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3rd person pov

Laurent manor

"Lennon dear, come on it's time to get up."  Eve Laurent said softly shaking her daughter up.

"I'm up mum." The younger Laurent groaned as she rolled to face her mother rubbing her eyes as they adjusted to the light shining through her big glass windows the covered the back wall of her bed room.

"I'm making breakfast and finly took your trunk down stairs so don't take too long to get ready don't want your eggs cold." Eve cooled as she left a kiss on her daughters head and headed downstairs to finish breakfast.

"6th year, here we come." Lennon whispered to her self and she got out of her king sized bed covered in silk red sheets, and headed to her closet.

"Bonjour soleil (good morning sunshine)." Theodore Laurent expressed, to his daughter with a smile as she walked in to the kitchen.

"Bonjour père, ça sent si bon maman(Good morning father, that smells so good mum)." Lennon commented smiling at her parents as she sat down at the table infront of her plate.

"Thank you honey and you look beautiful I love that dress" Eve complemented, as Lennon spun around is her red sundress with white flowers showing her mom.

"Very Gryffindor." Her father stated in his thick French smiling, as he took a bite of his eggs.

The Laurent's are originally from France so they are all fluent in French, they Lived in France since Lennon was born up until till her father got a great job off as the mister of magic in London and with that they packed up and moved to England when Lennon was just about to turn 12. The Laurent's are are well know family in the wizarding world, a powerful family. Yes, they were pure blood but they didn't believe in that pureblood supremacy at least not any more.
They were powerful but so so loved by many people due to how unbelievably kind they were to everyone, most pure bloods weren't very fond of them, called them blood traitors behind there back but never to their face out of fear.
They also came from a long line of wealth, the wealthiest in the wizarding world some might say, but they would never think or act they were better then anyone. So when they got the letter from Hogwarts, Lennon was quite excited.

"It's 10:20 we better leave now dear don't wanna be late." Eleanor cooled as she set out the plates of breakfast for the elf's.

Yes they had house elf's but they treated them very well, and adored them very much.

"Finly and Emmy" Lennon called as she set her plate in the sink, as the two house elf's appeared.

One in the cutest little white shirt and small blue shorts, finly. And one in a adorable pink little dress, Emmy.

"Here's breakfast you guys." Her mother said as she pointed to the two plates who some breakfast food on it.

" we are heading to the station now see you after."

"Oh, my thank you so so much master mister Theodore and miss Eve you are to kind to Us." Finly said to his owners, even tho they have been doing this for a while, They never not said thank you for anything. Lennon never understand how people could be so cruel to such sweet creatures.

"Alright let's go" Theodore said smiling at his daughter and wife and he casted a quick levitation spell on Lennon's trunk and Owl cage as they headed out the big white doors of the manor.

Platform 9¾

"Lenny" Lennon heard her name being shouted as she pulled away from her parents hug.

"Alright I love you guys , I'll make sure to write, salute." The young Laurent said sweetly to her parents smiling as she turned towards her best friend and walked to her.

"Mar" Lennon exclaimed as she hugged her best friend. " as much as I love this reunion we gotta get on the train." The two girls heard from behind and saw the one and only Lily Evans.

Lily was in their friend group, Lennon would never let any one else know, well Marlene knows,  she's not really jealous much of lily, she's more envious of her. I mean having the boy she, Lennon's Inlove with, hopelessly Inlove with Lily, that hurt, when he'd come up to them and talk and never even spare Lennon a glance. Lennon would die to have someone Inlove with her, especially James potter. But she did understand how lily would be a bit cruel to potter with how he treats Snape.

"Len" the blonde best friends said at once as they went to hug their, ginger haired friend. After a quick hug, "come on guys we needa get a seat." Lily called as she started on the train, "so demanding.". Marlene joked when lily stuck her head out the open train door, "I heard that. Now bloody come on!" The ginger exclaimed at the two, which caused them to scurry on to the train to the compartment lily was sitting in.

"We'll I see you girls in a bit." Lily said as she patted her skirt down, standing up heading out the compartment.

"Where you off to." Marlene asked giving the red a confused look, along with Lennon.
"Prefect's meeting."

"Oh ya, I completely forgot about that." Marlene cooled.
"We'll look at you go lils." Lennon said to her smiling.
"Thank you lenny, I have to go can't be late."

"Hello dear lenny." The two Gryffindors heard as they heading to the great hall for dinner.

"Sirius "Lennon charmed as she looked up to long haired boy.

Sirius and Lennon were actually pretty close when he wasn't snogging randoms or pulling pranks with the boys, he could be found hanging out with the Laurent girl, she considered him her best guy friend as he considered her his best girl friend tho many people thought the two were together with how close they are until they notice Sirius snogging random hookup at all the parties.

"How was your summer." He asked smiling down at the 5 foot girl pulling her in for a hug. "It was fun went back home to Paris, then Italy for the last few weeks." She said smiling to the boy, as he released her from the hug but kept his arm around
The small girl as they walked to the Gryffindor table.

"Oh ya if I remembered vividly your letter you wrote , 'Italy pizza makes me actually like pizza' he said quoting what she has said to him in her letter she sent.

"She told you that to, I done thought the world was ending when I found out she actually willingly ate pizza." Marlene commented laughing.

Lennon scoffed as they sat down, well her and Marlene. "I'll See you later." Sirius said planting a kiss on Lennon's head and sending Marlene a charmed smile as he headed to the end of the table where the rest of the marauders sat, Lennon caught eyes with Remus and smiled and waved to the boy, in result the boy sent her a loop side smile and a wave back when Sirius noticed and turned his head to were his mate was waving to see him waving to his favorite girl, he sent Lennon a smirk and turned back to Mooney.

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