." I shook my head "No." He grabbed my wrist and I screamed "Let me go you shit head!" Reita came into the foyer and pulled me into his chest "Hey he's my boyfriend and he told you to leave him alone now leave." I blushed and wanted to die but he still stood there. Reita growled and pulled me closer. I bit my lip and held onto his shirt 'god he smells so good.' The guy finally left and Reita closed the door as I was still having little fantasys with his smell. He raised an eyebrow "Ruki?" I hummed "What?" He pouted "You can let go of me now." I noticed I was still holding his shirt and let go "Oh sorry." He smirked "Ruki..." I blushed "What?" He stared at me and I looked away. He grabbed my chin and made me looked at him "Ruki I love you...and I really wanted you to like me back so I need to know...I need some kind of sign. Can you be honest and tell me we arnt supposed to be together?" I bit my lip and felt my heart break. I already felt tears falling and looked at Reita like I had to remember him. He looked concerned and I shook my head "Reita I cant...not now." He was confused "I dont understand." I rubbed my eyes and sniffled "If I tell you a secret will you back off a little?" He nodded "Of course I just need to know that your okay." I sighed and pulled him over to the couch. I sat next to him and bit my lip "Please dont tell anyone though...it's really confusing right now." He rubbed my shoulders and I shuttered "Okay." I shyly looked at Reita "Okay well dont interupt me...y-you know how you keep asking me if I'm gay and I say no and have a fit?" He nodded "Yeah." My eyebrows furrowed "Well I-I think I'm gay." He was silent for a while "Why?" I blushed and looked away "I dont wanna say." He wined "Please, even if its bad I can handle it." I blushed harder and yelled "It's because I have a crush on you stupid!" He processed it and smiled with a blush "Really?" I pouted "I'm not repeating myself and no I'm not ready to come out or date you." He giggled "No just knowing is enough for me." I sighed and he caressed my cheek "But when you figure things out I'll be waiting for you." I smiled and blushed "Okay." I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him "Thanks Rei chan." He hugged back and rubbed my back "Your welcome." Then there was a knock at the door and I climbed off the couch to get it. I opened it and smiled when I saw it was Uruha and Aoi. They smiled and I opened the door wider "Okay Uruha only 2 cups of wine for you." He wined "But I want the whole bottle." I sighed "Be good and do what I say and I might give it to you." He cheered and got his first glass of wine. Aoi patted my back "You look pretty good." I raised an eyebrow "How?" He shrugged "Your more vibrant I guess." I smiled "Yeah I know." Reita came to say his greetings and he smiled at me. I bit my lip and blushed. I guess it was weird knowing he knows I like him. We walked into the living room where Uruha was sipping on his wine. I giggled and brought the wine bottle along with 2 glasses. I poured more into Reitas glass before I gave some to Aoi and myself "Thanks." Uruha got up and sat in Aois lap. I looked at them before catching a glance at Reita and back at my cup. He noticed and looked to see if they were watching so he could secretly slip his hand into mine. I blushed and let him hold it as I shuttered "Um Aoi wanna pick out a movie?" He shrugged "Sure." He got up and put a movie into the tv. I looked at Reita and leaned my head against his shoulder with a smile on my face. He pet my hair with his other hand and pulled my legs onto his thighs. I climbed into his lap with a pout and bit my lip. Aoi looked at us and raised his eyebrow but ignored us. He went back to the couch and pulled Uruha into his lap again. I sighed and made myself comfortable in Reitas lap. "You know this doesnt change anything right," I whispered into his ear. Reita nodded "I know...just let me hold you a little longer." I smiled and grabbed his shirt "Okay." He rubbed my waist as we watched the movie. After the movie I got up and streched "Okay I'll get another bottle of wine." Uruha perked up "Yaaayy!" I giggled and came back with it. Aoi was thinking about when to approch the subject of Reita and I "Hey Uru ducky you should go use the bathroom...didnt you say you needed to go?" Uruha thought "Yeaah." I raised an eyebrow and Aoi sighed "Okay now that were alone Ruki, Reita what the fuck is goin on?" I poured myself more wine and chugged some down "What do you mean?" Reita bit his lip and Aoi glared at me "Ruki I've known you longer than anyone and I know when your hiding something or fidgety about something." I pouted "Damn you and your sixth sense." Reita sat there awkwardly and let me do the talking. I sat down next to Reita and sighed "You know that if I tell you there wont even be any point of keeping it a secret." Aoi gasped "Your dating!?" I blushed "No...its not like that...I think I'm gay thats all and I have a crush on this moron but that doesnt mean were together." Aoi hummed "Oh okay then." I sighed and crossed my arms "so what about you and Uruha?" Reita nodded "Yeah lets hear it." Aoi smirked and bit his lip "We finally had sex this week." I blushed and felt Reitas eyes on me "Oh...wow." Reita nodded "So how was