Chapter 1

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It's midnight. I cannot sleep. The tap is dripping and Cruz is sit-sleeping in the corner. My demon. If this storm outside doesn't destroy my house, killing me with it, then he will. I stand up to close the tap and walk back to bed. I switch off my lamp when suddenly he awakens. His red eyes fixed on me with a confused look on his face.
"Finally going to bed, I see," he said.
"Yes, I just finished my work."
My go-to excuse for when I can't sleep. He knows and never questions, so he closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep. I cover myself with blankets and drift to sleep. Winter still has a few tricks up her sleeve.

I awaken the next morning to find that he's gone.
"Freedom," I thought.
I walk into the kitchen to find that he made himself some lunch with my pet mouse.
"Sorry, Ivan, but you know that demons can't eat human food."
"That was my favourite mouse! You already ate Hatty, Patty and Glen and now Glow! You know I'm allergic to cats, dogs and feathers! I'm going to be all alone now!" I yelled.
"You've got me, genius. You're not alone."
He was right, as usual.
"Do you know how many failed relationships I've had because of you?"
He flipped his right hand to my direction and showed three fingers with the doorman finger in the middle.
"They can't handle me. Not even Luci himself could handle me. That's why I'm here; as punishment. Cursed to be your demon for the rest of your miserable life."
Again, he was right. Cruz was one of Lucifer's worst demons. He was an aristocrat back in Hell until he slept with his wife, Lilith. Then, he was sent to live with me until I die. I was just starting high school at the time. When a demon is banished to Earth, God, Hell and the whole of Earth will know. So I was known as "demon boy". High school was a nightmare. Everyone made fun of me. I was relentlessly bullied by The Terrible Trio: Chad, Trent and Jason. Trent was the leader. I went from the clumsy kid to demon boy in a second. I lost all my friends and only had Gunter Goodwill, the quiet kid, as a friend. We work as translators and our boss was none other than Mr. Trent Briskwalker himself. The bully himself. He was, is and will always be an asshole. Cruz walks out the door to get more food for himself because, in his words,"The rat wasn't enough."

I hate it when he calls my pet mice "rats". In Hell, there are no mice. Just rats, bats, dragons and other demonic creatures. I lock up and climb into the car. I need to get to work before Briskwalker throws a tantrum.

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