What have they done?

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(Warning for described injuries and referenced patient abuse.)

The two days passed so slowly it was agonizing even if Bruce spent most of that time taking down criminals or working in his lab, time still passed at a snail's pace for him. He got absolutely no sleep the night before the visit either, he was too excited to sleep. As soon as his clock hit 7 am he shot out of bed heading to the gym level of Wayne tower to get his daily work out out of the way. After about 10 minutes Alfted came down to the gym also wearing gym clothes, he was surprised to Bruce up so early "Oh! Good morning Bruce! Good to see you up so early!" He gave Bruce a smile "care for a few rounds?"
Bruce nodded as he put down the weights he'd been using so he could brush up on his martial arts with Alfred.


After a few rounds with Alfred Bruce whent back up to his room so he could shower, not really wanting to smell like sweat when he visited Edward though he was sure Edward didn't really care. That thought made Bruce crack a smile.
He hopped into the shower, washing his whole body but taking extra time on his hair to be absolutely sure it was clean, he had sweat a lot since his last shower. Of course the hair washing was all in vain as he gels it down before he gets into his suit but that's a problem he'll deal with later.

Once out of the shower Bruce brushed his teeth and applied the ungodly amount of black eyeshadow he wore under his mask, it was time consuming and stained his skin a lot of the time but he liked it.
He exited his bathroom and used the elevator to get to his lab where Alfred sat working on a code, putting his knowledge from the Brutish intelligence to use. He looked over when he heard the elevator door open "Ah, There you are, starting out early?"
Bruce nodded as he put his suit on hoping Alfred wouldn't ask any more questions and to his great relief Alfred simply nodded in return as he went back to the code.


Bruce left Wayne Tower on his motorcycle, heading towards Arkham Asylum. He knew visitation started at 9 am and ended at 5pm, it was 8:47am so he definitely had enough time to visit Edward.

He pulled into the parking lot infront of the asylum, turning off and dismounting his motorcycle. He'd turned off the tracker before he left Wayne Tower but he made sure it was off before heading inside the building.
The nurse at the front desk gave him a sweet smile "Hi, how can I help you?"
She must be new he thought, almost all of the staff know why he's here.
"I'm here to see Edward Nashton, let Doctor Luthor know I'm here and that I'll be needing a private room."
The nurse nodded and paged the Doctor who appeared behind her after a few short minutes. Doctor Luthor knew The Batman and knew why he was there so it wasn't long before Bruce was sitting in a windowless room that was void of any cameras, waiting for the guards to let Edward into the room. It seemed to take a while, Bruce guessed that Edward was still eating breakfast but that was far from the truth.

When they let Edward into the room the first thing Bruce noticed was the gauze and bandaids that covered Edward's hands, arms, and face. The tall male looked unusually pale and seemed to be walking with a slight limp. Bruce whinced upon seeing him, wondering how much more of his body those dressings covered.

Edward gave Bruce a weak smile as the guard closed the door "Hey Bruce, I'm glad you came to visit me again" his voice sounded so weak and scratchy, like he had a sore throat.
Bruce removed his mask, returning Edward's smile "I wouldn't dare miss a visit with you, you know that." Edward wrapped his arms around Bruce's torso, giving him a wear hug but releasing quickly when the pain got to be too much to bear "O-Ow..."
Bruce's smile was replaced with a look of concern "Ed? Are you okay? What's with all the bandages?" The brown haired man nodded slightly as he fixed his still broken glasses
"I... I'm okay.."
Bruce knew that was a lie, he shook his head "don't lie to me Ed, remember? No more lies? Now... how far do these bandages go?" Silently Edward motioned to his own torso causing the air to catch in Bruce's throat "can I see?"
Edward looked down at his shoes, nodding shyly. Bruce slid his gloves off and began to undo the snaps on Edward's shirt.
His heart dropped when the shirt fell open revealing to him that not only had Edward been losing weight but Ed's torso that was covered in healing wounds, small burns, and more bandages.
Bruce was absolutely horrified at the sight
"Oh my god... Eddie... what happened? What have they done?"

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