devil fruit ?

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In this world 80% of the world's population people are born with quirks. While the 20% were not born with a quirk and are looked down upon in the public's eye. The yagi family has birthed people with strong quirks for a long time. They would never think one of them would be born quirkless. People van become heros but it is mostly about fame now a days. In the yagi house toshinori yagi and his wife into yagi are sleeping peaceful until.
"Mommy, daddy wake up!"
Izumi yelled as she and her brother izuke yagi jumped on there bed waking them up.
"We have to go find out what are quirks are."
Izuku said excited, they are both four years old and are ready to become heros.
"Hahaha alright let's go."
Toshinori said as he and his wife get dressed. The kids run downstairs and get into the car. They all go to the doctors office and wait to hear the results from the tests.
"Well I have good news and bad news"
The doctor said making the parents worried.
"The bad news is that your son is quirkless."
The doctor said as his whole world crashed down. His parents look at him with sympathy and sadness.
"The good news is that your daughter has a amazing quirk called telekinesis. She can control things up to two times her weight, but with training she could probably lift up buildings."
The doctor said as Izumi cheered with her parents forgetting about izuke. They go to the car, toshinori lifting his daughter on his shoulder leaving forgetting izuke. Izuku runs to the car to not be left behind and barly makes it in before they left. When they get home Izuku runs to his room shutting the door. Izumi goes to the backyard to practice her quirk.
" will be out there in a second honey."
Inko said smiling at her daughter
"It is a shame about izuke but we can train Izumi to be the best hero. When she is old enough I can even give her one for all."
Toshinori says as he buffed into his hero form, he is the number one hero Allmight.
"Yes she has an even better quirk then me, she can definitely surpass us. How about we give izuku some space."
Into said thinking he needs some space from them. She was the number 11 hero psychic. The next day the yagi twins go to school finding there friends. Izuku goes to the swing set alone looking a little gloomy.
"Hey Izumi what's wrong with izuku?"
Kastuma asked she looks just like her brother katsuki bakugou but with longer hair. She has the quirk devil foot, she able to make explosions with her feet.
"It turns out izuku is quirkless. Guys what are we going to do, he'll get hurt if he becomes a hero."
Izumi said worried for her brother.
"How about we use are quirks on him to scare him."
Katsuki says getting a scared look from Shouko todoroki. She has the quirk ice make, she can create and shape ice to whatever she wants.
"No! I don't want to hurt him."
Shouko said loving izuku like a second brother.
"No he's right it's thd only way."
Shoto said
"I want no part in this"
Shouko said stomping away. They all go up to izuku as he looks up to them.
" izuku do you still want to be a hero."
Izumi asked as he smiled.
"Yeah more then anything."
Izuku said having a big grin but got hit by an explosion immediately.
"Well stop! You'll never be a hero you quikles loser."
Katauki said as they all start using there quirks on him. After they left him beaten and bruised. Shouko rums to him and holds him crying her eyes out.
" im sorry, I should have stopped them."
Shouko said crying
"It's alright, don't get in between me and them. I don't want you to get hurt, ok."
Izuku said patting her on the back. I

It was like this for 6 years, izuku getting beat up by his so called friends and family. His parents didn't even notice him anymore, they never feed him or ask how he got those bruises. Izuku actually found a book one day explaing what haki is and how to use it. It was written by some one name Raleigh D silvers. Izuku was suprised to find out that some one had the samw middle name as him. His haki skills were very low, he spent most of hid time training his body deciding to leave intense haki training for later. One day a ten year old izuki was doing push ups in the woods he trains in.
"997, 998, 999, 1000."
Izuku said finshing his one handed push ups, he also put a Boulder on top of him to make it harder. Izuku gets up and stretch when somthing hits him in the head.
"Ow what the hell."
Izuku says holding his head. He looks down and see a blue fruit with lighting marks in it.
"Woah I wonder what it taste like."
Izuku says picking it up and inspecting it. Taking a quick sniff, izuku eats the thing whole. He regrets his decision as the fruit tasted terrible, he rolls on the ground holding his throat.
"Aaahhh this taste like shit."
Izuke says running to the lake and dumping his head in. He takes it out and he feels werid, he looks at his hand and it started to spark.
"Wait did I just get a quirk?"
Izuku asked himself confused. He touches a tree but his hand gets turning into electricity.
"Woah! This must be a devil fruit powr."
Izuku said remembering part of the book he read, it talked about devil fruits and what they do. Izuku runs home after finding a way to make himself tangible. He runs up stairs as his family not even noticing he left looked confused as they saw him enter.
" when did he leave?"
