21 1 2

The sun beamed through the high windows of Gryffindor tower, birds chirps filling the air as the sun peak above the mountains.

"Come on." Lily Evans voice rang through the Gryffindor dorm, as she shook her blonde friend awake.

"Ugh I hate this." Lennon groaned rolling on to her side covering her head with the pillow.

"Come on Lennon we have to go to breakfast." The red head continued as she then pulled her comforter off her sleepy friend.

"HEY ITS COLDDDDD" Lennon shouted bring her exposed legs to her chest, she was sleeping in her silky red nightgown.

"Up now" lily said sternly this time.
"Ugh okay mother" Lennon groaned as she throw her legs over the side of her bed so they were dangling off as she sat up rubbing her eyes.

Next the ginger made her way to Marlene's bed but after three failed attempt, lily poured a cup of water on Marlene which instantly woke her up.

"What the bloody hell"
Marlene groaned while Lennon was having a laughing fit as she headed to the bathroom, uniform in her hand and lily was giggling.


Lennon was struggling with trying her gold and red tie as the girls headed down to the gryffindor common room.

"God I hate these things" she groaned as she gave up.

"Let me help you darling" Sirius said as he entered the room with the rest of the marauders.

"Oh my lord thank you Siri your the best" the Laurent girl breathe as Sirius gently grabbed her tie and started tying it around her neck.

A pit forming in his stomach when his hands softly touched the skin of her chest due to her having her first two buttons undo.

"Your cheeks a little red there pretty boy" Lennon said as she brought her hands to his collar, smoothing it done, a warm sensation running through her body when her skin meet his.

"Ya it's bit hot in here eh mate, we'll better head to breakfast come on boys." Sirius replied as he finished her tie and  rushed out the door.

Once the marauders had left the 3 Gryffindor girls all looked at each other.

"That was odd." Lily spoke.

"Ya it was but I'm hungry so let's go."Lennon said to the two grabbing there hands and pulling them out the portrait door to the great hall.


"What class do we have first?" Lennon asked Marlene from her seat across from the to at Gryffindor table.

"We have potions with Slytherin." Marlene anwsered eating her toast.

"Ugh slughorn first thing in the morning bloody hell." Lennon complainted

"We should get going, don't wanan be late. Also has anyone noticed James hasn't came and bothered me." The ginger said

"The hell thats right I thought this morning something was missing."  Mar said

The 3 girls stood from their seats looking down at the end of the table were the marauders sat talking and it was like they could feel the stares on them Sirius's head shot up making contact with Lennon's blue eyes.

She waved to him and sent him a smile
But he quickly turned away. She would be lying if she said it didn't hurt.

Her eyes moved to James, and as expected they were on lily, a familiar sadness ran over her heart looking at how he looked her as if she was the only girl ever to exist, she wished he or anyone at that matter, would look at her in that manner, oh to be loved, she signed and turned back to her friends.

Little did she realize as she turned back the potter boys eyes fell to her and lingered for a moment before his attention going back to his friends.

How ever A certain Gryffindor didn't let the small thing go unnoticed.

"Okay let's go before he comes, it quiet peaceful." Lily said standing from her seat and the 3 heading to the dungeons.


"What in bloody hell was that about?" James asked sirius as to witnessing his encounter with the Laurent.

They were all wondering the same thing, why Sirius got so flustered, that's one thing about him he might make girl's flustered but no one ever really makes him flustered.

"I don't know okay."

"And James why aren't your frawning over evans?" Sirius fired back.

"I don't know to be honest ." He shrugged, taking a bite of his eggs.

"Well This is werid" Said Peter went on.

"Well let's just go to class come on slughorn first thing." Remus said helping peter gather his work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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