The Truth Untold - 3

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"Well, well, well. Finally you are awake!" I said, as I saw Jungkook sitting up on the couch, clutching his head.

"Yoongi..." He called out, his voice hoarse.

I changed my clothing after making him sleep.

After kissing me, he passed out leaving me as a jumbled mess. I didn't know what to do, so I lay on his chest for a long time, still feeling the tingling on my lips, by his mere kiss.

But as I saw the evening morph into night, letting the stars make its way into the black night, i stood up from his hold and change my clothes. I later brought him a blanket and covered him up. No way, am I going to pull him to a room again. I'm not having that kind of superhuman strength. If he is going to suffer from back pain, let him suffer.

"Yes. How are you feeling?"


"Ofcourse, you will feel terrible if you have been drinking for days straight. If you plan on vomitting, please go to the washroom. I'm not in the mood to clean my living room nor will the cleaner come today." Jungkook looked at me confused and then immediately rushed to the washroom, stumbling on the way but then safely reached the washroom, vomitting his guts out.

He then drowsily walked back to the living room and sprawled over the couch, his hands massaging his temples. I silently placed aspirin and a glass of water by the table and went to cook something for us to eat.

I decided to make omelette, so I took eggs from my fridge and got to the cooking part of it. Just as I was pouring it on the pan, Jungkook spoke.

"Where is Eun Ae?"

Oh oh...

"She left for states early this morning." I lied. No way can I say she is already in states now, can I?

"What time is it now?"

"It is 4.30 in the evening. You have slept for a whole day straight."

"I.... I need to go." Jungkook immediately said, and left my house before I can even see him off. He didn't even take his medicines.

Now, what am I going to do with this much food? I looked at the eggs on the counter and decided to  text Namjoon.

Come home

Why? Missing me too much😏

U wish. There is food.

Say no more. I will be there in half hr


It has been a week since the day Jungkook, left– ran away from me.  If I say, I didn't think about the kiss in middle of the nights, then it is a lie.

That kiss haunted my dreams. It was a nightmare. It was torture.

Eun Ae didn't call me after this fiasco. I also didn't exactly say what happened. They both have now broken up. But more than my sister, I worry for Jungkook. Does that make me a bad brother?

I know my sister. She is doing well right now, if her insta posts are anything to go by. But Jungkook, that man isn't seen anywhere.

"If you are going to think about him all the time, you can just call. You do know that right?" Namjoon said, eating my chips in my house.

"What? Don't look at me like that. You can call. He won't think much." Namjoon said, not even glancing at me while talking. But he knows exactly how I feel. I want to talk to him and ask him how he feels. How is he doing right now?

Well, what can go wrong.

Wrong! What all can go wrong.

I was dreading to call him but his well-being overruled my shyness.

"Hello!" Jungkook answered.

I immediately cut the call. No way can I speak with him.

"Idiot." Namjoon being the helpful friend said it.

"Shut it." I glared at him which only earned a laugh from him. Just as i was contemplating on what to do next, I received a call from him. Namjoon immediately picked my phone from me and attended the call. I was flabbergasted.

The fuck!

"Jungkook, how are you doing?" Namjoon asked and that idiot has also put the call on speaker so I can hear everything.

"Uhm.... Namjoon hyung?" He hesitantly asked.

"Wow! You remember me. So on what business did you call Yoongi?"

"He called me first?" I can clearly picture the confused look on his face.

"Oh that. Yoongi here wanted to invite you to dinner today."

Excuse me! My eyes widened when I heard this. I can't even speak with him through, how the heck am I going to survive a dinner. I tried to take my phone back, but curse that 181cm. He is so freaking tall for me to reach him.

"Oh..... I didn't know I was still invited there."

I got confused now. Why won't he be invited here. He was the who ran away last time.

"Of course you are invited. Yoongi here will make dinner by his own hands. He also needs to talk with you, so don't forget to come tonight. Okay bye Jungkook! See you later."

I flicked his forehead.

"Ouch! That hurts."

"Of course it will hurt. The fuck you were saying to him?  Inviting him to dinner. Have you gone mad?" I was mad. How can he just invite Jungkook without my permission. And he also said, i need to talk to him.

"Yoongs, I'm hurt." Namjoon made a sad puppy face.

Ugh!! Curse his face. That damn sad look always melts my anger.

"You can't get away with that look now. I'm immune to it. Tell me, why did you invite him." I asked folding my hands across my chest, and not looking at his face. Because, if I look at his face, i will just accept everything.

"Yoongi, Namjoon placed his hands on my shoulder and looked at me right in the eyes, a soft look on his face. I know you. I know that you want to talk with him, spend time with him. So, that's why i did this."

"Sometimes, I don't know whether to kick you in the ass or hug you till you can't breathe." Namjoon just laughed hearing this and hugged me.

I'm so thankful to him. The best person in my life other than my sister.

"Now, I'm leaving. Prepare food for Jungkook. Bye!" He just took his coat which was thrown on the sofa carelessly.

"Hey! You can't leave just like that. Help me in cooking."

"Sorry darling, this is your night. Do all the hardwork. Love you! Bye!" He winked at me as he opened the door to leave.

"I hate you!" He just laughed at this and closed the door leaving me to sulk.


Who doesn't love Namgi🤎

Who doesn't love Namgi🤎

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