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Tanya POV

"Luna?" The person called and I gradually unraveled my lids, not having an idea when I shut them.

"Abigail," I breathed her name in relief at the realization. "Thank God it's you."

"Anything the matter?" She inquired, eying me skeptically, her hands still on my shoulders. "You are panting."

"I'm, I'm fine," I stuttered, regaining my composure, and tapped her arm to release me.
"Nothing serious."

"Was there a problem?" She interrogated as if she didn't hear me though she let her arms fall to her sides. "Did you see anything? Was anyone chasing you?"

"Abigail," I murmured her name to stop her rambling. "I'm fine really."

"Then why were you running?" She asked not letting up and I sighed, concluding the only thing that'll make her stop is if I let out the truth.

"I was eavesdropping on Dante's conversation with the elders and I heard the door rattle, so, the rest is history," I explained, hoping that'd ease her worry, rather what surprised me was when she burst out laughing. "What?"

"No- Nothing," she said in between laughs. At my hard glimpse she went on to blurt, "it's just funny, you looked all scared and so I became scared, only to find out it was all for this."

"Yeah," I chuckled and nodded. "I get it now.
So did you want to see me or was this just a coincidence?"

"Truth be told, I was searching for you," she enlightened and we began to stride the other way. "I checked the room and Tony the guard at the door told me you weren't in, same happened for the library."

"Okay, any specific reason, or you just missed me?" I queried and wiggled my brows.

"There's a reason," she answered and when I was about to stroll past the stairs she shook her head. "Dalia asked to bring you."

"Where is she?" I interrogated as we began to descend the steps.

"In the garden," she told, provoking me to cease moving.

"Am I allowed down there?" I implored, a little fearful of how Dante would react while also excited as that would be the first time I'd be outside the four walls of the mansion.

"Alpha doesn't want you walking around unsupervised, but with me and most of all Dalia, he wouldn't make a fuss," she informed as my lips gradually curved in a smile.

"Which way is the garden?" I quizzed picking up my speed, thankful for my choice of clothing thus it would help out with what I had in mind.

"The exit door on your right, you'll meet a crossroad after a distance, turn right again, and it'll take you straight to the garden. The house appears more beautiful from that angle and it's the perfect place to watch the sunset," she described, boosting my confidence in what I was about to do. "Why do you ask? I'll take---

And I was off, hastily plunging down the stairs, with my palm gliding on the rail. "Luna what are you---" The breeze zooming past my ear in my race prevented me from hearing the rest of that sentence as I jumped down the last two stairs with a wide grin on my face.

I had already gathered attention by the loud sounds my sandals were making and Abigail's calls but I didn't care. The instant my eyes located the door she pointed out, I dashed towards it with such a speed, that, the two men positioned there had to move further apart from each other to prevent me from crashing into them by mistake.

"Thank you," I beamed as I wheezed past them into the open air. Joy and fresh air filled my being as I was met with the evening light. I didn't bask in it for long as I remembered my mission and picked up my pace again along the walkway I didn't stop to admire.

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