Inko asked they all shrug not really caring. Izuku goes to his room and goes under his bed where the haki book was. He reads the lists of devil fruit and finds he eats a logia type devil fruit called the rumble rumble fruit. It turns the person into a lighting man, izuku was excited to be able to control and turn into lighting. He decided to keep this a secret from his family because they might act nice to him now that he has powers. Izuku hated his family but thought it was to troublesome to get revenge. Next day izuku is at school when his bullies come up to him Shouko behind them looking sadly.
"Loser deku what do think your doing."
Shoto said freezing izukus legs as he trys to leave.
"Yeah it's beating time."
Kastuma said hitting izuke with there quirks. It took a lot of concentration to keep his powers down.
"Your a disgrace to out family, I can't believe your my brother"
Izumi said disgusted. Shouko had tears in her eyes as she watched him take it.
"You know what deku, i know how you can get a quirk."
Katsuki said making the bullies look at him as izuku hair cover his eyes.
"Take a swan dive off the roof and pray for a quirk in the next life."
Katsuki said making all there eyes widen not believing he would say that.
"Ha you think I haven't thought of that, but I won't. I won't die because I will be the best hero in the world."
Izuku said looking at then with a confident smile. Shoto and Katsuki get mad at that, they activated there quirks.
" you think your better then us quirkless deku."
Katsuki said
"Your not your will always be nothing."
Shoto said as they attack izuku with there quirks with more force then they ever have.
"No stop you'll kill him"
Shouko Yells activating her quirk to stop them but it was to late. izuku smiles as the attack hits where he was. Izumi and Kastuma had tears in there eyes not believing that izuku is dead. Shoto and katsuki smile at the deku finally being gone. Shouko falls to her knees not believing her brother in all but blood is gone. The smoke clears and izuku is there half his body turned into electricity.
"Sorry but I'm not your punching bag anymore."
Izuku Said as theyook in disbelief
"Izuku! You have a quirk, we can be heros together now."
Izumi says as she and katsumi smile as izuku scoffs
"Ha you all mean nothing to me, besides Shouko, thank you for everything, little sister. I'm leaving and never coming back."
Izuku says fully turning into electricity and speeds off.
"Wait don't go"
Shouko said not wanting him to leave.
" bitch, why did he call you sister when I'm his only sister. "
Izumi said angry at Shouko
"Because unlike you I treat him like a brother, and im his sister."
Shouko says standing up for herself.
"No that bastered is not your brother I am."
Shoto said angry as well. Shouko scoffed and ran home not wanting to deal with them. From now on she will be strong, strong enough to protect someone she cares about. Izuku is in his room putting everything he wants to take with him. He only took some clothes,food, money and his haki book. Izuku walks outside and takes one last look at his hell before leaving. Izuku runs towards the docks hoping to catch a boat but ran into someone. He ran into a purple hair kid his age in ripped clothes.
The kid said moving past him as izuku holds his wrist.
"No problem but do mind giving me back my wallet."
Izuke Said as the kids eyes widen. He puts on a smirk and teys to punch izuku in the face. Izuku dodges and sweeps thd kids leg supriseing him. The kid while falling uses his hands to catch himself and jump back doing a back flip.
"Your pretty good what's your name."
Izuku says grinning
"My name is shinso, whats yours?"
Shinso asked a little on edge.
"Hahahaha my name is izuku D Roger  nice to meet you."
Izuku said holding out his hand to shake. Izuku cast off the name yagi and replaced it as Roger not wanting the yagi family to find him. Shinso was suprised by izuku and his big grin.
"Sorry for taking your wallet but I haven't eaten anything today and needed some food."
Shinso said a little ashamed he tried to rob izuku.
"No problem, here have some."
Izuku said holding out a piece of bread from hid bag. Shinso was suprised by his generosity but took the bread and ate it fast.
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
Shinso asked as they started walking in the direction of the port.
"Hahaha why have enemies when you can have friends."
Izuku said grinning as shinso smiled to likeing his new friend.
"Hahahaha your a strange one you know that. No one has been this nice to me before, because of my quirk they all think im a villain."
Shinso said laughing before getting a sober look when talking about his Quirk.
"Hey why don't you come with me?"
Izuku asked seeing him in a similar situation to his.
"What!? Where are you even going?"
Shinso asked
"Im going to steal a boat and travel the world, helping people in my own way. Because I'm going to be the greatest hero in the world!"
Izuku said as people walking in the streets look at him weirdly. Shinso looked at Izuku and saw the confidence he had.
"Alright then since your going to be on a boat captain I'll be your right hand man."
Shinso says stopping and holding out his hand to izuku.
"Haha i think its destiny that we met, shinso"
Izuku says as they shake hands forming a unbreakable bond with each other. They go to the docks amd finds a small boat that looked abandoned.
"Hey sir who's boat is that."
Izuku asked one of the fisherman near by.
"OH that one, it's been here for about a month and no ones been on it. Someone must have just left it here."
