Jenny's pokemon

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With Maisie and her friends , they hang out around Toon Town

Tito: I'm glad I'm ungrounded now.

Jenny- (Chuckles) Good. Lucky I didnt get grounded at all and thats because I called my mother !

Spike: Sweet, and my mom let's me keep Dioskilos.

Dioskilos barked happily*

Wirher- So wait Jen if your Mom has pokemon do you have Pokemon too?

Jenny- Me? Of course I do!

Samantha- Can we see them?

Jenny- Um...

Ice cube: Please?

Jenny- Okay then Check out my Dedenne !

They looked*

Dedenne- Dedenne !

Snips: Awwwwww!

Dedenne- Dedenne !

Maisoe takes out hos pokedex.

Pokedex- Dedenne. An electric mouse pokemon.Its whiskers serve as antennas. By sending and receiving electrical waves, it can communicate with others over vast distances.

Cake: Cool.

Jenny- Wanna see my others ?

Crush: Sure.

Jenny- Okay , Mawile come on out !

Then a dark Fairy type girl pokemon female Mawile come sout.

Mawile- Mawile !

Snips: Awwwww!

Jenny then summons her mythical Marshadow pokemon.

Shrimp: Awwww, cute little guy.

Jenny- Okay. Here is my shiny male Snivy , Regal !

Regal- Snivy !

Octavia: Hi.

Regal smiles.

Jenny- Here is my girl Squirtle Perlette !

Jenny then summons her pink girl squirtle.

Perlette- Squirtle !

Priscilla: Awwwww!

Jenny- Here is my pink Butterfree Blossom !

The girl butterfree appears.

Blossom- Free ! Free !

Blaze: Whoa!

Blossom- Free ! Free !

Blaze gasped and realizes he has a boy butterfree

Blaze: Hey, I have a boy Butterfree!

Tito: You didn't tell me you got a pokemon!

Blaze- Thats because Im way ahead of you.

Blossom- Free ?

Blaze took out his pokemon*

A male butterfree with a western hat comes out

Blossom looks

Maisie: Awwwww!

The boy Butterfree sees Blossom

The male Butterfree went to her*

Blossom- Free ?

Tito: Your pokemon likes her.

Jenmy-( Chuckles ) I know ! Its cute ! Oh I have two hybrid pokemon !

Spike: Really?

Jenny- Yep ! Come on out ladies !

Then two pretty hybrid pokemon appeared.

Sakureon- Sakureon !

Cereon- Cereon !

Dioskilo's tail wags*

Jenny- Guys this hybrid is Sakureon and the dark one is Cereon.

Maisie: So cute!

Sakureon shyly approaches her

Maisie; Don't be scared.

Sakureon- Sakur ?

Maisie pets her*

Sakureon smiled and purrs.

Cereon looks at Dioskilos

Dioskilos sniffs her*

Cereon backs away

Dioskilos gives her some flowers*

Cereon- Cere ?

Dioskilos whimpers*

Cereon gently takes the flowers.

Cereon- Cere

Dioskilos wags his tail*

Jenny- And here are my last pokemon : Blaziken , Volcarona , and , Alomomola

They are amazed*

Jenny- The rest of my pokemon are foster and at my house

Crush: Cool!

Jenny- Okay guys come back in.

Cereon and Dedenne whined.

Jenny- Okay not you two.

Cereon and Dedenne cheered before everyone else got in their own pokeballs.

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