Family reunion

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Rosita and buster walked up to Zoey and Porsha.

Buster: Well that's a lovely dream you had there Porsha. okay everybody back to first positions please

He gave the astronaut helmet to Rosita

Buster: Here Rosita. You want to try with the helmet this time?

Porsha: but now I know what the dream meant.

Zoey: you do?

Porsha: Yeah. She's afraid. She'll never be able to play the part. But here I am and I'm young and I'm not afraid at all.

Buster: I can't just give you Rosita's part-

Jimmy: moon walk with me

Buster and jimmy walked away and talked about giving the lead role to porsha then buster went back to Rosita

Buster: You okay?

Rosita: A little shaky but I'm okay.

Buster: Look maybe this is for the best I mean you really were scared up there. I'll write you another part Rosita. A really great part.

Meena Gunter Zoey Johnny and ash checked on Rosita

Ash: You all right?

Rosita: I'm fine.

Johnny: Really?

Zoey: your sure?

Rosita: Yes. You're all very sweet but like Mr. Moon says this is probably for the best.

Meena: Seriously?

Rosita: Seriously. I am completely fine with this.

That wasn't true


The next day Johnny came to a rehearsal with his new friend nooshy

Zoey: hey Johnny!

Johnny: hey Zoey. This is Nooshy

Nooshy: nice to meet you. I'm his dance coach

Zoey: Oh cool! Well my part is up next so I'll see you later

She waved goodbye and went back to watch Porsha Rehearse since her part was up next but porsha was a terrible actor.

Ash: Okay she can not act.

Buster: I know but I got to keep Mr. Crystal happy.

Suki: Excuse me but Mr. Crystal wants to see you.

Buster: Well I could come by this afternoon.

Suki: He means now. Right now.

Buster left to see jimmy but Zoey had a feeling something wasn't right

Zoey: why do I have a bad thing about this?


When buster got back to rehearsal he was absolutely terrified

Zoey: Mr. moon what happened?

Buster: Listen up. I got to go to Calloway's and I got to go asap.

Zoey: I'll go with you. He is my grandpa after all

Buster: your right. Now listen Gunter you've got to figure out the ending of this show on your own.

Gunter: on my own?

Buster: Miss Crawly I need you to take charge while I'm away.

Miss Crawly: Yes sir.

Buster: Now listen to me. You got to bring your A game here Miss Crawly. I'm serious. You got to be tough.

Miss Crawly: Yes I got to be tough.

Buster: You got to be firm.

Miss Crawly: I got to be firm.

Buster: you can not I repeat can not let production fall behind not one little bit. Is that clear?

Miss Crawly: Yes sir Mr. Moon sir


Buster and Zoey were able to get to Clay Calloway's home and saw him fixing his motorcycle by looking through the tall fence

Zoey: there he is. that's him.

Buster: Holy moly it really is. Mr. Calloway!

Clay: go away!

Buster: No please. we just want to talk to you for one minute. That's all.

Zoey: We are not leaving until you talk to us! If you're not coming over here we're coming over to you.

Clay: No! Stay off the fence!

when they touch the fence they were electrocuted because it was an electric fence


Buster woke up laying on the couch in clay Calloway's house

Zoey: are you ok buster?

Buster: Zoey? Where are we?

Zoey: we're in my grandpa's house

Buster: Have you talked to him yet?

Zoey: yeah. We were just talking about if he'd consider being in our show.

Buster: What did he say?

Clay was standing behind him

Clay: he said no. Not in a million years.

Buster: Please Mr. Calloway. Look you don't you don't realize how much it would mean to have you in our show

Clay: would you stop talking? I want you gone in the morning.

He walked out of the room

Zoey: I thought he would be happier to see me


The next day Clay was putting up assignment said electric fence in his front yard. Buster and Zoey kept trying to talk to him

Buster: honestly this is gonna be the greatest show I have ever made and when you see the sets and the costumes. I promise this is going to be the most wonderful I mean fantastic show ever. it's gonna end with you and your song-

Clay glared at buster

Buster: You don't want to do the show.

Clay: Besides, lost my singing voice so-

Zoey: Your voice sounds great to me... this is all because you lost grandma isn't it?

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