The Akatsuki

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'Kakuzu POV'

It was a regular evening back at the Akatsuki hideout with the gang. It was a day off for everyone except for the boss(pein) since he's always working... Kisame and Itachi went out to spar, Deidara and Sasori went shopping for weapons and the rest were in their rooms.

And as I was watching my partner;the Jashinist finish his ritual I sighed in boredom.
"You know you can go count your money if you're that bored" narrowing my eyes at Hidan I answered "I already counted it all...twice as a matter of fact." "pfffft it's not a lot if you finished countin' it" *kakuzu grumbles* "ahaha okay okay... Anyways, why don't we head out somewhere since you're so crabby." I closed me eyes in annoyance and said "where exactly do you plan on taking me?" Hidan smirked.

'Uggggggh' was what went on in my head when I saw the place we were approaching. "Really? A Brothel?" Now For a fact women annoy me to death at these places and on the other hand, Hidan is an honest yet Horrible drunk. He's the type of drunk who starts fights with everyone , and starts yelling out random events in his life or tells you the truth if you ask him. Do you think I actually want to spend my day off, taking care of Hidan. "This is a bad idea I th-" before I can finish Hidan was dragging me inside "come on Kuzu, We're gonna have the time of our lives today!!!"

'Hidan POV'
Kakuzu looked extremely bored today so I thought taking him out might be fun! And a good time to get him drunk ;) . Look I know it might sound stupidly weird but... I like Kakuzu. It's been awhile now, 2 months actually. Ever since I saw him NAKED! I know I know I sound like a pedo bear(pedophile) but I just never saw him the same after that. Anyway, Kakuzu never likes to go to hot springs, he likes his privacy but, I convinced him on going once...

"Come on Kuzu, I REEK! Im practically a mixture between wet dog and rotten milk!!!" kakuzu sighs "Alright, If you're going to keep bitchin along the way then let's go" "YES!!" "... And one more thing... STOP CALLING ME KUZU, my name is KAKUZU not KUZU or KAKI-Chan, just KAKUZU!" "Alright Alright sheesh I get Ya, now let's hurry!"

*Timeskip* "Man what's taking Kakuzu so long to come in -.-" annoyed Hidan got out of the steamy hot spring and went into the dressing rooms "Oi Kaka-" Hidan shut himself up as he turned the corner... There was all his glory...naked. Hidden behind the corner peeking his head, Hidan couldn't help but stare at Kakuzu's bear body, well built, tanned and stitched all over(which made it a thousand times sexier) with over all his hair loose. "Sh-shit!" Hidan whispered as he ran out back to the hot springs with a major nosebleed. "Man get it together" Hidan spoke to himself as he closed his eyes and laid back still holding his nose.

"What happened to you?" Spoke a calm but deep voice. "GAAAAAAAH!" Hidan jumped back surprised, "Damnit Kakuzu don't scare me like that! Poppin outta nowhere and shit..." Hidan pouted lookin away "... Nevermind that, you should get out, your nose is starting to bleed from to much heat" Kakuzu said. "Uh-right then I'll see you outside" Hidan turned away blushing furiously.

Tonight has got to be the night that I do something. I have to get Kakuzu alone and drunk.

'Kakuzu POV'
"Oh my your sooooo Handsome!" One of the Blondes complimented me. Is she stupid? She can't even see my face. "And so muscular too" the woman seductively moved her hand on my chest.
I could feel deadly vibes directed towards me, as I looked up I noticed Hidan glaring at me. I raised a confused eyebrow, maybe he's jealous? Maybe he had his eyes on this blonde that's been with me the whole time? Well She's not my type so he can have her.

I got up and exited to another place in the brothel.

'Hidan POV'
I glared daggers as I saw the blonde touch my Kakuzu. Kakuzu had noticed I was glaring "shit" I avoided eye contact. Was I too obvious? Would he question me? As I was thinking this, Kakuzu had gotten up and exited the room. Where the hell is he going?

/////Hello everyone, this is my first story >.< and well idk if I Did well but I wanted to try and write one.\\\\\\\
So thanks to whoever reads this xD

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