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It's been two years since luffy took the title of pirate king and now there all 18. Over there years shinso and Tokoyami got new swords, there old one broke. Shinso got a new cutlass sword named gryphon and Tokoyami got a sword named Emma. Emma was a little hard to control but Tokoyami mastered it and his abilities in swordman ship skyrocketed from it.
By now the whole world has heard about the hero pirates and the new pirate king. No one has gotten a picture of the hero parents but people know there real by the exploits they have done. There bounties are now pirate king(izuku) 500 million dollars, dark prince(shinso) 350 million, abyss(Tokoyami) 320 million, grape chef(mineta) 240 million, queen of the sea(Tsuyu) 210 million and phoenix (Melissa) 180 million. Now they are sailing toward izuku home to go to U.A. like he promised shouko.
" its been while since we've been home."
Shinso said as izuku rembered that they lived in the same area.
" Yeah I wonder how much the place changed?"
Izuku wondered seeing the port they left at all Thoses years ago.
"Ha I bet the place barely even noticed were gone."
Shinso said smirking.
"What ever happens I'll be here, you know that right."
Shinso said seriously making izuku smile. Izuku turns and walks back k patting shinso on the back.
"Yeah I know buddy."
Izuku said walking to the main deck where the rest of the crew are.
"Guys, today's the U.A. entrance exam so be prepared. Touya said he was going to meet us at the port."
Izuku said as his crew goes to there stations sailing into the port. Once they have settled into there spot they disembark off the boat seeing touya. Not only do they see touya but they see a man in pajamas, a rat guy and shouko who looked excited. When shinso saw shouko he blushed bit quickly hid it before anyone could see.
" shouko! How's it going."
Izuku said as he and the crew walk to them. Shouko runs and jumps on izuku hugging him. Melissa fumed in jealousy as shouko hugged izuku like that.
"Izuku! I missed you. You have no idea how boring it is without you here."
Shouko said as izuku laughed.
" Hahaha really because I heard that your training with touya."
Izuku said as shouko got off him and nodded. After touya came back he scolded shoto and praised shouko for what happened with izuku. Him and his father made up and there very close now. He did the same with his mother who threatened to freeze off his man part if he faked his death again.(good endeavor)Also touya quit the hero organization and became a full time hero, joining his dads agency. Touya quickly became a favorite of the hero community climbing up to rank 12 in only 2 years. Shouko and him trained together alot much to Shoto jealousy, touya didn't want to teach him haki fearing what he might do with it. Touya did though teach rumi usagiyama or mirko haki. She's a old friend from his childhood, and now there actually dating.
"Yep so watch out because I'm coming after you Mr pirate king."
Shouko said teasingly. Izuku scratches his head as she teased him about his title.
"Haha well see."
Izuku said as he noticed the other two people.
" who are you?"
Izuku asked
"Im shota aizawa or eraser head. I'll be the teacher of class 1-A this year at U.A"
Aizawa said as the rat man on his shoulder introduced himself.
"My name nezu I'm the principle of U.A."
Nezu said as there eyes widen
"Your teachers at U.A. !"
Mineta said suprised
" why ate you here?"
Tokoyami asked saying what they all were thinking.
"Touya talked about you all and said your planning on joining U.A. and as the principal I wanted to meet potential students."
Nezu said
" that and he's a fan of yours."
Aizawia said snorting.
" you are!?"
Tsuyu said as nezu coughed into his hand.
"Well it's not everyday do we have people so similar to the straw hat pirates."
Nezu said
"Wait you know who the strawhats were."
Melissa asked
" yes there are still people who have learned the legends of the straw hats. Not to metion people who have eaten a devil fruit like myself."
Nezu said
"You ate a devil fruit, which one?"
Shinso asked intrigued
" I ate the human-human fruit, why do you think I can talk."
Nezu said
" I thought it was because of your quirk?"
Shouko said
" no it just gives me intelligence."
Nezu said
"Sir the exams will be starting in an hour we should get to the school.
Touya said as nezu nods. Aizawa walks them to the van as everyone got in. Melissa quickly takes a seat next to izuku before shouko could. They drive to the U.A. and aizawa dropped them off in the front.
" good luck guys."
Touya said as aizawa drove off to park.
"Lets do this guys"
Izuku said as the hero pirates and shouko all cheered.
The rest yelled causing other people to look at them. They all went inside and took seats in the auditorium. Izuku started to nap making them sigh at his attuitude. President mic starts explaining the exam but got interrupted by some blue haired guy with glasses.
"Sir with all do respect on this print out you have listed four robots. If this is a mistake then it is shameful because we are hero students. And you in the back, you have been sleeping all this time. If you aren't here to become a hero I suggest you leave because you are distracting other people."
The guy said pointing at izuku who woke up rubbing his eyes.
" Hey I'm not distracting anything and you should probably listen to the entire presentation before interrupting."
Izuku said as the guy becomes embarrassed.
"Thank examiner 1385. As I was saying there are robots with points each having 1-3. The last robot is the 0 pointer, as the name suggests it gives you zero points so I suggest you avoid it. Now thats done please go outside to your prearranged bases to the testing area."
