The group flew to the Telmarine castle on griffins. Lucy remained at the How. Edmund landed on top of a tower, out of sight of a guard. The griffin grabbed him and pulled him up. Edmund shined his torch to signal the others to go in. They continued flying and Caspian flew low and killed a soldier along the way. Another soldier noticed the lights from Edmund's torch and Peter pointed to him, and Susan shot him. They landed and Peter killed a Telmarine soldier.

Outside, Asterius snuck along. A soldier saw him and drew his sword. Asterius put a finger to his lips and said, "Shhh..."

Nikabrik came up behind him and hit the soldier in the head.

Led by Reepicheep, the mice climbed out from underground, and scurried through the gate, easily fitting through the bars. They crawled across a rope and entered the castle. Reepicheep noticed a cat around the corner. He drew his sword and smiled.

Peter, Susan, Cara and Caspian climbed down a wall and Caspian and Cara knocked on a window and whispered, "Professor?"

He opened the window and stepped into a study. Susan and Peter followed. Caspian picked up a pair of specs from the table. "Cara and I have to find him."

Peter shook his head. "You don't have time. You have to get to the gatehouse."

Cara frowned at him. "You wouldn't even be here without him. And neither would Caspian or I."

Susan and Peter exchanged a glance and the younger of the two said, "We can take care of Miraz."

"And I can make it to the gatehouse in time."

A Telmarine soldier walked around the castle interior. He noticed that the cat was tied up. He looked around suspiciously. Reepicheep dropped in front of him, hanging upside down, and drew his rapier. The soldier turned and saw him.

"Yes, I'm a mouse," Reepicheep told him.

Reepicheep hit the soldier. He jumped down and signaled the other mice. They all jumped onto another soldier and knocked him over. They climbed onto each others backs and opened the door. Trumpkin entered and shot another soldier.

"Ah, we were expecting someone, you know, taller," Reepicheep said to Trumpkin.

"You're one to talk," Trumpkin retorted.

"Is that supposed to be irony?"

Trumpkin shut the door.


Caspian and Cara stepped inside to find Cornelius chained to the floor.

Caspian woke his professor and said, "Five more minutes?"

"What are you two doing here?" Cornelius asked. "...I didn't help you escape just so you could get captured again. You have to get out before Miraz learns you're here."

Cara shook her head. "He'll learn soon enough. We are giving him your cell."

"Don't underestimate Miraz as your father did."

"What are you talking about?" Caspian and Cara questioned.

"I'm sorry."

Caspian and Cara watched as Cornelius ran off. They exchanged a look before running off.


A sword and an arrow were put up to Miraz' throat as he slept. He opened his eyes, looked up and chuckled before saying, "Thank goodness... you're safe."

"Get up," Caspian and Cara ordered.

Miraz climbed out of bed. Prunaprismia sat up and called, "Caspian? Cara?"

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