Part 4

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With a wildly beating heart, I shot up from my seat and opened the door to the shower. Alexander turned and gave me a puzzled look, evidently surprised I was still here, still naked. I gingerly stepped into the tight space next to him, my eyes not leaving his face the whole time. His expression relaxed soon, his eyes warming up again, filling with shy hope.

"I... honestly thought you'd be gone by now," he rasped loud enough to be heard over the raining water. "I'm glad you're not, but... what does this mean?"

He had the right to be wary. I let out a sad sigh and tenderly reached for his shoulder. He let me stroke his skin, but the question in his face remained. I had to figure out how to explain what I was feeling, which was always a challenge.

"I am scared," I exhaled, "but not exactly of you. I... My... feelings towards you are... confusing for me. I've never felt this. It's overwhelming. And terrifying. This is not casual... It's not just a bit of fun for me."

I did not expect his expression to brighten so much after what I said. He chuckled with relief and enveloped me in his arms. I leaned into him and just listened to his heart beat. My previous panic was gone; I felt almost safe.

"You can trust me, Natalie," he said softly, but the sound reverberated in his chest and into my cheek. It was soothing, like listening to a cat purring. "Like I said... the last thing I want is to hurt you."

"If I hadn't found that picture, you would never have told me, would you," I muttered into his skin. I don't know how he heard me over the white noise, but he sighed and answered.

"No," he admitted. "Never. I would've rather kept you as a friend than lost you in an attempt to get more. That's how precious you are to me."

I lifted my head to look up at him and was met with his intense stare. I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes again. They were emerald green with golden specks. Beautiful, intelligent, wild, dangerous. He could hypnotize me with a single look.

"Kiss me," I whispered.

He leaned down to me, taking my jaw into one of his huge hands, dipping his tongue into my mouth, exploring it. His beard was much softer wet and he was clearly set on proving just how gentle he could be, but I actually missed that roughness.

So I bit his lip. He gasped and his eyes flew open. Then he saw the raw want in my face. He chuckled and pinned me against the shower wall, dug his fingers into the mass of my buttocks and wrapped my legs around his hips once more. He was naked this time, so I knew how much he wanted me as he ground his pelvis against mine while crushing my mouth with his strong jaws.

There wasn't enough oxygen in the tight space to keep me sane, no matter how desperately I tried to catch my breath. Despite knowing his size would probably tear me to shreds, I couldn't wait to feel him inside.

But he had different plans.

My lips were all puffy and raw, my body aching for his, but he put me back down and reached for a bottle of shampoo. I stared at him, hyperventilating and not understanding, until I looked at the bottle.

"Why do you have my favorite shampoo in your shower?" I frowned*.

The question popped out on its own, as soon as it came into my mind. He smiled.

"A bit of wishful thinking," he said, opening the cover and pouring the contents into his palm, "and simple sensory stimuli. Taking shower is a great time for various fun things and smelling your favorite scent almost made me feel like you were here with me."

He spread the shampoo over his hands and reached for my wet hair, surprising me yet again with how well he did what he did. I just closed my eyes and let him massage my scalp. It was so relaxing... and somehow extremely intimate. I moaned as if we were doing something completely different. By the time he finished, I was as aroused as before.

He led me out of the shower and helped me dry off. I couldn't resist, I had to touch his cock. It was gorgeous—at least I thought so. Hard as a rock and defiantly sticking upwards in a slight curve. The velvet smoothness of it made my hormones go haywire. I wanted him. I wanted him so much I was willing to risk getting hurt.

"I need you," I said breathlessly.

The grin that spread over his face should've been illegal. It promised all kinds of bad things... bad things I would love so much I would beg for more. I shivered and made my way back to the bedroom to stretch myself on the sheets.

He joined me, kissing me, hands playing with my sensitive spots, but he had a different position in mind. Propping himself up against the head of the bed, he pulled me on top of his lap.

"I'll help you relax," he said quietly, "but you should be the one in control. Go as slow as you need. I have all the time in the world for you."

I had to smile. He'd already managed to prove what a generous lover he could be, but I was still impressed by how much consideration he was able to muster when he cared. If any other Legend heard him now, their mouths would be gaping in shock. Maybe I really had nothing to be scared about.

Being in control was a familiar concept to me—but that was when I was working. No one had ever given me enough credit to leave me in charge anywhere else. And even though I knew this was a special circumstance, I still felt empowered by the trust he'd put in me.

I leaned in to kiss him. His palms ran along my spine, making me quiver. I could feel the hot, smooth surface of his cock press into my skin. It twitched and strained, as if trying to get even closer to me, nagging me for attention.

I'd never had this much foreplay; I was too shy to explore, even when I was interested. Alexander was making me bolder, though, being so comfortable and forward with his own nudity, with his own exploration of my body.

I reached for his cock, touching it gently. It was so silky to the touch. I wrapped my fingers around it and stroked the length of it and I could feel solid steel underneath the tender skin. It made my mouth water, which came as a surprise.

Well, if he enjoyed tasting me... I slid further down his legs, so I could reach his cock with my mouth when I bent down.

I heard Alexander gasp in surprise and when I looked up, his expression was dark, hungry. He caught my chin with his fingers, thumb sensually spreading my lips. I licked his fingers, gave him a sweet smile and without breaking eye contact wrapped my lips around the head.

The groan he let out encouraged me to take more of him into my mouth. Not much more, granted, but I at least played with the tip, sucking and licking. His hand took me by the hair, but he just stroked my scalp while I was exploring the shape of him with both my mouth and my hands.

It was so pleasant, so tasty, I got a bit lost in it after a while. He clearly didn't plan on coming in my mouth on day one, though, so he lifted my head up and pulled me closer with a wicked smile on his flushed face.

"Watching you do that is like a wet dream, Natalie," he chuckled hoarsely. "But let me keep some sanity for the main course."

"I felt like saying hi," I shrugged, smiling.

"I loved it," he whispered into my ear, caressing my back and shoulders. "But I want to be inside you... now."


* There was no mention, not even a hint of this in the lore, but they've been quite close for a time. I imagine they hanged out a lot - mainly because of science, working on stuff together, sharing their ideas and breakthroughs (Caustic holds deep respect for her genius, that's just a fact blatantly apparent from the game and comics) - but when they got tired, I doubt she just hurried back home. She liked company and hated being home alone in the silence, missing her father, so it's very possible she would just sleep over on his couch or something and I imagine they would kill some time before sleep with entertainment. Caustic might not have enjoyed silly films, but I bet she did and so I bet he would cave and watch with her, enjoying her company, her closeness, her cute laughs and all. I can almost see how she would then doze off on his shoulder and he'd cover her up with a blanket before turning off the TV and leaving ^^. Aww. Simple joys and Caustic showing affection in dozens of small, inconspicuous ways. She never even suspected.

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