President mic said as they look at there cards.
"I guess we're not together."
Shouko said pouting
"If we're together there'd be no robots for the rest of the students."
Shinso said as izuku nodded
"Your right, guys I want you all to be the best in your area. Let's shoe U.A. what the hero pirates are capable of."
Izuku said as they all put there hands together even shouko.
They all said throwing there's hands in the air. They all get to there different testing area and izuku walks to the gate but is swarmed by the guy from before.
"You! Are you trying to distract her, if so you should leave now."
The guy said doing hanf chops in the air.
"Ah what are you talking about."
Izuku asked tilting his head to the side.
"Don't play dumb I know what your doing."
The guy said as the gates open. Izuku runs threw them at a high speed supriseing the other students
"What is doing, President mic didn't say go"
One guy said
"Yeah he's going to get disqualified."
Another guy said.
"Hey follow that kid there no countdowns in real life."
President mic said as he saw no one was going. The students run after izuku but all they saw was destruction. Izuku was zipping through the fake city's streets not stopping just running right through the robots. He got bored of doing that so he jumped on top of a building and start snipeing at robots who were giving other students trouble.
(Teachers room)
The teachers of U.A. we're all there aswell as the people who bullied izuku. Allmight and his wife gave recommendations to Izumi and the bakugou siblings while endeavor gave on to shoto. He tried to give one to shouko but she refused wanting to get in with her own straight making him and her brother proud.
"Hahaha nezu who has the most points right now?"
Allmight said grinning his stupid grin making touya fake puke. Nobody but aizawa saw as they fist bump sneakily.
"Lets see, no suprise it seems Mr.rogers is in first place."
Nezu said confusing all of them except aizawa and touya.
"Who's Roger principle nezu?"
Izumu asked as nezu glanced at her.
"He is the leader of a vigilante group of pirates that decided to join U.A."
Nezu said shocking them that he would allow pirates into the school.
" pirates! Sir are you sure that's a good idea."
Inko asked worried for her daughters safety if they pass.
"There no need to worry, these kids are all heros worthy of being in the top 20 in the hero ranking."
Touya said as they all look at him.
"Touya you know them?"
Midnight asked
"Yeah, there the reason I left the hero organization. My last mission I infiltrated a group of villians and during the fight I had to save Roger's from being killed."
Touya said as katsuki laughs.
" Ha if he's so good why you have to save him."
Katsuki said scoffing at another extra.
"Because this enemy is probably the most dangerous person on the planet. Right now the hero pirates are the only people capable of taking on him and the league of villians."
Touya said as they all tense.
" Haha young touya I'm sure if they every poke there heads out again I could stop them."
Allmight said as touya scoffed.
" old man maybe in your prime you could beat there leader but now not a chance. Shigaraki is to powerful, when he gets angry you can feel the earth shake from miles away."
Touya said
"He's really that strong."
Shoto asked
"Yes he has a powerful quirk, devil fruit and haki that still scares me.
Touya said as nezu goes deep in thought.
"Devil fruit... haki what are those?"
Izumi asked
"Izumi, devil fruits are special fruits that can grant you a quirk and haki I belive is some type of martial art technique from hundreds of years ago. But there all myths"
Inko said to here daughter.
"And your still an idiot, devil fruit and haki are real."
Aizawa said tired and getting into hid sleeping bag.
"Don't insult my wife aizawa."
Allmight said glaring at sleeping hero.
"Well she shouldn't say things she has no idea about haki and devil fruits are very much real, aizawa,touya and myself all have it."
Nezu said shocking them
" sir you ate a devil fruit?"
Vlad asked
" yes I ate the human-human fruit, why do you think I can talk like a human. Also mr.touya ate one, I belive the fire-fire fruit."
Nezu said as they look at touya.
"Brother you ate a devil fruit."
Shoto asked
"Yeah it's how I don't scare myself with my fire. I gave one to shouko aswell and taught her haki so she should be on par with the hero pirates."
Touya said as shoto clenched his fist angerly
"And why didn't you teach me it aswell."
Shoto asked as touya looked at him disappointed.
"Because honestly I trust shouko with this power more then I do you. In my eyes you still have to prove yourself deserving of being a hero."
Touya said confusing them all except the bullies,allmight and inko.
"Ah touya what are you talking about."
Midnight asked
"I never told anyone what happened to izuku because he asked but I shod probably say somthing now."
Touya said as the yagi family's eyes widen.
"Wait you know where izuku is!"
Izumi yelled at touya
"Yep for the last two years I've been in touch."
Touya said
"And why didn't you tell us where he is!"
Inko yelled at him
"Why would I do that?"
Touya asked playing with them
"Because where his family."
Izumi said as he scoffed
"No he isn't, you and your little friends tortured him and if wasn't for your family I would have taken you all in myself."
Touya said shocking them all present.
"You didn't do that did you?"
Midnight asked the yagi game as they turned away and she covered her mouth shocked.
"We wanted to protect him to stop trying to be a hero, he's quirkless so he couldn't be a hero."
Kastuma said as nezu scoffed.
" really that's you excuse. There are plenty of heros who rely on there physical ability instead of a quirk."
