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Tanya's POV

"What?" I managed to ask despite the electricity racing through my body at the contact.

"I expected my mate to be a meek one, someone who would obey my every rule and give me less stress," he murmured lowly as if to himself while he gaped at the spot his fingers were glued to my skin. "Heck I expected her to be a werewolf too."

"Badluck then, you get a human for a mate," I said dryly, not sure why I felt the least bit hurt.

"She didn't just give me a human mate," he shook his head. "She gave me a hard headed one."

"A mate with an hour glass figure and an insanely soft skin," he emitted, pushing his hands further on my sides to reveal more flesh and caused a shudder to rake through me. "One who is as stubborn as the river stone."

"Guess you've got work on your hands," I jeered, biting my lip after to prevent a moan as his hands hiked further to below my bossom.

"Yes," he agreed and nibbled my jaw. "I'm going to enjoy doing the work."

Diego Dante Domino, who gives their child such sexy names? My subconscious inquired as he buried his head in my neck, prompting me to go still in surprise before I giggled as his warm breathe fanned my skin.

"Did I tickle you?" He inquired provoking vibrations on my skin that prompted me to fist his cloth tighter.

"No," I denied, and in the bid to utter something else I stupidly said. "I thought your name sounded weird that's all."

"How weird?" He interrogated, and I was for once thankful his head was buried in my neck so he wouldn't see me open and close my mouth like a fish in need of water.

"It's just, your name abreviated will be DDD," I let out the only reasonable thing I could come up with instead of blurting the truth about how I thought his name was sexy.

"Only you would think of that," he snorted and retracted his head to gape at me. I couldn't hold his gaze and therefore stared at his chest where my fingers were clamped.

"Lie to me and say it doesn't sound funny," I mocked and used the opportunity to retrieve my palm hence I'd been holding onto him long enough.

It really does sound funny.

"It does," he bobbed his head in affirmation and stared at my lips, his eyes turning intense.

"It would be nice if you let me go now," I laughed hysterically still avoiding eye contact thus he came across as he wanted to kiss me.

"What gave you the impression that I do nice things?" He taunted, scrutinizingly. "Because I'm in no way nice, especially not in bed."

"Fuck," I gasped, his words having an effect on me.

A smirk appeared on his face at that and he gets up, carrying me with him before he gradually placed me on my feet and kissed my chin. "Speaking of bed, I'm certain Abigail informed you that a new room has been prepared for you."

"Yes," I answered as he trudged back to his previous spot and proceeded to arrange a few papers as if he wasn't just a second ago all over me.

"Did she also explain to you that your belongings have been retrieved and brought here?" He questioned, channelling his gaze from the desk to me.

"No, she didn't add that," I grumbled.

"Now you know," he declared seeming to be done with what he was doing thus he was now presently erect and not bent over like before. "I know you want to say something, go ahead."

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