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Tanya's POV

A flash of red stirred me the next day which was weird hence I was certain my eyes were still closed. Deeming to find the source, I gradually peeked between my lids only to shut them immediately after the blinding lights I had glimpsed.

Grumbling at the situation, I turned on my side, a ghost of a smile appearing on my lips as this part had no vibrant rays like the previous. I got comfortable and urged my body to return to a sleep state thus the bed was oddly comfy and it would have been a shame not to revel in its softness.

I hissed as heat and light met my face again and this time it was worse as I struggled to keep my lids sealed. "Good morning Tanya."

Why does that voice sound familiar and what-

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed, throwing my body into a sitting position as the owner registered in my mind and vision. "What are you doing here Dalia, what's going on and where is Dante?"

"Good to see you awake and caring for my brother already," she mumbled, smiling, as she released the curtains she had a hold on which revealed her as the culprit. "He's downstairs."

"So what's the matter, and Abigail?" I called in question as I caught sight of the redhead in a blue floor-length simple dress. "I thought you said you aren't permitted in here."

"She isn't but as my bestfriend, she won't be punished for coming in with me," Dalia answered for her, smoothening creases on the knee-length bodycon long-sleeved green dress she had on. The upper front is designed as a bow to show her plumpy breasts.

"You two are best friends?" I interrogated, wailing as that information was too raw to receive so early in the morning.

"Yes, and sorry to wake you, Dante said we should let you sleep but you've got only an hour left," Dalia conveyed and placed her hand on her hip. "So get up."

"Why do I have an hour and for wh--" my eyes widened as I recalled Dante's last words the previous night. "I'm meeting the whole pack today."

"Yes, and the announcement is to happen in 57 minutes," Abigail informed glimpsing at the watch on her wrist.

"Fuck!" I cried out and scrambled off the bed. "You should have woken me earlier, I can't get ready in 57 minutes, my hair needs to be washed, my makeup done, and oh my God, I don't even know what to wear!"

"Tanya, breathe," Dalia strolled over to rest her palms on my shoulder. "We've got you covered, look, Abigail is searching for a suitable dress at the moment."

I peered in the path she pointed to see Abigail shuffling through my closet. "So go in there, wash your hair, and have your bath, your dress will be ready and I can do your makeup. Everything will be fine."

"You need to understand Dalia, I have to make a good first impression, I can't screw this up," I rambled, my thoughts rolling out of my mouth. "What if they don't like me, what if-"

"Snap out of it." She shook me roughly that I felt it in my toes. "I need to see some of that badass attitude you exhibited at dinner yesterday. You hear me?"

"Yes." I bobbed my head. "I've got this."

"Good, because those people?" She gestured at the door. "Will love you, and if they don't, you'll have to prove to them why they should."

"Thank you," I beamed, inhaling and exhaling to calm down, as her words took space in my mind.

"Now get in there, you have-"

"50 minutes left," Abigail filled in for her.

"Which means you have 20 minutes to do your business, we'll be here waiting," she assured and pushed me in the direction of the washroom. "Not a minute later, remember the clock is ticking."

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