getting a full crew

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The Hero pirates have been sailing for a month and there food was getting low. Luckily they saw a platform with a restaurant on top.
"Woah this place looks cool."
Izuku said looking at the inside of the restaurant.
"Yes this place is nice."
Tokoyami said agreeing with his captain.
"Lets hope we have enough to pay."
Shinso Said under hid breath. They get a table and see a purple haired kid there age taking an order of a couple. It was clear that the guy was a pervert by the way he was talking to the women.
"Hey ladys first."
The purple haired kid said putting what looked like a big grape on the guys mouth. The guy tried to get it off but found it stuck to his face.
" now what can I get you my lovely lady."
The kid Said to the horror first Lady with hearts in his eyes. The kid git hit in the head with a rolling pin by the head cook.
"What do you think your doing, I told you not to hurt the costumers."
The head cook said hitting the kid on the head again.
"Ow stop it geezer he wasn't letting the lady go first."
The kid said
"Mineta you got to stop, will be run out of business if you keep doing this."
The head chef said as mineta looked a ashamed.
"Im sorry geezer zeff."
Mineta said pulling off the grape from the guy letting it absorb into his body. Mineta walks back into the kitchen sad but an explosion hits the front door.
"Haha where's all the saki haha"
Said a pirates captian as his crew comes in weapons in hand, a little frog girl comes in to shaking.
"We don't serve your kind here."
Zeff said as his customers run in terror. The captian didn't like zeffs answer so he lit his hands on fire and shot a fireball at him. Izuku and his crew were about to intervene but mineta come out of the kitchen. He throws a big grape ball at zeff incaseing him it and blocking the attack.
"Don't hurt zeff."
Mineta Said with two grape balls in his hands.
"Haha kid dont go getting into other people's problems."
The captain said as his crew activate there quirks. They were about to attack but most of them got knocked unconscious by an unknown force. The only ones awake were four men and a frog girl there age that had a collar on. Izuku and shinso used there Conquer haki to knock them out. They found out they had it when they first started training but Izuku was better at it. The hero pirates stand next mineta to the remaining pirates ready to fight.
" but getting into others problems is a heros job."
Izuku said his electricity sparking in his hand.
"What who are you guys?"
Mineta asked
"Where the hero pirates."
Shinso said as he pulls out his sword.
Mineta said alarmed
"Don't worry we aren't like them, we help people."
Tokoyami said holding his sword out towards the remaining pirates.
"Don't worry we got this. Shinso, Tokoyami I'll take the captain and the one on the right. You guys get the rest."
Izuku said as they nod, mineta didn't like that so he walked infront of them.
"No this isn't your problem I can take care of these guys myself."
Mineta Said covering his hands with his grape balls.
"Hahaha I like you, when this is over your joint my crew."
Izuku said laughing
"Uh no way! I'm a chef not a pirate."
Mineta said as izuku just laughed him off.
"That's great we can't cook for shit."
Izuku said as the pirate captain gets annoyed and threw another fireball at them. Izuku covers his arm in haki and knocks it away. Izuku turns into lighting and goes straight towards the captain punching him in the face with a haki/lighting covered fist. The pirate captain get thrown through the wall and knocked out.
"Dam I thought he'd be stronger, well ill leave the rest to you guys."
Izuku says walking back. Tokoyami and shinso goes after there targets as mineta was still stunned by the power izuku showed. Tokoyami fought the guy with the sword quirk and  immediately cutting through it and slashing the pirates chest. Shinso decided it was to easy to be useing a sword so he just used his finger. The pirate shinso was fighting was a big guy with a strength enhance quirk. The pirate throws a punch at shinso but he blocked with a haki infused finger. Smirking at the scarred pirates face shinso does kick to the face knocking him out. Mineta gets out of his funk and throws his balls at the other pirate sticking him to the ground.
"Dammit who are you brats."
The only pirate awake says struggling against minetas balls.