he?" I glared at him and smacked the back of his head playfully "Rei chan you dont ask people if there sex was good." Aoi chuckled "Well it could give you experience...I mean you dont know how to do it do you?" I blushed "What I'm not telling you that!" Reita smirked and leaned closer to me "But Ruki you gotta know how to lubricate my cock when we do it." I gasped and jumped up "Uruha are you done in the bathroom!" I opened the door and found him sleeping in the tub. I grumbled and walked back into the living room "Aoi your boyfriends knocked out in my bathtub." He chuckled and went to go check on him. I gulpped the rest of my wine and sat down "Your...ridiculous you know." Reita smirked "I know." I was feeling a little drunk and I poked his chest "Your really hot though." He raised an eyebrow "Really now?" I giggled and bit my lip "Rei chan....k-kiss me." Reita sighed "Ruki your drunk." I shook my head and wined "N-no....I'm not" He made me lay down "Ruki I'll go get something to sober you up." I started crying "Reita...I'm so stupid." He came back and held me in his lap "Shhhh." Aoi came in after getting Uruha into a bed "Reita whats wrong with him?" Reita shrugged "He's really drunk right now." Aoi awwed "Oh its because hes a horny depressed drunk." Reita hummed and rubbed my back some more as I began to fall asleep. I calmed down and sighed mumbling to myself "Rei chan...I love hmm." Reita smiled as he pet my hair and layed me on the couch so he could wrap me with a blanket. Aoi sat next to him and sighed "You really like him dont you?" Reita nodded "Yeah...hes my everything." Aoi smiled "I can tell." Reita sighed "Okay so now that the uke's are asleep what are we gonna do?" Aoi shrugged "Watch another movie?" Reita smirked "Sure." ~LATER~ I woke up with a headache and sat up "What happened..." I looked over and found myself in Reitas arms. I blushed and pulled away standing up. He stirred a bit and I froze mumbling to myself "What the fuck happened last night?" Reita opened his eyes and rubbed them as I made my way into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water, my mouth was so dry. I walked around the house with my water and found Uruha back in the tub again but with Aoi this time. I groaned and turned around to see Reita tall as ever. I groaned and looked up at him through squinted eyes "What?!" He stared at me "Bad hangover?" I mumbled a few curse words "Why do you say that?" He shrugged "You just really wanted to have sex with me though...you then ended up crying in my arms before falling asleep." I made a face of disgust "Me...have sex with you?" He raised an eyebrow "Why is that bad?" I sighed "I told you nothing is happening between us." Reita pouted and crossed his arms "I know stop rubbing it in my face." I growled "I'm not rubbing it in your face." He frowned and looked sad "Yes you are Ruki...stop making me feel like shit." I widened my eyes "How?" He grabbed my arms "Ruki I fuckin love you...you dont seem to get how much I care for you." I looked down "But...Reita...how can you be so confident? How do you know I'm the one? I'm so scared about being in a relationship and you just do it like its natural." He sighed "Your only scared because you think that being in a relatioship with a guy is wrong and that it shouldnt be..but love is love and it doesnt matter what sex you are." I bit my lip "Why do you think I feel that way?" He smiled "Because I was exactly were you are three years ago." I thought about it and sighed "Okay." He rubbed my arms "Are you okay now." I nodded and wrapped my arms around his waist so I could hug him "I want to be able to do this without feeling weird." He rested his head on my head and hummed "Then accept who you are." I shook my head and smelled his scent "Not yet, I'm not ready yet." He rubbed my back "I know, I know...when your ready dont rush it." I let go of him and giggled with a blush "How can you be so cool and sexy at the same time?" He shrugged "It's one of my many talents." I chuckled and grabbed his wrist "Okay lets go clean up...we dont know when Aoi and Uruha will wake up." He smirked "True." I sighed and let go of his wrist when I sat on the couch and he chuckled "So this is your definition of cleaning up?" I smiled and streched "Yerp." He sat next to me and played with my hair "I really wanna kiss you." I blushed and bit my lip with a soft sigh "I-I think I want to, too...but I still dont want to because I might hurt you." He sighed and layed behind me "Then let me hold you." I turned around to face him and buried my face in his neck "Fine but dont get too comfortable." He smiled and pet my hair "Okay." I hummed "I must be tourturing you?" He pouted "Yeah I guess." I sighed "I'm sorry...I'm scared I'm gonna hurt you." He nodded "Your not gonna hurt me?" I bit my lip "How do you know?" He smirked and rubbed my back "Ruki you like me right?" I blushed and nodded looking up at him "Yeah." He looked down at me "And how much do you like me?" I blushed harder and looked away "Um...I dont know...I just know I really like you." He chuckled "See now we just have to wait until you get your thoughts together." I nodded and moved closer into his chest "Okay I can do that."


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