The fisherman said as the boys smile. They go to the boat an hope on admiring there new boat. It was small only having a small kitchen like area for storage. Shinso Lowers the sails as izuku puts his stuff inside. They sit down and sail out into the sea.
"You ready for some fun."
Izukue asked as the wind blew against there hair.
"Yeah, izuku how about we be pirates, good ones though that help people."
Shinso said
"That sounds cool, I'll be the captain Alright if your sure about being my right hand."
Izuku says liking the idea.
"Yep I'm sure, captain."
Shinso said smirking as izuku grinned
"Haha captain izku has a good rig to it. Oh yeah what's your quirk?"
Izuku asked shinso who looks a little uncomfortable.
"It's called... brainwashing. When someone responds to somthing I say I can take control of there mind for a minute."
Shinso says ready to be thrown off the boat.
" cool! That's awesome shinso."
izuku says having stars in his eyes.
"You thinks it's cool."
Shinso asked happy that his captain accepted his villianness Quirk.
"Yeah, I'm quirkless by the way but I do have a Devil fruit power."
Izuku said confusing him.
"Devil fruit? What's that?"
Shinso asked
"Well a few days ago I was training and a blue fruit fell on my head. I ate it and it turned me into a lighting man."
Izuku says turning his hand into lighting shocking shinso.
" woah thats cool."
Shinso said
"Yeah but all Devil fruits have a weakness, I can't swim"
Izuku says shrugging.
"What! Where in the middle of the ocean!"
Shinso says his eyes pooping out of his skull.
"Haha don't worry I like the danger."
Izuku says as shinso face palms.
"Jeez my captain is an idiot."
Shinso says but izuku ignores him.
"Well since we're pirates we are going to have to train. Here this is a book about haki, I learned the basics but I need to learn a lot more if I want to master it."
Izuku says going to his bag and handing shinso a book on haki. Shinso reads it and is suprised by what haki could do.
"Wow this is cool."
Shinso said as he reads about all the abilities haki gives you. Over the next few weeks they stop on different islands and train in haki. Shinso was well built like izuku and is easily learning haki. Shinsho picked up sword training geting a cutlass swords. Izuku trains his haki ability to finding ways to manipulate and direct it. He can make dark clouds but unable to make it ran lighting. There now on one island and find some badits trying to attack a group of people. Izuku was about to shock them but a kid there age with a crow head goes infront of the crowed.
"You will not harm them."
The crow kid said pulling out a purple and black katana.
" Hahaha what do you think your going to do kid."
One of the badits laugh the crow kid stays silent as he runs towards the group hand on his sword.
" Dark slash."
The crow said unleashing hid katana and a black slash come through the air hitting all them. The badits get knocked back into the wall unconscious. Izuku and shinso are on the roof thinking he's really cool.
"Cool cool cool"
Izuku said clapping making the crow guy look up at them. The crowd while happy they were saved some didn't like the crow for his appearance.
"We didn't need your help freak."
A man said throwing a bottle at him. The crow guy dodges the bottle as izuku gets angry. Jumping down Izuku gets in between the crowed and the crow guy.
"Hey he just saved all of you, show some gratitude."
Izuku Yells as shinso jumps down aswell next to the crow guy.
" but look at him, he's a freak."
another guy said as the crow guy looks down.
"Your more of a freak then he will ever be him."
Izuku says supriseing the crow guy and the crowd.
" that's my captain."
Shinso said but only the crow guy heard. Izuku huffs and grabs shinso and the crow guy and drag them away.
" screw those guys, nobody messes with my crew."
Izuku said confusing the two people
"Wait I'm not apart of your crew. Who even are you?"
The crow guy asked as izuku stopped walking.
"OH yeah I'm izuku D Roger and this is my right hand shinso we are pirate heros and your our new crew mate."
Izuku says as shinso facepalmed
"Huh I'm not a pirate, I'm a samurai. The names Tokoyami fumikage the next greatestswordsman."
Tokoyami says proudly.
"Even better, we need a swordsman. Shinso is still learning how to use a sword."
Izuku said as shinso sighed
"You might aswell say yes, he's not going to take no as an answer."
Shinso said knowing his captain well.
"Alright fine I'll join your crew, but I must uphold a swordsman honor so no breaking the law."
Tokoyami says as izuku nods really fast and laughs.
"Hahaha my awesome crew of pirate heros is flowing by the day."
Izuku said as they get back to the boat.
"Wait is it just the three of us?"
Tokoyami asked seeing the size of the boat.
"Yep for now anyway. Let's get to sailing boys."
Izuku says lulking down the sail as shinso unites the boat from the dock. They go out into the sea izuku at the helm smiling at the sea.
"Onto the next adventure."
Izuku says as Tokoyami and shinso smiles from behind there captain.

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