Chapter 15 - The Sports Festival Part 1

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Authors Note: Holy shit! Thank you all so much for over 10k reads! Your support means the world to me! <3 I hope you all continue to enjoy this Endeavor story! much love, -alyssa <3

Bright and fresh the next morning, you and the Todoroki family head over to the stadium where UA's Sports Festival is being held. It feels surreal when you're walking up to it, maneuvering around the booths out front to get to the right entrance. You forgot just how large of an event the Sports Festival really was.

You lock your arm tightly around Fuyumi's arm. She looks at you a little confused as she watches you rapidly scanning the crowd. You quietly say to her, "Don't let go. I'm gonna get lost if you do." She laughs as you two continue to walk together. "I'm sure we'll be able to find you with that bright shirt of yours." She teases and you pinch her side in retaliation. You thought it would be a good idea to wear your 'UA Alumni' t-shirt, feeling a little sense of pride while you were here, but it just so happened to be a bright neon color.

You follow Touya's lead as he walks you through the pro heroes and families section, Natsuo and Enji following behind you and Fuyumi. You were a little anxious about all of the people that you didn't even catch their stares at you. More so at the legendary Endeavor and his beloved family, but you were the newest addition that turned some heads. There hasn't been any more tabloid articles about you since that morning, though you could honestly care less. None of that mattered to you, and as of right now, your focus today was on supporting Shoto.

There was a section on the upper levels of the stadium that was reserved for the top 10 pro heroes and their invited guests, and it was directly across the stadium from the UA student section. You finally make it to your seats and feel like you can breathe a little now that you were out of the way of the majority. The crowd's cheers were already starting to roar across the stadium, waiting for the students to come out. In particular, the students of 1A that fought against the villains as the USJ. You knew why everyone in the world would want to watch them, but you try not to think about that day anymore or else you can start to sense the worry coming back again.

Touya leans back in his seat, a few down from you, and asks, "Hey Y/N?" You lean back and turn your head to the right to him. "Did you compete in the sports festival when you were a student?" You nod. "Yeah, made it into the top 3 every year." His eyes widen in shock and you purse your lips together. "Touya, I was a nerd who lacks any kind of hand eye coordination. You really think I'd embarrass myself like that?" He nods his head and raises his eyebrows, realizing the point you were making and that you were absolutely right.

Enji, who sits on the other side of you, grabs your left hand and kisses the top of it. "I'm sure you would've kicked all of their asses my love." You bark out a loud laugh. "HA! Someone's trying to be funny!" You both smile at each other and it leaves a cozy feeling inside of your heart that you're able to tease each other and his kids like that. Even though everything about your relationship was relatively new, it never felt like it was with him and the family.

"Hey Endeavor!" A bright and loud voice shouts from behind you. You look around him and see a familiar face. You smile brightly, "Rumi?" She looks at you in shock and even her ears perk up a little. "Miss Y/N! Hi!" Rumi, aka the Rabbit Hero Mirko, shuffles her feet through the empty row behind you. You turn around and stand up on your chair to give her a hug. "How are you?" You ask and she squeezes you tightly in her hug, almost too tight. You forgot how strong she was. "I'm good! Scoping out the kids this year for my agency!"

Touya and Enji look over the family to each other, extremely confused. Touya's been close friends with Mirko for years and has never mentioned knowing you to him or to Enji. Enji interjects your small chatter. "Wait, how do you two know each other?" You turn and smile at him, now eye level. "Her nephew is in my class. She picks him up sometimes."

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