Chapter 17

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"A suspension? That's why you didn't bother going to the camp?"

Ryuuji was at the shelter currently, sitting and speaking with Saru as the two sat in the dining room. Saru scratched the back of his head, a nervous smirk coming onto his face. In all honestly, it just didn't look good on his naturally serious looking face.

" of my fights got a little extra heated, to the point the sensei's had to get involved to break it up."

"What'd you do?"

"I might have...broken someone's jaw..." Saru muttered, making Ryuuji sigh.

"And thus why I tell you to hold back on your strength." Ryuuji told him. "Wait a did I not know about this suspension? Was I that out of it for the last few weeks?"

"I guess so. Work with the Nakano sisters that tiring on you?" Saru questioned. 

"Nah, it's not that." Ryuuji shook his head, before changing the topic. "Speaking of them, you should come with me at some point. I'm sure you'd get along with them...Well, Nino might be a bit extra, but I'm sure it'll be fine."

"I'm good for now. Besides, you go over their to tutor them, right? I'm not some tutor for them, what reason would I have to interact with them to that level?" Saru asked, before Ryuuji put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's called social interaction, my dear friend. What, the big bad Saru, Kintaro's reincarnate, afraid of interacting with a few cute girls?" Ryuuji questioned, suggestively raising his eyebrow's several times. Saru simply huffed in response, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

"It's not that, and you know it. We have responsibilities, and I can't get distracted with pointless shit." Saru stated, earning a blank stare from Ryuuji. "What?"

Without warning, Ryuuji stood up, walking over to Saru's side of the table, before smacking the side of his head.

"Oi! The hell was that for!?"

"Learn to relax everyone now and again, you numbskull." Ryuuji told him, causing him to go silent. "I get where you're coming from. Having to take care of Momo for the time you did on your own, abandoned by the people you called family, I get that...But you aren't alone in that anymore. These people here, they're your family now, and they're here to support you. Lady Asuna never gave up on you, did she?" Ryuuji asked, sitting on the tabale.

"W-Well, no..."

"Exactly, because she cared, and she still does to this day. We have responsibilities as we continue to grow up over the years, that's true...but even then, letting yourself relax and enjoy yourself, doesn't take them away." Ryuuji looked to the window, where he could see Momo playing with the other kids, a bright smile on her face as usual. "She's growing up, as they all will. She understands how things are for you, she just doesn't bring them up, but even then, she's shows her appreciation every chance she gets. At this point, I'm sure she'd love for you to relax a little, to enjoy your own life, before always putting hers above your own." Ryuuji told Saru, before placing a hand on his shoulder.

He stood from the table, before patting the shoulder he grabbed a few times. 

"Come around some time, truly introduce yourself to them, not just that little salute you gave them when they first came to the school. Get to know them and let them get to know you. Who know's, you may just end up enjoying their company...I know I sure do." With a final pat on Saru's shoulder, Ryuuji exited the dining room.

Saru's head dropped, as he stared at his lap. Unconsciously, his hands began to ball up into fists, his veins popping slightly. Taking notice of this, he calmed himself, relaxing his body, before looking to where Ryuuji had walked off to.

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