Chapter 7 - Comfortable Silence

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Authors Note: I know last chapter was super short, so had to give you the next one! Drink your water and enjoy friends!

You were delighted that Enji stuck to his word and called you in the morning, when he looked over his schedule, to figure out when he could see you again. You both figured out that he has Sunday off this week and made plans to see each other. He asked you this time if he could pick you up and you agreed. Both of you were so excited for your next date with each other.

Throughout the rest of the week and into the weekend, you two talked a lot. You were honestly a little surprised how much contact you've had with him, knowing his busy schedule, but he never made it seem like it was ever an issue.

He also always knew around what time you went to bed, and would call you to tell you, "Goodnight beautiful, get some sleep." Your cheeks would always hurt from how much you grinned, after your goodnight phone calls with him. You loved the fact that he always made the effort.

When you talked with him Saturday night, you asked him what you should wear for your date. He hasn't told you what you're doing and has been keeping a secret all week. He says, "Just casual. Whatever you normally wear."

And anytime throughout the week, you would ask him what you two were doing, he'd always just say, "I can't ruin the surprise, darling."

Sunday morning, 10 o'clock on the dot, there's a knock at your front door. You open it to answer and are met with 2 giant bouquets of flowers.

Enji lowers them so you can see his face. He smiles brightly at you "Morning darling." You chuckle, "Morning, what's with these?"

You move to the side so he can walk in. He says, "I realized the other day I didn't bring any flowers for you for our first date so there's one for that and another for this one."

You take one of the bouquets out of his hand. You laugh, "Enji, this is half the size of my body!"

You look at them and see he got you red roses and he's holding a bouquet of pink peonies, your favorite. You never told him they were though. He chuckles nervously,"Sorry, I might have gone a little overboard with them at the flower shop.

You smile at him, "They're perfect, thank you. Do you mind if I put them in water first before we leave?"

"If you want to. You look absolutely beautiful today too, darling." Your cheeks warms at your jeans and knit sweater combo. "Thank you."

He follows you into your kitchen. You see the flowers down on the counter, while you look for 2 vases. You ask,"Why'd you pick peonies?" He answers, "I was struggling figuring out another flower and the florist recommended them."

His eyes widen and panics, "Do you not like peonies? I can get you different ones!" You laugh when you finally find the vases. You set them on the counter and walk over to him and touch his arm, "I said they're perfect, silly. I was asking because peonies are my favorite flowers."

He looks at you in shock, "Really?!" You giggle before walking away and filling the vases with water. "Really. I don't have a preference for color as long as they're peonies. But I love the roses too."

You fill the vases with water and add the flowers. You walk over to him and reach up to cup his cheek. He leans into your warm touch. "I love them. Thank you." He turns his head and kisses your palm, sending shivers down your arm. "You're welcome."

He grabs your hand and lowers it down, but he doesn't let it go. "You ready now?" You nod and give his hand a little squeeze.

You grab your purse and your keys and head out. You have to let go of his hand to lock your door, but you grab it again, after you lock the door, and try to interlace your fingers together the best you can with his large hand. You both don't say anything as you walk to his car.

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