"We're the hero pirates."
Izuku says smirking at the downed pirate.
"Argh you stupid frog do somthing!"
The pirate says looking at the girl who was hiding behind a pillar. When he called her she started shaking in fear. Izuku sensing her fear walks over to her scaring her.
" please don't hurt me."
The frog girl says shutting her eyes.
"Im not going to hurt you, why don't you come with us. You'll get a new family that would fight till there last breath to protect you. If you don't, we can work somthing out."
Izuku said gently as he looks at her. She had ragged clothes and cuffs on her hands.
" you mean it"
The girl asked uncertain.
"Yeah, why don't I get those cuffs off."
Izuku said putting his hands on her cuffs slowly to not scare her. Useing haki, izuku rips right threw the cuffs and throws them to the ground. She looks at her wrists not believing she's free.
"Thank you."
The girl said jumping on Izuku pulling him into a hug crying tears of joy.
" no problem uh.. what's your name?"
Izuku asked sheepishly
"OH sorry my name Tsuyu"
Tsuyu said introducing herself.
"Nice to meet you, I'm captian izuku D Roger. This is my right hand shinso."
Izuku said pointing to shinso who gives a finger salute.
"My swordsman Tokoyami."
Izuku said pointing to the crow samurai. Tsuyu blushed a little as Tokoyami gives her a head nod.
"And lastly are chef, mineta."
Izuku said pointing to mineta who looked done.
"Hey I'm not part of your crew!"
Mineta said
"No he is."
Zeff said as they look over to him. He cut out of grape ball with a cooking knife.
"What I don't want to go."
Mineta said as zeff licked him in the head.
"Mineta, I raised you to be a chef, a man. It's time for you to find your own adventure and hone your skills."
Zeff Said turning around so mineta can't see him cry. Mineta was on his knees crying.
"Alright I'll go. I'll be the greatest chef the world has ever seen."
Mineta said the crew smile and leave the restaurant. They go down to the docks and see the small boat.
"Ah I don't think we're all going to fit."
Shinso said looking at the boat.
"Yeah this might be a problem haha."
Izuku said nervously laughing
"Um we can take there boat."
Tsuyu said pointing to the pirates boat.
"It's not like there going to be useing it anymore."
Tokoyami said as they go on the boat. It was alot bigger then the little sail boat izuku and shinso started with. It had alot of rooms and a fully functional kitchen.
"Haha let's sail."
Izuku said steering the ship into the sea. Over the next 4 weeks they hero pirates train there new crew members in haki. Mineta got good with useing Armament haki even finding a way to make it work with his Quirk. When he uses his haki on his balls he can harden them like Canon balls. Tsuyu learned Fishman karate and her haki training was going good. Izuku trained more with his devil fruit, now he's able to create stuff useing his lighting. He's able to make stuff like a lighting sword or a lasso. Shinso got better with his sword being able to hold his own against Tokoyami. Right now shinso and Tokoyami are having a sword fight while the others are watching. Tokoyami and shinso clash swords there haki flowing off them.
"Your getting better."
Tokoyami said as shinso charged right at Tokoyami at a fast speed. Shinso swung down on Tokoyami, aiming right for the samurai center. Tokoyami blocked and caught the blade his katana. The collision sent a shockwave out that rippled off the aduence.  Tokoyami smirk grew as the mop haired kid shoved his blades up, pushing the samurai off. They look at each other smirking at each other and  as they were about to go again lighting flashed in between them. Izuku stood there his body sparking as he grinded.
"Nice job guys but let's call it a day mineta made dinner."
Izuku said as mineta came down with plates of fish.
" here you go guys, you better eat all of it or I'll kick your ass."
Mineta said fully aware he couldn't. They eat, drink and laugh enjoying each other's company. The clouds start to darken and the sea becomes wild. They all forget there dinner and start manning stations to keep there ship afloat. But what they didn't see was a submarine below them and a person causing the storm.
