Four - Nadia

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Chapter Four


   From the look on Angelo's face when the team returned, it had been one hell of a day.

  "Sei bravo?" You good? He asked Nadia directly, watching Giovani and Piero carry Luca through the building to his room to rest.

  "Si, sono buono." yes, i'm good. She nodded in confirmation, watching the others down the hallway before turning back to face Angelo. "Dove posso trovare lui?" Where can I find him?

  "Lui è sotto la doccia." He is in the shower. Angelo wasted no time telling her sensing the edge of desperation she didn't bother to hold back in her voice.

  "é lui..." is he... The question died on her lips, her throat suddenly very dry. Nadia swallowed, eyes trained on Angelo's face as she waited for the verbal confirmation Lorenzo was fine.

  "Bene, Signorina Regazza." Good, Miss Regazza. He nodded, eyes softening at the edges.

  There was nothing else to be said, they would need to discuss things fully later on, but there was nothing more either of them could say to one another. Nadia didn't know the man well enough for anything more than simple interaction. Yet she could see the panic in his eyes, the worry. He had lost his brother, Nadia remembered, and still, he stood there looking out for the person who likely signed his death sentence.

  "Mi dispiace, Angelo," I'm sorry, Angelo. she told him, softly. "Your brother..." she explained when his brows drew together in confusion. "I didn't have long to get to know him, but... I'm sorry for your loss." It didn't seem like enough, like the right thing to say. Nadia wasn't normally the one to have to console people about death.

  Angelo rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand. "He was a pain in my ass," he rumbled, the pain in his voice numbed, "but I loved him. It's hard to process."

  Nadia said nothing but nodded solemnly, unsure of what to do. It seemed to be enough, Angelo gave her a single nod back and made his excuse, following the others to check on Luca.

  Too much pain, too much death. And still, Nadia knew it was far from over.

  They would have answers. Soon, they would have answers.

  Lorenzo hadn't spotted her when she arrived, sneaking into his en suite bathroom as he cleaned up. His curls were damp and slicked back from his face, towel wrapped around his waist, water droplets running down his delicious muscles in a way that shouldn't have had Nadia quite as turned on as she was. Nadia's mouth ran dry at the sight of him. The dimples in his back, the muscles in his shoulders shifting as he shaved. So domestic, so simple and delicate. Those killer's hands, nimble and gentle and sweet when they wanted to be.

  "Are you going to watch all afternoon, darling, or join me?" His deep voice rumbled sending shivers right to the base of her spine, eyes meeting hers in the reflection of the mirror without pausing his actions. Still, she saw how he relaxed at the sight of her, the shoulders that were moments ago stiff, carrying the weight of the world, easing down.

  "Can't a girl admire the view?" Cooed Nadia, that sultry smirk curling up her lips. Just for him. Even knowing that he saw through her attempts to draw his attention away from the dried blood on her clothes, to keep his eyes from looking too closely at the fresh bruises and cuts on her skin, she knew she had him wrapped around her little finger.

  It was then her traitorous eyes dipped, finding the gash on his side. His fresh scar, red, angry-looking, two new stitches at the top, the dressing half-peeled back in an attempt to clean it. Her jaw flexed in irritation, knowing he couldn't just leave the work to others, he had to do it himself and potentially risk his own life.

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