Take a stand

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Clay stared at Zoey

Clay: we're not talking about Ruby

Zoey: I know she inspired all of your songs I can't imagine what it must be like to lose someone so special but do you think this is what grandma would've wanted for you? I mean you out here on your own and never singing again?

Clay: No you don't understand. there's no rock star living here anymore.

Zoey: you just need to play again. Your songs will bring you back. Remember when you taught me how to sing?

Clay: I haven't even heard one of my songs in over 15 years! and for good reason.

He walked back inside his house and buster walked next to Zoey

Buster: He's not gonna change his mind.

Zoey: He will but you should go back.

Buster. What about you?

Zoey: I need time with him. I can't just leave my own grandpa like this.

Buster went back to the Crystal entertainment Theater


A few minutes later Zoey was sitting on Clay's porch singing one of his songs

Zoey: I'm not afraid of
anything in this world
there's nothing you can
throw at me that I haven't
already heard I'm just
trying to find a decent
melody a song that I can
sing In my own company
I never thought you were
a fool but darling look
at you you gotta stand
up straight and carry
your own weight these
tears are going now
here you've got to get
yourself together you've
got stuck in a moment
now you can't get out
of it

Zoey saw Clay sit next to her and she could tell he wanted her to keep singing

Zoey: love look at you
now you got yourself
stuck in a moment and
you can't get out of it

Clay: you sound just like your mom

Zoey: my mom liked to sing to?

Clay: yes but she didn't want to make it her career

Zoey: i do. You always inspired me


Clay decided to be in the show. now clay and Zoey were heading back to redshore city using clays motorcycle. On their way there Zoey called buster

Buster (on the phone): Zoey now is not a good-

Zoey: buster he's coming to the show! We're heading back right now!

Buster (on the phone): you are? This is great news you might've to save my life!

Zoey: it is! But what do you mean I saved your life?

Buster hung up before Zoey could finish her sentence


Zoey and Clay went inside there hotel room but no one was there.

Zoey: Mr. Moon?

Buster started screaming inside a suitcase and Zoey got him out since he was stuck

Clay: you've got to be kidding me

Buster: the show's off! Mr. Crystal got mad and tried to kill me!

Zoey: what?! Why?!

Buster: he thought I fired Porsha but I just wanted to give her a different role. He thought I didn't get clay Calloway and doesn't believe you're Calloway grandkid anymore! Thugs are coming here to finish the both of us off!

Zoey: but I showed Mr. Crystal Proof I'm Related to-

The three of them hear the door bell ring again

Buster: it's the thugs! Pretend we're not here.

Clay: The first time I leave home in 15 years and what do I find? The show is off and this guy is hiding in a suitcase.

Buster: no don't open the door!

Clay opened the door to see rosita, Gunter, meena, Johnny Miss Crawly and Nooshy. They all gasped when they saw him

All: Clay Calloway...

Miss Crawly fainted


Miss Crawly woke up in the hotel room and everyone was there too. Johnny looked out into the hallway and then closed the door

Buster: Miss Crawly wake up. We got to get out of here

Johnny: Coast is clear. Let's go.

Zoey: how do I tell my mom I'm on the run?

Buster: We'll all feel better when we're safe at home.

Clay: You sure about that? Because I can tell you running and hiding away is not all that it's cracked up to be.

Buster: we don't have a choice.

Clay: Yeah well all these years I thought the same but turns out there's always a choice. Just never had the guts to make the right one. Know what I mean?

The entire group looked at the TV to see Jimmy Crystal being interviewed

Jimmy (on the TV): I shut down my show cause of a talentless little twerp called Buster Moon. Seriously you should've seen this tiny loser. and his pathetic amateur friends. Especially that worthless cat Zoey. let's just say whatever Podunk town they crawled out of that's where they belong because it sure ain't this great city.

Buster shut off the tv

Buster: we cannot let that bully steal our hopes and dreams!

Rosita: We are way past singing and dancing now.

Zoey: maybe Jimmy is right about me

Buster: Look I know this might sound crazy. If we got the theater back just for one night only.

Johnny: come on seriously?

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