My Cup Overflows

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Oh god oh god oh god oh god he's here, Molly HE'S HERE!!! SH

Sherlock, chill out ur fine. MH

Molly, how can I be fine. He's here for god's sake. Why is he here?!?! SH

Ur out in public with the rest of the general population what the hell were you expecting? MH

Did you really think u'd go on with ur life and never see him again? MH

God, I hate it when you're right.. SH

Exactly, I'm right. Now just steer clear of him and it'll be fine. MH

Duck into the nearest shop or something until he goes away. MH

Fine. Anything to avoid him. SH

Sherlock shoved his phone in his pocket, took a deep breath, and looked around for a shop that would hide him.
"My Cup Overflows" is at the end of the block. He can make it.
He glanced to the other side of the street to make sure he was still there. Shit. Sherlock has never moved so quickly.
Once in the shop and successfully out of sight from his ex, Sherlock looked around and caught his breath. He reached up into his crows nest of curls and sighed. There was no fixing it now.
He looked at everything in that shop, deducing the smallest details. 23 tables, 18 with two chairs, 6 of those 18 were booth/chair tables. 5 tables sat four. 3 tables occupied, 3 sets of two. 1 older woman at the counter, 1 employee bussing tables, and 1 employee working the counter. 9 people in the shop, 10 including himself.
One couple sitting down is at the verge of breaking up.
Another couple- the guy is about to ask the girl out. She's going to say no. She's in love with his best friend. Bad luck.
Sherlock took a step towards the counter and read the menu carefully before letting his eyes fall on the man at the register.
The man smiled as he helped the little older lady at the counter. He was gentle and sweet. His thin blonde hair laid neatly on his head and moved just slightly when he bent over to hand her the mug and paper bag with her meal. When he stood up Sherlock could see his face. Strong and set but kind. He's seen things no one should have to see. And yet...
"Have a nice day, Gladys! See you tomorrow?" His eyes sparkled.
His cream colored sweater hung loosely on his frame, knitted, presumably a gift, presumably from an aunt. It's too big but he still wears it. Sentiment.
The cream color of the sweater sits on top of tanned skin, natural tan.
The maroon apron made his eyes stand out, blue-green.
White powdery smudge on his apron. Flour? No. Sherlock glanced down at the glass case that held pastries. Powdered sugar. He must be the one that arranges them in the case.
"Of course, dear. Same time everyday, you know that!" He laughed. What a beautiful sound. She turned around to leave and threw a small smile at Sherlock and slowly moved to a table.
Sherlock turned to the man behind the counter and his heart fluttered. He smiled a shy smile and blushed slightly.
"Uh hi, can I get you something?"

. . .

Another day in the boring life of me. Hip hip hooray! Yeah, right.
Walk to the café.
Unlock the café.
Let Charlotte in, late, again.
She cleans.
I bake.
Open the café.
Arrange the pastry case.
Two people walk in.
Rearrange the pastry case.
Two couples walk in.
Wait some more.
Right on time.
"Hello, dear." Gladys was an everyday kind of customer. 8 am. Everyday. John loved it. John loved her.
"Hey, Gladys! How's my favorite lady this morning?" He gives her a genuine smile.
"The same as everyday, John. How are you?"
"The same as everyday, Gladys. What can I get you?"
She opened her mouth to speak and he cut her off.
"Before you say anything," did I cut her off? "Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt you."
"Don't worry darling, what were you going to say?" Gladys was used to John being a little awkward but that's why she liked him so much. He was his own person. He didn't try to be someone else like everyone else. He was real in a world of fake. This was her favorite part of her day.
"Sorry, I was going to say, I made cheese Danish fresh this morning for Charlotte and I before I opened the shop."
"Is that so? I don't see it in your case." She put her hand up to her face and stroked her chin to show that she was interested.
"Haha, no it's not in my case. Technically, it's not on the menu. Every now and then I'll make something just for Charlotte and myself," he leaned closer to her and dropped his voice to a whisper. "But if you're interested, I can sneak some in the bag for you." He raised an eyebrow and chuckled when she perked up.
"Well of course I want some! You know how much I like your baking." She laughed with him
"Your wish is my command! Now, Queen Gladys," He bowed down to her and she laughed and waved him off. "What else can I get you?"
"You're too much," She chuckled. "I'll have my usual in addition to that cheese Danish."
"One black coffee, two scoops of sugar, one scoop of cream and one blueberry scone coming right up. That'll be $7.50, m'lady." He tapped on the screen of the register.
"Sounds right," she leaned closer and dropped her voice, "and how much for the Danish?"
"No, no, that one is on me, Gladys."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course, dear." He made sure to lightly mock her at least once a day to get a good laugh out of her.
"Well thank you very much."
While she fished through her purse to find her wallet, John turned around to prepare her breakfast. He made sure to carefully wrap the Danish in a small bag and put it in another bag with her scone. When he turned around to put her coffee and food on the counter, he saw a man scurry into the café. He was out of breath, cheeks flushed, hair a complete mess. John had never seen him before.
He had smooth, clean pale skin, messy black hair with curls sticking out in every direction. He wore a long black coat and a navy blue scarf. His cheekbones were sharp and high and his cupid bow was-
"Dear?" Gladys cocked an eyebrow at John. He snapped back to reality
"Oh, yes, sorry." He took the card she held out to him and swiped it before giving it back.
"Are you alright? You spaced off there for a minute."
"Oh yes, Gladys. I'm perfectly fine. Something just caught my eye." He glanced back over to the strange man. He took the receipt and put it in her bag and gave her what she ordered.
"Have a nice day, Gladys! See you tomorrow?" He knew the answer.
"Of course, dear. Same time everyday, you know that!" He laughed and she turned around to find a suitable table. She walked past the man and smiled at him.
The strange man took a step forward and met eyes with John. John's chest did a backflip and a heat rose in his cheeks.
"Uh hi, can I get you something?"

My Cup OverflowsWhere stories live. Discover now