Bone daddy?

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a long and loud sigh escaped the white-haired 14-year-old boy as he leaned into the tree he was sitting under.

this boy was none other than Bell Cranel the protagonist of the anime "is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon?" or simply "danmachi" for those who are too lazy to type/say the full title.

or rather, it's someone who woke up in the body of Bell Cranel! yes, that's right! this guy is... a reincarnation!


Yeah, I know, the plot twist is shocking, most likely some of you probably died from shock at that sudden and original idea. Don't worry tho, I will make sure to bring nice flowers to your funeral.


the original Bell is most likely dead, and the new bell was just lucky enough to reincarnate into him. And just like in 99% of other fanfics, this reincarnate got his own "cheat ability".

a lottery system.

he hated it

now some of you might be wondering why Bell didn't like his cheat...well, he had a lottery spin for free every day, and he got reincarnated 4 days ago, so let me list off what he got so far.

day 1: a used condom.

day 2: the curse of truth (he is unable to lie, he can tell only the truth)

day 3: a coupon for a free milkshake from a restaurant he never heard of.

day 4: a pet rock (he named him Bob.)


"Alright, just...let's get this over with..." the boy said with a defeated tone as he summoned the system screen. The blue game-like window flashed into existence with a simple question written on it.

{do you wish to use your daily spin?} he read and prepared himself for another potential disappointment.

"wish me luck bob." he told his pet rock while patting him on the...body? he just pats the rock, okay! "use daily spin" Bell declared and watch the text on the game window freak out.

He could feel a pit forming in his stomach, his throat tightening, hand clenching on Bob. Bell felt both the feeling of hope and nervousness as the text began to slow down.

when the text stopped completely, and his reward was chosen. Bell shot up from his sitting position to a standing one! he looked at the game window with his eyes wide and mouth hanging open.

{Art of Dark Heaven and Earth (the breaker)}

"This...holy shit." the breaker is a martial arts manga/manhwa about some random loser learning martial arts. y'know, the typical.

there is a twist to that world, however, because you see, in that world, the fighters "cultivate" KI to do some crazy shit. like smashing a boulder, or turning their body into something as tough as iron!

and the dark heaven and earth technique is the best method of gathering KI! People quite literally hunted down the teacher of the main protagonist for that technique!


alright, it was not ONLY because of that reason, but it played a major part at some point in the story.

A lone sniff escaped Bell's lips. "Bob.." the boy said as he looked at the stone beside him. "I finally got something good!" he cried out and hugged his only friend in this cruel world of monsters and God's.

"Alright let's start this." he immediately went into a Lotus position and followed the instructions in his head. Bell silently thanked the ROB that sent him here that a sudden gain of knowledge isn't painful like described in all those fanfictions he read. After that silent prayer, Bell's breathing changed, it followed the specific pattern described in his new memories.

he sat there, under that tree, just like a Buddha, not even the rain stopped him from his "meditation", not even the cold winds! The weather was not a bother to him at all! he has a mission to fulfill, he has Ki to gather! and after a long and painfully boring day of KI gathering...

he got absolutely nothing at all.

"What did I expect?" he said as he let himself collapse on the ground. "the MC of that manga straight up cheated by taking magic KI drugs, I have nothing like that. I would take longer to progress" raising his arm, Bell reached into the sky and stared at his hand.

A small smile made itself known on his face.

"I'm screwed aren't I?" that question didn't need any answer. Honestly, Bell might've found such a situation amusing when looking at it through a monitor screen, but here, in real life? this shit is terrifying! Bell didn't have the determination of the original MC! He didn't have his talent! Hell, he doesn't even know how to fight! All the knowledge about fighting went away with the Original Bell! The dagger on his hip was useless to him!!!

"God damn it, without even any fighting experience I don't have any changes of being taken into any familia!" this was frustrating, he spent 4 days sleeping on the streets of Orario, his Valid was mostly spent on food and water, but it's running dangerously thin! If a miracle doesn't happen then he will soon be forced to beg on the streets for money!

"Fuck!" he yelled trying to vent out his frustration.

<the king of death feels pity for you>

'ex-fucking-scuse me?' Bell thought bewildered at the pop-up.

<the king of death wants to trade a "tier-2 spells ticket's X5" for the "Art of Dark Heaven and Earth">

<do you accept?>

tier-2? spells? king of death? Bell while at first bewildered, quickly caught on to what is happening.

"...bone daddy Ainz?" he questioned uncertainly.

<the king of death somehow chocked on the air despite being a skeleton>

'holy shit, it is him!' his eyes went wide, and his heartbeat was quicker. Ainz was watching him? how? why? wait, does that even matter? Bone daddy is willing to help him out! this isn't an opportunity to be wasted!

"I accept the deal!" with his declaration, all the knowledge of the art of Dark Heaven and Earth left his brain. "use all tickets!" he told the system before it even had the time to declare the transaction to be successful.

Ten game-like windows pop-up in front of his face, all of them had a constantly changing mess of text on them. Bell quietly crossed his finger and hoped for the best.

His rolls were... amazingly good!

{lesser dexterity}

{lesser strength}


{Acid Arrow}

{Summon Angel 2nd Tier}

two buff spells, two offensive spells, and a summoning spell? seeing this, Bell had only one thing to say.

"thank you, bone daddy, I will be forever grateful" as he said this, a lone tear escaped from his eye, and he swore in his heart that as a recompensation he will make sure everyone In Orario will know the stories of Ainz and his tomb of Nazarik.

<the king of death is yelling at you to stop calling him that.>

Danmachi: Bell Cranel adventurer extraordinaire!Where stories live. Discover now