Part 5

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"I loved it," he whispered into my ear, caressing my back and shoulders. "But I want to be inside you... now."

I shivered with anticipation at his soft command. He pressed my body tightly to his and kissed me deeply. I could feel his cock softly jerking between us, unhappy with the sudden lack of attention. It no longer seemed scary to me. We liked each other now. It felt safe, comfortable.

While he was kissing me, Alexander's palm slid up the hill of my ass cheek, kneaded the mass feverishly, then slid down the other side and I felt a finger slip into my wetness. His hands were big, fingers thick, so adding even one more was straining. My arousal made the slight discomfort into something hot and desirable. I wanted him to stretch me; suddenly the thought of taking the whole girth of him was no longer scary - it became exciting. My hips ground against his hand on their own accord, pushing him deeper in.

My eagerness seemed to have a powerful effect on him. He pressed me even tighter to his chest, groaning into my mouth, biting my lips. Rushing to get me ready, he slid another finger into me. I gasped, tears lightly prickling in my eyes, but there was something undeniably sweet in that short pang of pain. I wanted more.

I kissed him for the last time before I sat upright, and I took his cock in one hand to guide it to my entrance. He looked at me, slightly surprised, but even if he was worried about me, the heat was in control now. He gripped my hips roughly, helping me lift up, and finally, I could enjoy the sweet burning of his head spreading my petals, pushing against my walls.

I had nothing to be afraid of. On the contrary, he let me discover something I wouldn't have otherwise: that I liked a bit of pain. I guess it's something none of us quite expect of ourselves until we experience it. Now my eyes were open wide, same as my body, accepting what it was being given.

Alexander's gaze bore into mine so intensely I felt like he could see the very core of my being. He pulled me in for a hungry kiss, gently helping me ride him. I couldn't take him all in, not yet, but I slid up and down as far as I could, counting the stars he was lighting in my vision. I was going to start counting this as my first time; all I'd done before was inconsequential.

This was another level. I've spent a few years thinking sex was mildly entertaining contact of private parts—nice, but beyond making babies not worth wasting too much time over. I was beginning to understand how people could be so obsessed with it. With the right partner, sensations in your whole body felt like explosions. The right partner could take you to places inside your head you've never visited before. Show you who you really were.

I took him in whole, even before my thighs started to burn with the strain. Instead of sliding up and down I just ground my hips around, keeping as much of him inside as possible without actually stopping. He pressed at my core in the most invigorating way; the mix of pleasure and pain were making me want to cry with joy. His hands, free to roam my body again, soothed any discomfort with long, soft strokes, raking my hair, caressing my nipples and my clit, making me tingly and impatient.

I got tired of going slow. I wanted Alexander to stop being so gentle and considerate, I wanted the beast I knew from the arena, the beast that tore my clothes off my body with his bare hands and nearly devoured me.

"I want more," I whispered, out of breath. "I can take it."

He seemed to understand my meaning. His expression darkened. He wrapped his arms around me and twirled us around, landing me on my back with him on top of me. He pushed me higher, until my head dangled over the mattress, and grabbed a handful of my hair to hold me, so despite our height difference I was looking him straight in the eyes.

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