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Amongst the tower inhabitants, Thor was infamous for leaving Mjölnir pretty much anywhere. Some memorable places being; on top of some very important paperwork that Tony had promised Pepper he would complete, but would you look at that, "Oh I guess I can't complete this really important document, such a shame". Or that time it had been left in the way of Clint's door to his room and he had been stuck for hours until Tony finally got back to the tower and was able to use one of his suits to fly up, blast the window, and carry Clint up to the landing pad. Or that time when-

Basically, it was a problem. Every single one of the avengers at some point, had had an issue with the mythical hammer, and at this point if you wanted to become an avenger, alongside the documented tests, there was also the...special tests. One of these tests being how the hopeful recruit would react in a situation involving the hammer.

For Sam, he had been asked to go out and grab the team McDonalds. "But Tony, your literally a billionaire! Just order in!" 

"No can do bird-boy, I've got stuff to do!"

"But-fine." This was followed by a few grumbles on Sam's behalf, before he had gotten in the car and driven off. At least, he would have driven off, were it not for the Godly hammer that as it just so happened, had been placed right in front of the cars front wheels, so instead of driving out of the garage as intended, the car started forward before hitting the obstacle, causing the car to come to an abrupt halt. 

Sam swore as he got out of the car to see what the issue was, and upon seeing a seemingly simple object, he tried to move it, but of course, the hammer refused to budge. 

A while later, Bucky decided to go downstairs and wait for Sam to get back with the food (to ensure that none of his food would go missing) however, when he entered the garage to see a clearly distressed bird themed hero, looking defeated as he tried to move a hammer, the ex-assassin burst out laughing.

Once he had controlled his chuckles, he moved over to help. Placing both hands on the handle, he pulled, yet the hammer refused to move. 

"Damn it Sam, your supposed to pull!"

"What do you think I'm doing? Hula dancing?"

Anyways, whilst this had been happening, the team had been laughing their asses off as they watched the two struggle through surveillance that FRIDAY had so kindly pulled up. Eventually, Tony sent Thor down to help the squabbling duo downstairs (only after he had ensured that FRIDAY had recorded it, he wasn't going to pass up such a good opportunity for blackmail.)

A few minutes later had Thor striding back into the common room, a disgruntled Sam and Bucky trailing behind. 


Wanda's encounter with the Hammer went a little differently and a whole lot more violence was involved. "What the fu-Why is there a giant hammer in my cupboard? It's not moving? Damn you STARK!"

Lets just say that Tony still had nightmares after that little event.


By this point, the hammer was tradition, of which Peter had not been informed. 

It was a normal Friday afternoon, Peter was coming home from school, a skip in his step after passing his chemistry test. He entered the tower and waved at the receptionist who smiled back at him.

"Welcome back Mini-Boss."

A smile wormed it's way onto Peter's face at the name, "Hey FRI, where's Dad?"

"Boss is currently in the Avengers living area. Would you like to be taken up to him?"

"Yes please Fri. Thank you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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