A happy ending

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Back with the heroes...

Savy holds him down

The rat king tries to get free*

Smarty catacyslmed his necklace*

Savy caught the akuma and everything is fixed*

Rat king turns back to Beryl*

Beryl: Ow my head....

Smarty- Ey little guy. Whats your name ?

Beryl: I'm Beryl the mouse.

Smarty- You wanna come with us ?

Beryl: Sure!

Issac and Herman untied Sash and Anne*

Herman smiles and hugs Anne.

Sash- Babe !

Issac hugs her*

Sash- I seen you make up to Herman... Im proud of you babe

Issac: Thanks honey

The cops came and arrested Dylan and his gang, except for Sorrel*

Smartt- Hey. Where's that rabbit girl?

They look as they hear giggling. They see Shadette and Sorrel coming out of the smoothie shop drinking smoothies

Shadette: Sorrel and I became friends

Smarty- We can see. Nice bangs.

Sorrel turns red.

Sorrel- Uh Thanks

Herman: You okay Anne?

Anne smiles.

Anne- Of course I am.

Anne smiles and kisses him

Herman blushes and kisses her back*

Florabelle & Lexy- Awwwww !

Herman picks up Anne bridal style as the song "love lift us up where we belong"

Sorrel smiles sadly.

Shadette: Don't worry, we'll help you find love.

Sorrel-( Smiles ) Thanks , Shadette.

Smarty- Come on. Let's go home.

They all went home*

The End

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