7. Feelings Gone Haywire

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**Sorry for the wait, my life's been so busy that you don't even understand. I hope you like it! I'm SO sorry. I'll be a better Wattpader now and update more. :) Love you, my sweeties. <3 Thanks for sticking by me!***  

 "Where should we go now? There's still another 15 minutes until we have to leave for our plan." Asks Patch.

   I think for a second. Where's a good place to waste some time at? Somewhere fun, but where we can stay for a short time. It can't have too many mer-people because when it's too crowded, nothing is fun. It is my birthday so I want it to be fun. It also can't be so underpopulated that we're the only ones in the area. Awkward much?

   I know exactly where to go! "What about Lavander's Arcade? It has lots of awesome games we can play and it's inexpensive too!" I tell my Bella and Patch.

   Lavander's Arcade is this great arcade with tons of games to play. It's just like any other arcade in the human world except some games are a bit modified for obvious reasons. Such as, if the water ruins some part of the game. My personal favourite game is shell hockey. It's exactly like air hockey only without the air. Instead of a little puck, we us a shell. It's really fun and I'm pretty good at it. Well, I've never been beaten so I assume I'm pretty good.

   "It sounds like a great idea Clair! Wait- I'm suddenly getting a really bizarre feeling about this..." Says Patch. As soon as she mentions it, I start feeling a bit odd too.

    I feel happy and excited, as if I'm soon getting something I've yearned for my whole life. This feeling makes me imagine myself eating honey, it's warming my heart so much with sweetness that I just can't take it anymore. What is this feeling? I've never felt it before. I'm suddenly feeling hypnotized... It's so weird, what's happening? So happy... Need to swim to the arcade... Faster... Happy... 

"I feel as if it's an excellent decision to go to the arcade." Says a misty looking Bella. What a great idea the arcade was. We should get there as soon as possible!

  "I feel like that too, Bella. I also feel that if we go, we'll become very happy soon. Something extraordinary is about to happen." Declares Patch.

   By now we've stopped swimming and are just hovering in a triangular shape. We all have a clouded look on our faces, it sort of reminds me of how other people look when I'm singing. We're all facing each other and looking at each other strangely. This feeling... What is it? The more and more it wears on, the more I want to go to Lavander's Arcade. Now.

  " I feel as if we need to go there. I'm so happy right now... We should leave. Let's go, Bella and Patch." I say.

  As if we are in a trance, we all slowly turn our bodies and begin to swim towards Lavander's Arcade. 

  As swiftly as that odd feeling came, it left. 

 I shake my head in confusion. What just happened?

  "To put it simply, that was different." Bella says. Patch and I nod our heads in agreement. That wasn't anything like I've ever known before. I've never felt so emotional before. Sure, I have feelings, plenty of them. But, this feeling was so much more intense than anything else.

    "We all felt the same thing, at the same time. Don't you guys find that weird?" I ask Bella and Patch.

"It's flicking fishtails bizarre. Why did this happen?" Responds Patch.

   "Hm... Maybe it's bad shellfish? We did eat a lot of it before we went to the club. Remember, while we were swimming over?" Bella suggests. 

   Let me think. Bad shellfish? Maybe... Oh yes! Now I remember! But, the problem is that the feeling wasn't anything like food poisoning. I don't know what it was. Honestly, I don't think we'll ever find out. All I know is that I've never been in such an euphoric state before.

  "That must be it, there can't be any other logical reason why all three of us felt the exact same way at the exact same time." Confirms Patch.

It doesn't make sense. Even if it were food poisoning, we'd feel it at different times and describe it differently because our bodies aren't the same. It would make sense if the twins had similar symptoms, but me too? There's just no way. Not even mentioning that food poison doesn't make one feel happy. 

I decide not to bother explaining that this moment was more bizarre than we think. Bella and Patch need their peace of mind. Instead, I remain silent and continue swimming. 


  Lavander's Arcade is humongous with tons of games to choose from. "Let's split up. Since we all like different games, it'd only make sense to play them at once." I suggest.

  Patch and Bella nod their heads in agreement. "Let's meet back here, at the entrance, at 10:00, okay?" Asks Bella.  We agree and head off in our different directions.

  I quickly grab a kiwi drink and swim over to the shell hockey table. I suddenly realize that I have no opponent. As I take a sip of my drink, I glance around for any free people, possibly my victim, to play against. In return, I get dirty looks from the people I'm staring at. I close my eyes and sigh, disappointed. The only people here are ones that wouldn't want to waste their time on a teenager.

   "What's the matter, babe?" Purrs a stranger in my ear. I jump, startled of the sudden change. As my eyes open, I realize that it's that weirdo, Dan. Why is he here? Does he not know when he's not wanted?

   "What do you want, Dan?" I say bluntly. Why did he come here, specifically beside me?

   "Ooo, somebody is hasty. All I want is you, or to play a game with you anyway." He replies with a wink. My eats perk up with the mention of a possible opponent. Despite that he's extremely creepy and the part about 'wanting me' was a sign to be weary of him, I agree to play. "Fine." I grumble and I take my position as he does the same.

   "All this game is going to cost you is a simple bet." Dan states, as if a bet is nothing. He stands across from me with his arms crossed across his chest. A bet? Definitely sounds like a horrible idea.

"What's the bet?" I ask, suspicion dripping from my voice. 

  He smirks. "You win, I leave you alone. No more surprise visits, no more constant pressuring." Sounds wonderfully beautiful. "But, if I win, you either have to work at the club or I can bother you until you decide to join." He finishes, grinning.

   Ah, this isn't a good bet. On the negative, if I lose, Dan is never going to leave me alone until I work for that darned club. If I win, Dan will leave me in peace and stop bothering me. The idea of no more Dan in my life, regardless of the fact that he just entered it a few hours ago, is just too overpowering for me to handle. I'm also confident in my professional shell hockey skills. I've never lost a game before. I'm pretty confident that I'll win against Dan. 

  I smirk, and say with complete arrogance, "Deal. You're a goner." and that's how it all began.

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