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the day of our date swung by faster than i expected. it would be a lie to say i wasn't stressing out. i wanted everything to be perfect and memorable.

i prepared everything already. food was placed carefully into a basket that was waiting for me to take it and go out.

i checked myself in the mirror and fixed some stray strand of hair. my outfit was casual since we were supposed to visit just a meadow.

clock showed 2pm so i decided to go pick up the younger. i grasped the basket and placed it in the bicycle basket. it barely fit.

i quickly messaged jungwon that i'm on my way and got onto a bike as i drove through the winding streets.

the weather was just amazing. warm but not to warm, gentle breeze blowing. there were no clouds nor rain.


the ride took me a few minutes. i cycled the fastest i could so we'll be able to enjoy the day longer.

i knocked on the door and greeted jungwon, smiling from ear to ear.

"hey" i breathed out, admiring his beauty.

"hi, hyung" he waved even though we were standing in front of each other. "we're going on foot?"

"no" i shifted to the left and pointed at my bike. "we're driving."

"driving?" he whined. "i'm too lazy to."

"i'm cycling. you're just sitting behind, you whiny baby" i rolled my eyes as we headed towards the bike. "here, sit."

i helped him to get onto the bicycle rack so he won't fall. when he nodded, signaling that everything's alright. i got onto the bike too and started cycling to our destination, jungwon holding slightly to my t-shirt.

i would lie if i say i didn't ride faster after some time so the boy would hold me tighter.
and it actually worked so it wasn't that bad at all, i'll be okay with any pain in my legs if it's jungwon.

"aw, i love this place" he looked around the meadow while finally walking to the spot for the picnic. "can we stay there?" the ravenette pointed the piece of grass, shaded by a tree.

"yeah, sure" i smiled while looking at him, running to the spot.

"it's so nice!" we started to unpack the basket's inventory on the blanket. good thing it wasn't windy and everything was on it's place. "you made it by yourself?"

"yeah, i'm not that bad" i took out the last dish. "and it's edible, i promise."

"i wouldn't dare to think the other way."

"here, try this!" i handed him one of the dishes and chopsticks. i was waiting for his reaction impatiently, bitting my bottom lip.

"mm, it's amazing" the ravenette took another bite, completely focusing on the food. "oh my god, i'm sorry! you should eat too" he held chopsticks with food in front of my face.

i hesitated but eventually took the food into my mouth.

jungwon was smiling all the time while trying different kinds of foods i've prepared.


"i'm so fullll" the younger complained after eating most of the things, holding his belly and laying on the blanket.

"you ate so much."

"but it was so gooood!"

i laughed and started to pack everything back into the basket. my eyes wandered to the boy from time to time.

"come on, wonnie. get up."

"noooo. can we just stay here for a while? please" and who i am to say no, while he's looking at me like this.

"fine" i sighed and laid down next to him. eventually i lifted myself up, head resting on my arm. i stared at him, admiring his features.

"you'll fall in love if you'll stare longer" the laugh escaped his mouth.

"what if i'm already falling?" i whispered, not looking away. it was getting a little dark but i could clearly see the blush on his cheeks.

"then i guess it's a good thing" his eyes locked with mine "because i am falling too."
finally some (kinda) defined feelings, huh?
now i actually think of some drama since my ffs are always fluffs but i like it that way ngl

hope you liked the chapter, see you soon^^

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