Part 2

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Before I was able to  wrap my head around it, Alexander came back

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Before I was able to wrap my head around it, Alexander came back. He changed into a brown turtleneck and forest green trousers and brought a tray of tea and homemade brownies. Everyone else in the arena is scared to take any food from him, but I know he's actually a good cook. It's all just chemistry to him, after all.

He put the tray on the coffee table and only noticed what I was holding as he straightened himself up. All color drained from his face. He quickly tore the picture from my fingers and stuffed it in his pocket. He suddenly seemed skittish, distressed. He didn't want me to know about this, it was embarrassing for him. Why?

"I..."I tried, but words were stuck somewhere in my throat.

"It's just," he barked, lowering himself onto the couch. "It's just... research. Yeah."

"For what?" I asked the obvious.

He didn't have an answer for that. Naturally. The only research he could be doing with that photo would be concerning his sexuality. Reasons I'm attracted to young women, volume I. But then, he could've used a picture of any woman, the internet was full of them and most were way hotter than me. Yet, he picked me.

"How did you get that picture?" I needed to know. He shot me a wild glance.

"Remember how you forgot your phone here a few months ago? You trusty creature don't even protect your privacy with a password. And I got curious. That's all."

I could definitely understand the curious part. I know it's wrong, but given the opportunity, I couldn't resist going through someone else's phone either. Especially if that someone was a man I admired.

"It still doesn't explain why you went through the trouble of printing one of my most exposed selfies," I reminded him. "Or what you were doing with it in your armchair."

"Aren't you feeling a little embarrassed that you left this kind of content in someone else's home?" he bit back. "I wouldn't have guessed that someone as brilliant as you could be so... basic. Who were those pictures for, Crypto?"

My jaw fell. He was still on Tae Joon's case*? I actually thought he just wanted me to focus on my work when he tried to separate us, but... could there be more?

"I wasn't going to send them to anyone," I said quietly. "They were just... experiments."

The sneer on his face told me all I needed to know about how much he believed me.

"Fine, I was lonely and I wanted to use a really nice picture for a hook-up app profile, alright?" I poured it all out in one exhale. "My usual attire doesn't exactly scream available, now, does it. But I solved it myself in the end, so I just went on with my life. Now I realize I should've deleted these..."

"They're really cute, I'm sure Crypto would love some," he jabbed again. "On second thought, he's a hacker, he probably already has them by now."

"Why are you so worked up against him?"

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