133. "do it for your people, do it for your pride"

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21:79 ─❁────────── 31:80

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Some will call it practice,

Some will call it luck


           SHE PRIED HER EYES OPEN with a great jolt, awakening herself her slumber. Immediately, she felt as if something was wrong, but for some odd reason she could not figure out what and why.

As her eyes travelled around in a frenzy, Lucia realised she had fallen asleep at the doorway of the entrance ha — well, what's left of it anyway. She remembered wanting to escape from the suffocating Great Hall, not thinking she could handle being surrounded by too many of those whom had lost their lives to the war. Seeing some of her friends, those whom she associated with on the aisle... it was already too much. And what was worse was that this was all reality and not her nightmare anymore.

It was everyone's nightmare now.

Anxious as she waited for the return of Harry, she had accidentally fell asleep doing so. All the exhaustion when fighting had finally took a toll on her, but that didn't stop her from remaining worried. For some odd reason, even from what felt like hours to her and perhaps half an hour to others, Harry have yet to return from the headmaster's office.

She grown wary. He couldn't have gone to...?

But the feeling in the pit of her stomach was saying otherwise. It kept screaming and screaming that something was indefinitely wrong and she should investigate it. But she also didn't want to. She was scared of what she would find if she did.

"Peaceful isn't it? It was like nothing happened," Lucia looked around and saw Ginny approaching her. Lucia turned back to the sickening view in front of her.

"But everything did happened," breathed Lucia, fiddling with the locket on her collarbone. "It all happened... H-How are you and your family?"

Ginny bit her lip, body quivering. Perhaps she shouldn't have asked that...

"W-we're still in the middle of registering everything and the fact that t-they're gone..." managed Ginny with a deep breath. "Ron was so in shock when he saw them. Together. I-I tried to tell myself that at least they're still together and not separated between life and death, but it isn't working!"

Lucia glanced at her softly and brought the small girl into her arms, as she cried.

"George could barely look away from them and Merlin you should've seen Angelina and the other's face when they saw them!" cried Ginny. "It was horrible — Collin —Tonks — Lupin — everyone — they didn't deserved it!"

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now