Nezu said
"It doesn't matter we want to apologize to him and become a real family. Now touya tell us where he is!"
Allmight said glaring at touya who only smirked and pointed to he screen
" why don't you take a look at the screen."
Touya said as they see izuku standing ontop of a building shooting lighting.
The yagi plus Kastuma yelled. Shoto and Katsuki saw that he was the Roger nezu was talking about and scoffed still thinking he is a weakling.
"Nezu pull him out right now we need to talk to him."
Allmight demanded of nezu who just glared at allmight making him cower.
"I will do no such thing. If you want to talk to him just do it after."
Nezu said as they watch izuku.
(With izuku)
" this kind of boring."
Izuku said shooting a one pointer only useing his finger. He sighs before feeling a rumbling in the ground, he looks to the soruce and saw the zero pointer.
"Now that's better, sky judgment."
Izuku said sending a beam of lighting in the sky. Nothing happened for a second until lighting beam twice the size of the zero pointer strikes it. The zero pointer is destroyed all that was left were a few scraps of metal.
"And the exams are over please exit the building and wait for acceptance letters if you pass."
President mic said as izuku turns into lighting and zooms past everyone. Izuku goes to the front of the building waiting for hid crew when he saw the yagi family and the other three misfits.
" izuku!"
Inko and Izumi yelled running to give him a hug but izuku just turns into lighting so they get shocked.
" ow izuku why won't you let us hug you."
Izumi asked as izuku glared at his supossied family.
"Why would I every hug you idiots, you made my life hell."
Izuku said as they get tears in there eyes.
"Izuku apologize right now to your mother and sister."
Allmight yelled as izuku turns his glare to him.
"Shut it ass might as far as I'm concerned all of you aren't my family or my friends."
Izuku said getting a shocked look from allmight.
"Hey bastered how can you say that to your family."
Shoto said as his and Katsuki quirk activate.
"Im the bastered? I'm not the one who tortured a little kid. If it wasn't for shouko I would have died from the wounds you gave me."
Izuku said as Kastuma walks toward him.
"Please forgive us izuku, come back to us, to me, I love you."
Kastuma said as izuku scoffs.
" you love me. You don't know the meaning of the word."
Izuku said turning away and walking home not waiting for his crew. Kastuma starts crying with inko and Izumi making Katsuki mad.
"You worthless deku!"
Katsuki said running at ready explode izuku as he did nothing to stop it, just looking down his hat covering his eyes. As Katsuki was about to hit izuku he got put on the ground with two sword close to his neck. Shinso and Tokoyami had taken him down for trying to attack there captian.
"What do you think your doing to are captian."
Shinso said menacing, Tokoyami looking the same.
"Hey get off him."
Kastuma said running at them but got punched in the face sending her into the ground next to Katsuki. Shota tried to help but he was stuck to the ground by some type of grape ball. The rest of the hero pirates come as izuku smirks.
"Assholes I like you to meet my crew. They are my family now."
Izuku said turning around and they could see his smirk.
" izuku are you alright."
Melissa asked as the yagi family looked confused as to why she was here.
"Melissa! What are you doing here? I thought you kidnapped by pirates? Wait did these villians kidnappe you and izuku."
Allmight asked ready to take them down.
"Allmight I was taken but izuku saved me and I've been with him every since."
Melissa said
"But what about David? He's been worried sick about you."
Inko asked
"OH that's all an act we talk all the time."
Melissa said as nezu,aizawa and touya come out.
"What is going on here!?"
Aizawa yelled at them all as izuku signals his crew to stand down. Tokoyami and shinso take there swords from Katsuki as mineta releases shoto.
"They tried to talk to me and when I did this moron attacked me."
Izuku said pointing to the exploding boy.
"Sir these villians has taken my son and my niece Melissa that shouldn't be allowed in U.A."
Allmight said as nezu glares at allmight.
"You shut up. There will be a punishment for you,inko and these kids who acted more like villians then any of the hero parents."
Nezu said as the yagi family and friends become shocked.
"Principle nezu you can't do that."
Izumi said as aizawa and touya glared at her.
"He has every right to do that after everything you and your friends have done."
Aizawa said
"And if you didn't have the number one hero as support you all would be in a juvy let alone allowed to become heros."
Touya said as shoto had a look of betrayal.
"But brother"
Shoto said but touya just put his hand up and sighed at his behavior.
"Izuku take your crew and go home. All of you did well enough to pass but wait for your acceptance letter for your scores and what class your going into."
Nezu said as izuku nodded and they started leaving.
" no I won't allow you to leave."
Allmight said about to grab izuku but his Quirk got canceled and he turned into his little form. Aizawa used his Quirk on allmight and captured him in his gear.
"Just go problem child we can deal with this."
Aizawa said as izuku nodded. The crew used haki to jumped away at incredible speeds while Melissa just flew. The yagi family and friends were shocked at izuku ability. They saw him do the entrance exam but this was an entirely different power. Allmight still didn't belive that devil fruits and haki was real but he didn't think he got his powers naturally. He started thinking that all for one was involved and that izuku is brainwashed.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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