Hubris and Hunger

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I don't normally write burps, but there's one in this fic because another person roleplayed Amity and I kept it in when I wrote it as a fic.

Also, please don't read if you view vore as a kink!

Thanks in advance! <3


The force of Hunter's spell knocked Luz to the ground for good. He let out a triumphant laugh, before he quickly got her tied up. "I told you you would be no match for me, human!" He held his staff proudly. "I've gotten used to fighting with my new... old staff?" He shook his head. "My palisman staff!"

Luz grumbled something to herself, but Hunter didn't care to listen. "Now I just need to find the little Blight..." He used a spell to make Luz float a few meters above the ground. Just high enough that her feet couldn't reach it. "I have your human now, Blight! If you want to save her; give up and hand yourself over."

In his overconfidence, he didn't notice the abomination goo slithering around to catch his legs. It snared around his leg, before he was thrown on his back, dropping his staff. "Ow!" He writhed in the constricting goop, trying to grab his staff. "Flapjack!" The bird turned back to his living form, but was quickly caught in a gooey fist. Flapjack tried to break free, but he was stuck. "Blight! Let my palisman go!"

His hood was suddenly ripped off his head and a liquid poured over him. It trickled coldly down his neck, making him shiver. "Gah!" He squeezed his eyes shut and felt his mask being torn off by something. The chill subsided quickly and he gasped in a breath. "What did you-" He didn't finish his sentence, because the moment he opened his eyes; his question was answered. "You shrunk me!" he shrilled.

Amity stood above him, rolling her eyes, before she grabbed him by the back of his shirt and scowled. "No-one EVER threatens my Luz and gets away with it..."

Hunter swallowed nervously. "W-well, I wasn't actually going to hurt her!" He yelped as Amity pretended like she was going to drop him. "Human- I mean- Luz! We're friends, right? You won't let her hurt me, right?"

Luz only rolled her eyes at him.

Amity smiled smugly, lifted Hunter above her face, and licked her lips. "I wonder how you'll taste?"

Hunter stopped moving and felt like his heart did the same. "Taste?!" he exclaimed and writhed harder than he had before. "No way; you're not going to do that!" But the witchling opened her mouth and tilted her head back. "You're crazy! Let me go!" His eyes widened when he felt Amity blow out a breath of laughter. "Wait, no! I meant-"

He didn't even get a chance to correct himself, as he was dropped into her wide-open mouth.

Her teeth snapped shut around him, before he could try to squirm back out. Her mouth was slimy and she was clearly drooling over his taste on top of it. "You sick freak!" he screamed, kicking her in the throat. "Spit me back out!"

Amity squeaked in surprise, but it didn't change him being trapped in her jaws.

Her tongue pinned his legs to her palate. "Wait, Amity!" He squirmed, realizing the seriousness of his situation for real. "Don't kill me!" But her tongue only lowered him down to adjust and push him into a better position to swallow. "No! Please, don't swallow!" He winced, as he was ignored.

A loud gulp sounded around him, as half his body was squeezed into Amity's throat. He didn't have time to think of a way to get Amity to let him out of her throat, before she swallowed again.

He was sealed into her throat and one last gulp sent him down. Her gullet pressed him down deeper into her body. It was slick with drool and he was starting to feel tears running down his face. Of all the ways he could have died, why did it have to be like this?

It only took a few seconds, before his feet slipped through the opening of her stomach and the rest of him soon followed. He kicked the walls of her belly as hard as he could. "Please!" He screeched in desperation. "Let me out!"

Amity's stomach contracted slightly, as she let out a small burp. "Excuse me." She laughed and Hunter wanted to scream in every emotion running through his brain. Dread, frustration, hopelessness, disgust... But his brain felt like it had been thrown into a pit of feral beasts and put back in his skull and no noise came from him. "Are you alright, Luz?"

He could hear some noises that sounded like speech from outside Amity's body. But what did he care... He was a dead witch.

"No! No, of course not, Luz! I'm just going to keep him in there for a few hours to teach him a lesson."

Hunter perked up. "Wait what?" He thought it over. "No, let me out now!" He was supposed to be back soon and he couldn't afford another major failure. "Please-" But he was either ignored or they couldn't hear him.

"Well, let's head back... I've had enough trouble for one day." Hunter's heart sank, before he heard Flapjack chirp and Amity yelp. "Ow! No, I won't let him out now! Get off me!"

He smiled to himself. "Good job, Flapjack!" At least his palisman was showing Amity who was boss. "I'll give you some treats when I'm out of here."

He could hear his palisman chirp something. "I'm going to follow you two until you let him out!" He couldn't help the feeling of comfort that swelled up in him. "Thanks, Flapjack..."


Thanks for reading!

Have an awesome day/night! <3

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