"Haha when the ship sinks go and grab them and there valuables."
A guy with an eyepatch and pirate hat says to people who had aquatic quirks. The people trying to sink the hero pirates were a pirate crew who were one of the most dangerous people out on the sea. Heros tried to catch them but there captian and two right hand men know haki. Inside the ship also were a girl with blond hair who was tied up. Her name was Melissa shield and she was kidnapped as ransom but they found out she ate a devil fruit. She ate the phoenix devil fruit making her able to turn into a phoenix. Up above izuku senses a disturbance under them.
"We're going to shore. Mineta throw you balls behind us in the water.
Izuku yelled turning the wheel to a nearby island.
"What why?"
Mineta asked
" there's something below us."
Izuku said as they all use there observation haki to sense somthing below them.
"Your right, there is somthing down there."
Shinso said as mineta started throwing his balls down hardening them with haki. The submarine was hit and shook with each hit allowing them enough time to get the island in time. They all get off there ship as the pirate crew comes up out of the sea.
" who are you!?"
Izuku yelled as they all get ready for a fight.
" doesn't matter who we are, men kill these brats."
The capitan said as the crew Yells out as two other ships come up and out comes more pirates.
" there's about a 200 of them, should be easy enough so stop cowering."
Shinso said to Tokoyami smirking
" who's cowering fool, I will defeat more them you."
Tokoyami said as shinso go in his face.
" sure abou that samurai chicken."
Shinso said
"Who you calling a chicken you purple haired zombie."
Tokoyami said both getting in each other faces. Tsuyu sighs at them and mineta nervously laughs as there enemy's get closer. Izuku breaks them up and moves past them pushing them apart.
Both shisno and Tokoyami said confused as to what he's doing. Izuku says nothing his bangs covering his eyes. As the pirates come close to him izuku unleashes a massive blast of Conquer haki knocking out half of there numbers.
" that's are captian."
Mineta cheered seeing the pirates start falling down.
"I expect nothing less."
Shinso said smirking. The rival pirate captian was stunned by the display of haki.
"How does that brat have Conquer haki?!"
His fisrt mate asked
"Doesn't matter he still can't beat our cpatian"
The other pirate said assured that he won't be defeated.
"Lets go."
Was all the captian said before they jump off there boat landing on the ground near izuku.
"Men leave this kid to me, you all take the rest."
The captain said as his he charges at Izuku. Izuku and the captian clash arms covered in haki as shockwaves roll of them. Turning into lighting izuku speeds around the captain and launched a lighting and haki fused fist at him.
"So your a devil fruit user."
The captian said catching his fist. Suprised that his attack didn't work the captian threw izuku into the ground making a crater. Turning into lighting izuku gets above him.
"Lighting claws."
Izuku said as his hands get coated in lighting shaped claws. Bringing them down on his enemy, the captian caught the claws holding izuku back. Izuku smirked as he turned up the electricity.
"1 million volt"
Izuku said unleashing 1 million volts of electricity as the pirate grunts in pain.
" that all you got. "
The pirate said as izuku smirked again.
" Nope 20 million volt"
Izuku said unleashing more electricity making the captian scream in pain. All of the sudden the captian form changed, his skin started to glow like gold. The pirate grew till he was towering over izuku.
" hahahaha you might be a devil fruit eater but so am I. I ate the Buddha fruit making me unbeatable."
The pirate said sending a fist towards izuku who dodged by turning into lighting. Around them the ground shook from the impact. Izuku saw the destruction and wondered how he was going to beat him. Getting a dangerous izuku turns half his body into electricity.
"Lets hope this works."
Izuku said charging at the Buddha. The Buddha pirate trys hitting izuku but he was to fast. Going on top of the Buddha's head izuku takes a breath.
" what are you doing!?"
The pirate captain yelled alarmed.
"Im finshing this. MAX VOLTAGE!"
