•You Overblot•

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(I know this is dumb but bear with me)

(I wont be able to do everyone in this,i think two dorms per chapter or one depending on the situation)

• Scarabia •

• Kalim •

-he Never thought That this would ever happen he just like with Jamil thought it was his foult and nearly got himself Keller while trying to get you back to You're scences wich as you can guess did not work at all.

-when he found out That it was not his foult he calm down but Not enouguf for the Rest to stop him from nearly getting killed jet again. He Made a rather big dent in You're Overblot Form. Don't ask how.he just did the Rest were just shoked at the big ink mess infront of them

-he used his unicue magic that coused you to Fly like roughfly 39 feet away. You were defeted in one blow of Kalims magic.

-you did Not want to hurt him even when you were Overblot . You could't find youre will to do that so he had the upper Hand in Situation.

• Jamil •

- He knew how it felt to be in that situation. What he did not expect that you had magic the mirror had said you din't have any the mirror was never wrong and the fact that you nearly blew a intier dorm away was the most shoking how were you so strong?

-He tried and empasis on Tried to calm you down wich only resulted in a broken arm unfortuantly that was his arm wich he performed magic with. Things did not good from there but in the end he manegde to help Kalim wich he reluctantly did scence the entiere you know ... but those diffrences were put behind the moment you Overblot wich surprisingly even took longer to defete than any of them but then again you took a building out of its routs and nearly threw it in the air with all the people inside

-he was really releaved when they saved you from that situation that had took place but he din't get of well sence he had a broken arm nose and 2 rib cages

-he was really releaved when they saved you from that situation that had took place but he din't get of well sence he had a broken arm nose and 2 rib cages

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(Made my me 😌)

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