Good News

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"You fucker! How dare you smack my head with a newspaper like that!!"

Sanzu said gritting his teeth to rindou.

"It's because you're thinking of some unholy shits again. If you're that horny then go get a whore then fuck the shit out of her"

Rindou the one who smacked sanzu's head earlier said while he rolls his eyes. The three of them are now currently in their car driving to their hideout to deliver the news.


"Sanzu, Rindou and Ran. Go to the ****** university school to find Aya a tutor."

Aya is an 7 yrs old kid the bonten's princess. She is the daughter of their one and only female executive that died in a car accident 7 yrs ago along with her 14 yrs old sister Yua.

Last night aya is throwing a tantrum saying she needed a tutor for her grades because recently her grades are slowly becoming low due to an unknown reason.

At first the bonten members didn't agree to it because of how dangerous it is since they are criminals but since they can't resist her cute puppy eyes, they gave up.

"Yes boss"

They all said in unison before going to the university.


"I wonder how long that girl would last considering aya's attitude."

Ran, rindou's older brother said while tapping the steering wheel since he's the one who's incharge of driving.

"Bet not even a week"

Sanzu said before he pops some of his lovely pills on his mouth.

"But there's something off about her"

Rindou mumbled to himself.

"Huh? Ya saying something jellyfish?"

Sanzu asked already being high as fuck

"What the fuck did you just called me?"

Rindou said gritting his teeth, an irk mark can visibly see on his forehead.

"Nothing, jellyfish"

Ssnzu said knowing he's pushing the younger haitani on his limit.

Then there the two jellyfish guy started their brawl while Ran can only sigh knowing what he's about to suffered.

"What did you just said a/n chan?!"

"Pfft nothing"

(Ahh let's get back to the story hehe^^)

At the bonten's hideout...

"So how was it? Did ya guyz found a tutor?"

A man who has a silver long hair asked the trio who looks like they just encounter a lion especially sanzu and rindou.

"Yah we did and she'll start working tomorrow"

Ran said.


A cheerful voice was suddenly heard in the living room.

Looking at the stairs where the voice came from. There they saw their one and only princess.

"Yes aya"

Rindou said to aya with a reassuring smile now forgetting that he and sanzu just had a brawl earlier.


Aya cheered jumping to rindou then give him a kiss on the lips.

"How about me?"

The other two said while pouting their lips.

"Eww stop pouting the both of you, it's disgusting"

Rindou said making a disgusting expression.

"Wanna start a fight again jellyfish?"

"Game on-"

"You guys fought earlier?"

Rindou was stopped with a question.

It was Aya who asked and the trio especially sanzu and rindou both gulped really really hard knowing that again they'll have a millions of lectures from their princess.

"Ah eh it's not what you think it is sweetie"

Sanzu tried to explain but then Aya shut him up.

"Really? Then how'd you guys gonna explain what you looked like right now?"

Aya said jumping out of Rindou's grasp then sit at the sofa. Right leg sitting at her left leg while crossing her arms over her chest.

"It's because uhm.."

Rindou can't come up with any explanation same goes to the other two.


And now the three of them are having their lectures from the little kid. Poor Ran

"Who are you calling a little kid huh a/n chan?"

"Who else, of course you"

"What the-"

"Just kidding HAHAHAHAHA"

"Anyways get back to the story again"

Y/n's pov...

I am now here sitting at one of the chair in the cafeteria with my best friend Chiya.

"So~~ what did you and the principal talked about earlier huh?"

My best friend asked while giving me the look spill the tea.

"She just introduced me to my new bosses."

"Eeh? Huh? Wait what?"

Chiya asked confused.

"Someone needs a tutor and the principal inquired me to them"

"Oh I see.. So when are you gonna start working?"


"How much is the pay?"

"Dunno, maybe I'll get to know that tomorrow"

"Seriously you don't know how much will they be paying you"

She said while pace palming her face


"Gosh anyways what's their name?"

"Actually I don't know the name of the two brothers but I know the name of the other one"

"What is it?"



"What's wrong?"

"Did you just said Sanzu?"

"Yeah, you know him?"

"Uhmm no.."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, let's just finish our food before the bell rings"

Chiya said changing the topic.

"Hmm okay"

I have some weird feeling about this but I just shrugged it off and put my focus on finishing my foods.

A/n: I forgot to tell you guys that y/n's identity here is anonymous and who knows.. maybe she and Aya is somewhat have a connection. Anyways thank you again for reading my story and ily all my dear readers^^

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