131. "i'm as green as the ring on my little cold finger"

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21:79 ─❁────────── 31:80

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do you see how much

I need you right now?


          THE CORRIDORS WERE LEFT SOUNDLESSLY as Lucia, Astoria, and Parvati was in absolute silence, exhaustion finally settling in them. They were too tired to move, too tired to even shed another tear of sadness, anger or plain grief. They just sat there, staring at the two bodies: One was still, thankfully, breathing though needed urgent care. The other?

It was just a shell of a soul that had once inhabitant the body.

Since the departure of Draco, neither could speak. They were terrified to do so. The war was still, they think, going on around them, and if they were to make a single sound in the abnormally silent corridor filled with rubbles from the explosion, Death Eaters and more magical creatures that are certainly not on their side would come and attack them. It wasn't like they could do anything, so it would be a fast kill in their part.

As Lucia stared at the lifeless body and pale face of Eridani Mal — Weasley, all she could see was the reaction of others. Draco's reaction was already bad as it is, she could not imagine the Weasleys', who had effortlessly learn to call her sister. She could not imagine how Fred would feel to see the love of his life like this, immobile.

Actually, she could already see it: As they return to the center wherever everyone was, she could see Fred's hopeful smile slowly dimming for the first time as he caught the sight of his wife in her arms, immobile. Not alive.

That broke her heart.

She could already see him breaking down right there. She wouldn't be all that surprise if he were to yell at her for not protecting Erin because he would be right: She didn't protect Erin. She could've, but she didn't...

And there was nobody to blame but herself...

She should've casted a bigger Shield Charm to protect all of them at once, why didn't she do it?

"Tell Fred I... I..." Those words would haunt her forever.

She never got to finish her words.

She never got to relay her feelings of love for him.

The dream life they had planned for after the war, the wedding that had been set in their binders to be planned and confirmed... they were all was gone because of one simple mistake in her part. Erin never got to live the life she wanted: To rekindle with her parents, to have a happy family, to love her children unconditionally, to marry Fred like she had planned to — it was all ripped away by a simple spell.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now