Izuku yelled producing 200 million volts of electricity down on them for everyone on the island to see. The Buddha screams in pain never being in this much pain before. After it was done izuku falls to the ground tired. The captian falls down aswell shrinking to his normal size.
" eat that bitch."
Izuku says resting on the ground.
(With Shinso)
Shinso and the other pirate are fighting shinso sword against the man's haki fist.
"Haha prepare to die kid."
The pirate said slamming his fist down on shinso. Shinso blocked the hit with his sword the grass flying out of the ground. Shinso attacks, slashing at the pirate but nothing seemed to be doing damage. Tired shinso had his guard down for a second leaving the pirate to kick him in the stomach. Shinso falls to his knee as a kick gets sent to his head. Shinso put up his sword but got sent flying still.
"Hahaha who knew this would be so easy, i thought you be more of a challenge considering you know haki."
The pirate laughed at shinso as he gritted his teeth. Shinso thought of ways he could beat him but realized he doesn't have the firepower to beat him. Shinso eyes widening realizing what he's doing wrong, he wasn't strong he was smart.
"You think I lose to a stupid meat head like you."
Shinso said provoking the pirate.
" what you sa-"
The pirate said before his eyes be one blank.
"I may not like it but I was born with this quirk might aswell use it."
Shinso said getting up and stretching his back. While the guy was not moving shinso prepared a move he was working on.
"Grand slash."
Shinso said putting in both his Armament and Conquer haki into his attack. The pirate took the slash sending him back into his ship with a crash.
"Take that fucker."
Shinso said useing his sword as a crutch to walk towards izuku.
Tokoyami was fighting a guy who could turn his body into metal.
"You won't beat me samurai I am made of metal."
The pirate said cocky.
"We will see."
Tokoyami said as they clash, Tokoyami tried but with his metal body and haki, he couldn't cut him.
"Dark cloaked blade storm."
Tokoyami said sending a furry of darkness enhanced slashs at the pirate but they weren't strong enough.
" Haha nice try I actually felt that one."
The pirate said kicked Tokoyami sending him back before immediately doing an air slash cutting the samurai chest. Holding his bleeding chest Tokoyami activates his trump card.
"You are a worthy opponent to try my new technique on. Abyss armor."
Tokoyami said as his darkness covers his body forming into a samurai armor. (Like astas demon armor)
" so scary, your still going to die."
The pirate said charging at Tokoyami his arms Turing into blades.
"No its already over. Dark cloak unsheath slash.
Tokoyami said speeding past the pirate unsheathing his sword slashing him on the chest before putting in back into his sheath a second later. Nothing happened for a second till Tokoyami sword goes all the way into its sheath, blood sprouted form the pirates chest. Turning off his armor Tokoyami becomes tired from the usage of his Quirk.
( With izuku)
Izuku recovered from his exhausted state and met up with mineta and Tsuyu. They were finshing up the rest of the pirates with relative ease.
" 5 thousand tile true punch."
Tsuyu said punching forward a a froup of pirate knocking them all out.
" that's the last of them."
Mineta said sitting ontop of a pirate.
" nice job guys."
Izuku said smiling as shinso and Tokoyami come over.
" you look like shit."
Shinso said looking at Tokoyami and seeing some bloody cuts.
"Like your any better."
Tokoyami said seeing him injured as well.
"Are you alright Tokoyami?"
Tsuyu asked worried making him blush
"Don't worry I'm fine."
Tokoyami said as the enemy pirate ship window gets busted and a girl comes flying out. Seeing the blonde girl, izuku gets a Flashback of when he was a child and visited I-island.
Izuku asked remembering the girl he met. Said girl looks at izuku mouth dropped.
Melissa said tears in her eyes at seeing her friend again. The others were confused as to who she was and how there captian new her.
"Ah captian you know her?"
Mineta asked
"Yeah she's an old friend."
Izuku said smiling

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