Chapter 6~ Alex Summers

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"I agree you should." I turn to look on the other side of the fenced ring a man with blonde hair and a cheeky smile.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I ask suspiciously.

"No you don't but you don't have to know someone to give them a compliment." He says. He makes his way to the entrance of the ring and waits. "Or buy them a drink." I laughed.

"Touché." I say smiling and Alex's holds open the gate and I walk out of the ring. "I should at least get your name."

"Alex." He holds out his hand. "Alex Summers."

"Nice to meet you Summers. I'm Y/n and you're going to buy whiskey for me. Correct?"

"Correct." And I shake his hand. We walk over to a table and order our drinks.

"So why are you here Alex? You don't seem like the type to be at this kind of establishment." I put my hands up gesturing around the place.

"Why don't you see for yourself." He said and took one of my hands to his forehead were phrases like

We need mutants.

Fighting what's ahead.


We found one.

I gently take my hand away from his head.

"What are you fighting?" I ask.

"Some kind of Anti Human club. Hellfire club some call it but what it really is eradication of humans to make more mutants."

"So, your group is what exactly?"

"We don't really have a specific name yet. Although Charles has been throwing around the letter X a lot. Maybe X-Men or X-Force?"

"To me it sounds X-tremely boring." And Alex chuckles a little at my pun. I must admit it was rather cute. If he wasn't here on business it would've been must more preferable. "I'm not fighting for you. I heard your brain I'm not going to risk my life for some crime fighting bandits with no name."

"You know when Cerebro went across your location, you pinged the highest. The strongest ping that almost broke the damn thing. I know who your dad is and he also turned down our deal. Maybe it runs in the family...or maybe it doesn't." Alex says the last three words with a slight tone that made me uneasy and Dad turned down this offer and never mentioned it? Why wouldn't he?

"I know I'm powerful but Dad always taught me one thing, you fight to survive and if this group wants to make more mutants well I have no quarrel with it because I'm already a mutant. Real question is why are you fighting so hard for this?" Alex was silent for a minute like he was contemplating weather or not to tell me something and then he spoke.

"First off, Cerebro doesn't measure by power. It measures by X-Gene. Cerebro went crazy because it measured 4 times the amount of X-Gene there usually is. Sorry to break it to you but you aren't normal. Not even a mutant normal. You're something different, something made. And second, people will die and that's reason enough." I'm quiet for a moment trying to digest what Alex just told me. I felt myself blocking out everything about me being a different type of mutant and felt myself going over everything in my head trying to figure it all out, breaking it down piece by piece.

"Same people who put collars around us and call us names." I finally settle on. Not wanting to drudge up this case of me being irregular.

"Still people. And not all of them are bad. Some are good and kind and are willing to help us." Alex sighed and looked at his watch. "Please just reconsider and maybe you'll learn more about what you really are. Since guessing by your pretty face you had no idea." And Alex slid over a card with his number on it and got up.

"Going somewhere?" I asked him.

"Well it's silly really, I kinda have a curfew. Can't be out to late with pretty girls can I?" He said and I laughed.

"No I guess you can't."

"Hey, Y/n do me a favor and actually think about this. We could really use you."

"I-" I was about to protest but maybe when the shock wears off of everything he said tonight I could think clearer.. "Maybe. But don't count on it." Alex sadly smiled.

"I do hope we meet again Y/n." He says and walks away. And I relize something this whole time..he knew I was telepathic.

"Wait! How'd you know I was a telepath?!" I yelled after him.

"Lucky guess!" He says and I smile softly. Alex Summers was definitely special I'll give him that. I pocket the card and go to find Dad. I have a lot of questions and I have a feeling he can answer them all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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