We're home?

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Megan's POV:

I woke up in a small hut that was dimly lit. But the onlt thoughts that were racing through my head was about Kat. Is she ok?? Did Andy take her back here?? Then i hear a light knock at the door.

Ashley: Hey are you ok there??

Megan: ...............

Ashley: Can you speak??

Megan: I...I'm fine

Ashley: thats good. did you hear anything from Andy at all about your friend??

Megan: No i havent heard anything, is she ok?? 

Ashley: She took a very hard hit. Shes been out for at least a week. We dont know if she will wake up. 

Megan: Oh god

Ashley: Its ok, the weird thing is Andy isnt leaving her. its like he's in love or something. Its very not him. hahaha

Megan: wow, cool

Ashley: hahaha I will give you more updates on her in a bit. feel free to explore your new home for a bit. 

New Home?? wow this is big.

Megan: ok thanks.

I got up and followed Ashley outside the camp. It was very dark. But i could now manage now that i knew i was safe.

Katherine's POV:

It was cold and dark. I couldnt open my eyes, until i heard a voice of an angel. 

Andy: Wake up kat, Im here for you.

Kat: A....An......Andy

Andy: Yeah its me, Im right here

Thats when i opened my eyes and i matched my smile to his. He looked so happy to see me. He didn't even know me at all. 

Andy: Guys!! She's awake!!

Then after that i saw the rest come leaping towards my hut with joy.

Ashley: Hey there sunshine, it took you long enough to wake up. haha

Jinxx: Welcome home Kat.

CC: Shes very lucky.

Jake: Well hello there Kat. haha you have a good slumber?

Kat: I guess.

All: hahahahahaha

Kat: How long have i been like this??

Andy: For at least a week Kat. You scared the shit outta me. i thought you were dead. You didn't move an inch when that guard knocked you down.

Kat: It was hard. haha

Andy: I bet. Ok guys lets give her privacy so she can get out of that gown that lourdes put on her. 

I looked down and i was in a hospital gown. It mustive been bad. I got up and got dressed back into my short ripped black shorts, black tanktop and my black boots. Then i brushed my long black hair and put it in a ponytail. Then i walked out of the hut to explore the rest of the camp.

Andy: Damn she has some really sexy long legs.

Ashley: her ass is nice too.

Andy: Hey, Lay off you already have a girl. 

Ashley: just a compliment.

Andy: where is jess anyway?

Ashley: lets just say shes pretty sore from last night. ;)

Andy: ok i'm leaving.

Ashley: hahahaha

I was walking around and all i could notice that Andy was always staring at me. He kept on biting his lip and looking at me. all i did was smile. then all of a sudden i bumped into a girl.

Kat: Oh god i'm so sorry.

Lourdes: its ok. So your Kat right? 

Kat: yep.

Lourdes: Wow my brother was right. you are a pretty woman.

Kat: Who is your brother??

Lourdes: Andy of course. Can't you see the resemlance? hahah Jk

Kat: :)

Lourdes: well i have to get back to work. See you around. 

Kat: ok bye

Wow Thats Andys sister......oh boy. And he called me pretty. hmmmmm

Andy: well well well looks like my sister likes you. thats a first. haha usually she hates every girl that i like.

Kat: You like me?

Andy: yeah. I mean your very pretty and or shall i say you are damn sexy. ;)

Kat: *blushes*

Andy: Come with me. i have something to show you. 

I followed andy to his hut, he then shut the doors and locked them tight. Before i had time to react he comes at me and kisses me as apssionatly as he could. I couln't help but follow the same. What was i doing?? The Prophet was kissing me. As this escalated we continued through the night.

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