Chapter 16 - The Sports Festival Part 2

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Author's Note:
And we're back baby! Thank you all so much for waiting for an update and I hope you lovelies enjoy! <3

The first rounds of student battles were starting. You were shaking out the nerves and cracking your fingers anxiously. Touya teases, "Y/N, you know you're not the one fighting right?" Natuso laughs a little. You snap your head and glare at him. Enji warns his son, "Touya..." You see Touya just turn his head back to the arena, he and Natsuo sinking into their seats a little.

You all watch all of the students go back into the main arena and see the brackets for the battles. You see Shoto's first opponent is someone named Sero. 'Shoto's got this. He's got this.' You keep mumbling and repeating this in your mind like a mantra.

Enji sees how anxious you are for Shoto, and for an odd reason, the thought warms his heart. He witnessed how your relationship with Shoto was starting to become deeper, further beyond a son and his dad's girlfriend- one that was more maternal. He's seen the encouraging talks you've given Shoto when he trains, and how you genuinely care for Shoto and the rest of his children as well.

While you're waiting for the battles to start, you don't see Touya slip away from his seat. He maneuvers down to the main floor and sneaks past the security to go where the students' waiting rooms are. He hears Shoto's voice and waits for him in the hallway. Shoto walks towards the stage and sees Touya leaning against a wall. Shoto asks annoyed, "What do you want?"

Touya reacts annoyed as well. "What are you doing out there Shoto? It's time to stop this childish rebellion against our old man. It's your job to surpass me and him as a hero. Do you understand what I'm saying? Look, you're different from me. From Natuso and Fuyumi."

Shoto asks, "Is that all you have to say to me?" Touya realizes his brother is not in the right state of mind to listen to his advice. Shoto says with passion, "I'll win this match and advance only using Mom's quirk. I won't give you or Dad the pleasure of seeing me use my flames."

Touya sighs, "Even if that works for you in this tournament, you'll soon find the limits of that power." Shoto just keeps walking away, determined to prove his brother and father wrong.

It's finally time for Shoto's fight. Present Mic announces, "But at the expense of some creepy-looking elbows! From the hero course, it's Hanta Sero! Versus! An easy front-runner in the competition, who's way too strong for his own good! Someone who rightfully got into the hero course based on recommendations! It's Shoto Todoroki! And now for the second match of the finals! Ready? Begin!"

Immediately, his opponent Sero, shoots something out of those elbows of his, capturing Shoto and flinging him across the arena as if he's nothing but a rag doll. Shoto keeps his head down the entire time and then you see him look up for a split second before his right foot comes down.

Quickly, the ice forms on the ground and spreads upward into a humungous ice sculpture. It shakes the entire stadium from the sheer size of it. My jaw drops and you're sure that the entire audience holds the same expression.

"Cold! So cold!' You hear someone yell, from the audience section next to you. Enji wraps his arm around you, warming his entire arm so you don't freeze. Shoto's ice went directly above the student section and even several feet over the top of the stadium. You never knew he was capable of something so strong. So powerful. And this was his first round. And it ended so quickly.

Everyone in the stadium was silent, in total shock from what they just witnessed. Shoto breaks through the bindings he was in, with ease, since they were frozen too. Pro Hero Midnight asks, "Tell the truth Sero, can you move at all?" Though you were wondering if she could even move since she was half frozen too.

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