Temporary home

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(Updates are really slow, I know, but hopefully my updates will be coming faster now. Sorry for the wait.)

Bruce drove as slow as he possibly could without violating any speed laws, taking a few side streets and detours incase Alfred had decided to follow them. After a few more random turns Bruce finally stopped outside of a hotel on the richer side of Gotham, parking and turning off his bike he turned his attention to the man who's arms were still wrapped around him tightly "You okay back there Eddie?"
Ed was quiet for a moment, letting his stomach settle from all the turns "y-yeah... I think so..." He spoke slowly, feeling like he might throw up at any second.
Bruce removed the key and armed the bike's security system before dismounting "do you want to come in with me?  If not you can wait out here."  Edward gave him a worried look "Can I go with you? I don't want to stay out here by myself.."
Bruce nodded with a soft smile, holding a hand out to him "Come on then"
Edward took his hand, following him into the hotel lobby where he sat on the large couch that sat in the middle of the immaculate lobby. He kept his head down, picking at his cuticles nervously as he waited for Bruce to finish.
It took about ten minutes for Bruce to fill out paperwork and pay for the room but once he was done he took Ed's hand, helping him up off the couch and leading him to the elevator. As they were waiting for the doors to open Edward looked over at Bruce "Um... Bruce... can I ask why you chose this hotel?"
Bruce gently laced their fingers together "well, I know it's a nice hotel and I wanted you to be comfortable." Edward was going to protest but the elevator doors opened and Bruce pulled him in, pressing the floor number. "When we get to the room I want you to write a list of all the things you'll eat, okay?"
Edward nodded in agreement, letting out a tired yawn as they waited for the elevator to stop at their floor.

The hotel room was really nice, Ed had never been in a hotel room this nice so his eyes were as wide as saucers glancing around at everything in the room. Bruce chuckled softly as he closed the door behind them "Nice huh? I got a room with two beds so you can have a bed of your own that's not a thin mattress on a cheap metal frame." 
Before Bruce could take another step into the room Edward wrapped his arms around him, a hug which Bruce returned without hesitation. They stood there like that for a few minutes, Ed just enjoying Bruce's presence, glad to be away from Arkham and in Bruce's arms.
After a few more minutes Bruce cleared his throat "Um, Eddie? Can we go sit down?" Edward let out a whine of protest before begrudgingly letting go and making his way over to his bed, the deep blue sheets looked so inviting, just calling for him to lay in them. He sat down on the edge of the bed, watching Bruce as he picked up a notepad from the desk in the corner of the room.
"Okay Eddie, what foods do you like?" Bruce asked as he sat down beside him on the bed. Ed thought for a moment before answering in a quiet voice "I like Chinese and Italian..."
Bruce nodded "Okay, what's your favorite Italian dish then?"
Edward didn't even have to think about that one "Lasagna" his answer was so quick that Bruce barely caught it.
He wrote it down with a soft smile "no specific restaurant?" Ed shook his need in response.

Bruce got up, tearing the paper off the notepad and stuffing it into his jacket pocket "alright Eddie, I'm going out to get some things, I want you to get some rest while I'm gone, can you do that? You need as much as you can get." Ed gave him a scared look "you're leaving me here by myself? What if I need you?"
Bruce placed a gentle hand on his "I'll be back as quick as I can, okay? I'll leave my number by the phone incase you need me, you can call me whenever."
Edward gave him a reluctant nod "okay..."
Bruce helped Ed lay down in the soft bed, placing a kiss on his forehead before heading to the door.

"Bruce?" Ed's soft voice stopped him in his tracks "yes, Eddie?"

"I love you."

The words echoed in Bruce's mind causing him to smile brightly "I love you too Eddie."

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