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"Uh hi, can I get you something?" Sherlock freezes. "Sir?"
"Oh, sorry. I, uh, zoned out." Sherlock's cheeks turned red and he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Don't worry about it, do you, uh, know what you want to eat? Erm.. or drink?"
Sherlock sees the man behind the counter flush a bright pink and he lowers his head and taps something on the screen of the register.
"Oh yes. I'll have a," Sherlock squints at the menu above the man's head. "A mocha caramel Frappuccino." No! Wrong word! Idiot! "No!"
The man flinched at the shout.
"Sir, are-are you ok?" He looks worried and startled.
"I'm sorry.. I meant cappuccino, not Frappuccino."
"Gotcha," he taps something else on the screen. "Is that all or would you like something to eat with it?"
"Yes, a plain bagel with cream cheese, please."
"What kind of cream cheese?"
"I, erm, what are the choices?" Too flustered to speak properly, Sherlock's cheeks turn a deeper shade of pink.
"We have veggie, plain, and oh gosh, what is it?" The man closed his eyes in concentration. Sherlock glances up at the menu to find the options. There.
"Strawberry?" Sherlock smiled.
"Haha, yes, strawberry."
"I'll have plain, please." Sherlock reached into his pocket for his wallet.
"Alright, and with that it'll be $6.75."
Not having any cash on him, Sherlock works his debit card out of its pocket. His hands are shaking. Shit. Calm down! He reaches out to hand his card to the man and the man reaches out to take it.
Their fingertips brush each other.
Sherlock lightly gasps.
The man jerks his hand back and stares at Sherlock.
Did he feel it too?
Several taps and a swipe on the register and the man hands the card back to Sherlock, making sure to hold the very edge of it this time.
Sherlock clears his throat.
"Thank you." They avoid eye contact.
"Yeah no problem, I'll have that out for you in a minute, can I have a name to call?"
"Sher- uh, thank you." The man types the name into the machine and prints the receipt. Holding the edge again, Sherlock takes the piece of paper from him and shoves it in his pocket.
Sherlock immediately retreated and found a table next to a window to sulk at. If you had asked him just earlier this morning he'd have told you that he was in no place to fall for someone else. Plus, whether he wanted to admit it or not, he was very much hung up on his ex.
Glancing out of the window, Sherlock looks around to see if his ex is still outside. Seeing him, he sinks into the booth and shoves his hand in his pocket

It's been ten minutes since I ran into a shop and he's still standing outside across the street! What the hell is he doing! SH

Well, what i s he doing? MH

I just asked you that. SH

That was also rhetorical. SH

No, I mean what is he actually doing? Is he on his phone, is he talking to someone? MH

He's talking to someone... OMG is he already over me and he's talking to his new boyfriend???? SH


Chill out, u guys broke up a month ago. For some people that's not nearly long enough to get over someone (aka y o u) and in other cases that's more than enough time. Besides, he could just be talking with a friend. MH

I've met all of his friends. I don't know this one. SH

Well... maybe it is his new boyfriend.. MH

Well no, it's possible he made a new friend since u guys broke up, right? MH

I hate it when you're right. SH

Mid frantically texting Molly, someone comes up to Sherlock's table and startles him.
"Here's your order, Sherlock." The man from before smiles.

. . .

"Uh, hi, can I get you something?" John cocks his head slightly and looks at the man standing across from him. "Sir?"
"Oh, sorry. I, uh, zoned out." The strange man blushed a little and brought his hand up to the back of his neck. What John wouldn't give to run his hands through those curls.
"Don't worry about it, do you, uh, know what you want to eat? Erm.. or drink?" God why can't I think straight? John's cheeks flush red and he looks down at his shoes and waits for the man to reply.
"Oh yes. I'll have a," John looks up and across the counter and the man is reading the menu on the wall. John stares at the long, pale neck of the man standing there, clueless to the thoughts running through John's head. "A mocha caramel Frappuccino," The man cringed. Cringe? "No!" John instinctively takes a step back.
"Sir, are-are you ok?" Concern and a little fear runs through John like a marathon runner.
"I'm sorry.. I meant cappuccino, not Frappuccino."
"Gotcha," he taps a few keys on the register. "Is that all or would you like something to eat with it?"
"Yes, a plain bagel with cream cheese, please."
"What kind of cream cheese?"
"I, erm, what are the choices?" John sees the man turn another shade of pink.
"We have veggie, plain, and oh gosh, what is it?" John clenches his fist, closes his eyes and tries to remember the last flavor.
You've been working here for over two years. Why can you never remember the last flavor? You're such an idiot, John, GOD! Oh I know it starts with an s...
"Strawberry?" John opened his eyes and looked up to meet the man with a warm smile.
"Haha, yes, strawberry."
"I'll have plain, please."
John looks down at the screen and taps some more keys and a total pops up and asks for a card.
"Alright, and with that it'll be $6.75."
The man across from him reaches a shaking hand with a card out towards John. John reaches his own hand out to meet it.
Their fingertips touch.
John gasps.
So does the other man.
John jerks his hand back and stares straight at the man.
What. Just. Happened...
John shakes his head slightly and finishes the transaction before giving the card back, being sure to only touch the edge of the card to avoid touching the other man again.
The man clears his throat and says thank you.
"Yeah no problem, I'll have that out for you in a minute, can I have a name to call?"
"Sher-uh, thank you." John types the name in quickly and prints the receipt, once again holding onto only the edge while handing it to the man.
He shoves it into his pocket and then scurries away and sits in a booth by the window.
John lets his stare linger for a moment before turning around and letting muscle memory take over the rest of the order while his mind wonders.
What was it that I felt?
Did he feel it too? Or was it just me.
He gasped so I guess it could've been both of us. But then again I gasped too so his gasp could've just been a reaction to my gasp. Right?
I don't know.
What was that feeling?
A spark?
Why would I feel a spark when I touched a stranger. A quite attractive stranger, yes, but stranger nonetheless.
And that name. I know that name from somewhere.
Was he in the news?
Probably not.
I'm going crazy.
I have to be going crazy.
Who imagines a spark when they touch a stranger?
I'm definitely going crazy.
No doubt about it.
John looked over his shoulder when he put the bagel and coffee on the tray.
He located the man.
Sherlock. What an interesting name. A beautiful name.
John took one deep breath and turned around with the tray in his hands.
He spotted Sherlock again and put the tray on the counter.
"Sherlock." He pretended to look around for him and waited for a response or for him to stand up and walk back to the counter. But Sherlock didn't move. He decided to try again. "Sherlock? Your order is ready at the counter." Sherlock still didn't move.
John decided to wait a few more seconds and if Sherlock still didn't get up then he would just bring the tray to him instead. John glanced back over at Sherlock one last time and saw that he was very interested in whatever was happening on his phone. No? Sherlock wasn't just on his phone. He was looking out of the window and back to his phone over and over. Odd.
Fine. I'll come to you.
John took another deep breath and walked out from behind the counter and towards Sherlock who was in the middle of furiously typing something.
"Here's your order, Sherlock" He smiles at the frazzled man.

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