12- Forgetful Thing

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I opened my eyes, looking around. I was in a room I had never seen. I was in a bed I had seen before either.

I slowly got up, walking quietly and quickly over to the door, sliding it open a bit and looking out into an empty hall. I felt for my sword and looked around, it not being there. I cursed to myself and stepped out of the room, starting to look for a way out. As I went, nothing was found. I ran for hours, finally sitting down against a wall and starting to cry. I felt hopeless.

"Where are you Zenitsu?" I mumbled, wiping my eyes.

"Poor thing." Someone said.

I looked up, meeting the eyes of a deathly pale woman. Her eyes were purple and her hair black like a raven's feathers. She was beautiful too.

A demon.

I stared for a second, starting to cry more. I was going to die here. I didn't have my sword. No one was here to protect me. Ze....

What was I just thinking about just now...?

The woman's eyes were all I could see at the moment. They were beautiful and soft. She let go of my face and stood straight again, looking at my clothes. "They're torn and tattered, you look so hurt you poor thing. Let's get you changed." She said, making me stand. She lead me down the hall behind her as I tried to think more about what I had forgotten.

(Slight timeskip brought to you by the lotus demon(the woman, her name is Suiren)

The woman had me dressed into a kimono that was a soft purple that faded to black. It was patterned with gold swirls, but it wasn't too much. By this time, I was trying to figure out why I had been crying. I couldn't figure it out.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"My home." The woman said.

"It's really quiet." I said.

She nodded a bit, a bit upset. "It's lonely here too. I don't get many guests." She sighed. She smiled again and looked at me. "But, now you've appeared. I love it when I get guests and always treat them sweetly."

I nodded, smiling a bit.

She smiled and patted my shoulder. "Oh, you're so skinny. Let's get you fed. Someone your age should really eat more." She said, walking past me.

My stomach suddenly lurched a bit in disgust. I couldn't tell exactly why, but she gave me a bad feeling when she past me. I held it a bit, feeling almost sick.

"Follow me." The woman said, walking down the hall.

I did so, coming to a dining area. She made me sit in a fhair and smiled, leaving the room.

She's bad.

The thought traversed through my mind, seeping into every inch of my body. I felt sick to my stomach.

De.... A demon.... I thought.

I jumped up from my chair and ran out of the room. I ran down the hall and stopped in a large area, a door being at the other side.

The woman giggled behind me, grabbing the sides of my arms. "Guests shouldn't try to leave without saying something. It's quite rude."

I started crying, sinking to the floor.

Thunderstorms (Zenitsu X Reader(female) Where stories live. Discover now